odysseus and stuff Flashcards
home of odysseus and son?
ithaca and telemachus
King of Pisa and father of Hippodamia
how does pelops win chariot race? both variants
- seccret weapon golden chariot with winged steedss gift from poseidon
- bribes myrtilus who removes linchpin but wants to have sex with hippodamia so pelops kills and myrtilus cursess him
Who was pelops? what was his shrine called?
Pelopion was shrine
what does pelops create and who are his kids?
Creates olympic games
Kids are: atreus and thyestes
What do atreus and thyestes fight over? and who were they?
kids of pelops who fight over the kingdom of mycenae. Atreus claims right as elder brother and oracle tells him to use golden fleecced ram as proof, then thyestess sleeps with Aerope, wife of atreus so atreus gets cheesed and feeds thyestes his kids.
Who does thyestess bed and who is their kid?
Thyestes beds pelopia HIS SISSTER WTF LOL and they have aegisthus
who were the kids of Atreus? how were they significant?
Agamemnon and Menalaus kings of Mycenae and Sparta respectivley
Who was wife and kids of agamemnon?
wife was clytemnestra and kids were orestes electra iphigenia and chrysothemis
Why was iphigenia sacrificed?
to launch greek armada and gain favourable winds and appease artemis
in variant was rescued by athena and taken to tauris
What ploy did clytemnestra use against agamemnon?
takes aegisthus as lover while agamemnon iss away at war and they kill him together
what was the aeschylus trilogy and what did it persist of?
1st play was AGAMEMNON:
clytemnesstra and aegisthus murder agamemnon and cassandra forsees his doom and her own
2nd play was called ORESTEIA:
involved agamemnon, libation beareres, Euminides. Orestes was exiled as child and appointed to avenge fathers murder. Electra was confined at home and encourages orestes in his duty. orestes murder fam and goes crazy by erinyes.
3rd play was called EUMINIDES: last of the oresteia trilogy and erinyes pursue orestes to delphi where he seeks purification and absolution. first is granted by apollo and must go to athens for second. Orestes pleads before the areopagus (athenian homecide court) and is prosecuted, erinyes are appeased and become euminides the happy ones.
What are the Euminides?
Happy ones from erinyes
Who was leda and the swan and what happened to her and who were her kids
wife of tyndareus king f sparta, zeus showed up as swan and they have 2 eggs 4 kids
polydeuces and helen
castor and clytemnestre
who were the dioscouri
“sons of zeus”
polydeuces: immortal boxer
castor: mortal son of tyndareus and tamer of horses
Who is helen and how does odysseus solve the issue w her rejected suitors?
most beautiful woman ever and most heroes want to marry her and tyndareus is worried abt rejected suitors so odysseus puts 2 conditions so fix after he negotiates marriate to penelope.
- all suitors must listen to tyndareus decision
- if helen captured all suitors must go to rescue her
Who does tundareus choose as husband of helen?