Mycenaean Culture Flashcards
Describe the lion dagger
- ornamental dagger
- intricate image of lion hunt
- three lions, four people (one dead on floor)
- using spears, shields, bow and arrow
Where and when was the lion dagger made and found? What is it made out of?
- 16th century BC
- Grave 4, Grave circle A, Mycenae
- gold, silver, niello
What would the lion dagger would have been used for?
- ornamental object
- almost certainly belonged to king as status symbol
Why were lions hunted?
- hardest challenge hunter could face = thrill of doing something dangerous
- military training (practice strategy)
- show of status
Describe the fresco found in Tiryns depicting hunting
- vivid blue background
- three dogs with brown spots chasing golden brown boar through a field
What were boars hunted for?
- tusks to make jewellery/ helmets
- meat for food
- threat
hunted by less wealthy Mycenaeans
Describe the signet ring
- two people on a chariot
- one archer, one driver
- hunting deer
What does the signet ring show about hunting in Mycenae?
- deer hunted for food
- large portions of meat
Describe the drinking cup
- one side cows being driven into nets
- other side cows are domesticated, calm around farmer
What does the drinking cup show us about hunting in Mycenae?
- cows are hunted
- domesticated for farming tasks (ploughing)
- milk production, consistent food source (made into cheese)
- cows used for cow jumping
- leather for armour, shields, shoes
Which two pieces of armour changed significantly over the Mycenaean period?
- helmets
- shields
What was the difference between older and newer shields?
- older shields = figure of eight + tower shields
- larger
changed- too heavy, would bang knees on shield
What were shields made of and why?
- leather to stop arrows, slides off (cheap)
- bronze (expensive)
- some had bronze boss to hit people with
Describe the boar tusk helmet
where was it found?
- layers of boar tusks with leather base for comfort
- boar tusks = strong
chamber tomb in Mycenae
What are the disadvantages of using a boar tusk helmet?
- each helmet used the tusks of at least ten wild boars
- hard/ dangerous to hunt (Odysseus got hurt hunting a boar in book 19)