class 101 Flashcards
Where Helius pastures herds Circe had warned Odysseus Do Not Touch Cattle Odysseus’ crew disobeys Trapped on island without food Slaughter a few head
Island of Thrinacia
King & Queen of Phaeacians
Alcinoüs & Arete
s sent on journey § To Pylos: § King Nestor § To Sparta: § King Menelaus § Odysseus: § Dead or Alive? § Odysseus still lives!
Atthena disguises as beggar
Reveals himself to Eumaeus & Telemachus
§ Keeps identity secret from Penelope
§ Meets with her as beggar
§ Gives her hope
Archery contest for Suitors
§ String Odysseus’ bow
§ Shoot arrow through row of 12 axe heads
§ Penelope had revealed plan to ‘Beggar’
Penelopes Plan
§ No Suitor can even string bow
§ ‘Beggar’ does so easily
§ Forced to clean blood-soaked hall
§ Then hanged for disloyalty
§ Had slept with Suitors
§ Had insulted ‘Beggar’ Odysseus
12 sservant girls
how does Penelope Tests Odysseus?
Asks Euryclea to move marriage-bed § Built by Odysseus out of live olive-tree § Cannot be moved § Odysseus of course knows this! § Penelope now sure of his identity
roman name of odysseus
King of Argos; father of Danaë
Danaë’s child will kill Acrisius
Acrisius’ Solution:?
imprison danae
How is Perseus born?
Zeus enters chamber and pregnates danae after falling for her
Where and by who are danae and perseus rescued after sent adrift? And who is king of that issland?
Island of Seriphos
All Must Give King a Horse, what does Perseus give?
Head of Gorgon
Graeae means what? what did they share between them and what do they reveal to perseus?
Grey ones, 1 Eye & 1 Tooth Between them
whereabouts of the three nymphs
3 Nymphs give Perseus:
Cap of Invisibility
§ Winged Sandals
§ Leather Pouch
2 immortal gorgons 1 mortal who was the mortal one? what was her speccial ability? who kills her?
Medusa, can turn to stone, perseus
from Decapitated Body of Pregnant Medusa:
Chrysaor: ‘He of the Golden Sword’
Pegasus: Winged Horse
who was Andromeda? what was her mothers boast and the following punishment?
Daughter of:
King Cepheus & Queen Cassiopea
More beautiful than Nereids
Poseidon floods Kingdom
Sends Sea-monster
Andromedas betrothed and child of union
Phineus and perses
How does Perseus Rescues Danaë
Turns Polydectes to Stone
§ Makes Dictys Ruler of Seriphos
what did perseus Returned to Gods
Sandals, kibisis, Cap: to Hermes
Gorgon Head: to Athena
How does Acrisius die
Errant discus kills Acrisius
Sent to Lycia with Sealed Letter
‘Kill Bearer of Letter’
Sthenboea falls for him but is rejectted who?
what was bellerophon queest? name and what did creature contain?
Kill Chimera Hybrid Creature: Lion-Head Serpent-Tail Goat-midriff
How does bellarophon fall?
Attempts Ascent to Mt Olympus On back of Pegasus Zeus Annoyed at Hubris Sends Gadfly Pegasus Bucks Bellerophon Falls Bellerophon Survives Crippled
What does “glory of hera” mean in greek?
What is boeotia and trachis?
Birth and some adventuress
Final adventures and death
Geographical assosiactions of Heracles?
Mycenae, Tiryns
what does hercules wear and what weapon does he use?
Wields Club & wears Lion-Skin
How was hercules concieved?
Zeus lusts after alcmena (granddaughter of perseus) and disguises himself as her husband AMPHITRYON and sleeps w her and she has 2 kids, Hercules (son of zeus) and iphicles (son of amphitryon)
what did zeus boat to hera about heracles? and what does hera do in ressponse?
My Descendant born that day
§ To rule over all
Hera delays Heracles’ birth
Hastens Eurystheus’ birth
What doess heracles do for eurystheus?
Performs Labours for Eurystheus
how was the milky way created? and what does hera do in retaliation?
from heraccles ssuckling on heras breasts too hard, hera releases serpents and hercules throttles them in crib
Why was heracles troubled?
Kills music teacher, Linus, with lyre
50 Daughters of Thespius
Sleeps with 1 each night
Variant: all 50 on 1 night!
Who was heracles firstt wife, how many kids and what did hera maake him do?
Megara, daughter of Creon, King of Thebes
1st wife with whom he has 3 kids
Heracles Maddened Hera drives him mad and he murders entire family
why does heracles perform his labours? how many and where does he go for them and what does he gain if completed?
§ In expiation for killing family
12 Labours for Eurystheus
What are the 12 labours called in greek?
12 Athloi
where do the first 6 labours take place?
What is the first labour of hercules and how does he complete it?
Nemea (N.W. of Mycenae)
Kill lion; bring back skin
Kills with club
Second task of hercules? what and how?
Lernaean Hydra For every head cut off, 2 more grow
Cauterizes stump § Buries immortal head beneath boulder
3rd labour and how and where?
Cerynean Hind
Hind (= Deer) sacred to Artemis
Tracks it for 1 Year
§ Must not harm it
4th labour?
Erymanthian Boar
Trapped with nets
side deed of labours?
called : Parergon
§ Pholus the Centaur
Entertains Heracles with wine
Other centaurs attack; killed by Heracles,
Chiron, wise centaur, wounded in melee , Exchanges immortality with Prometheus
5th labour
Augean Stables
Augeas, King of Elis (N.W. Peloponnesus)
Owned vast herd of cattle
Had never cleaned stables!
‘A River Runs Through It’
Heracles cleans them by diverting 2 rivers
6th labour
Stymphalian Birds
Flock of birds
Heracles flushes them out
With castanets given him by Athena
Shoots them all
what are the last 3 labours of heracles conneccted with?
Conquest of Death
7th labour?
Cretan Bull
§ Bull Rampaging throughout Crete
§ Overpowers Bull
§ Rides it back to mainland
8tth labour?
Mares of Diomedes
Diomedes, King of Thrace Son of Ares
Mares feed on … human flesh!!
Heracles feeds them their master
another paragon connected to 8th labor?
Heracles entertained by Admetus
Wife, Alcestis, recently deceased
Heracles wrestles Thanatos ‘Death’
Brings Alcestis back from dead
9th labor
Girdle of Hippolyta Hippolyta: Queen of Amazons Hippolyta offers Heracles Girdle Sign of sexual submission Hera intervenes Disguised as an Amazon Announces Heracles’s Abduction of Hippolyta Amazons attack Heracles & companions Heracles strangles Hippolyta
10th labour
. Cattle of Geryon
3-Bodied Monster
Heracles kills them all
where does Cattle of Geryon live
Island of Erythia
11th labour
Apples of Hesperides
‘Daughters of Evening’
Guard Tree bearing Golden Apples
who does heracles have to fight to find the 3 daughters
wrestle with Nereus
12th labour
3-Headed Hell-Hound Most difficult of all Labours Most clearly Conquest of Death Meets Theseus & Pirithoüs Brings Cerberus to Eurystheus
who does herculess rescue from cerberus fight
Rescues only Theseus and not pirithous
who does herccules marry second?
why does shercules fight centaur nessus and what does he do with his dying breath
§ Nessus Helps Deïanera across river § Attempts to rape her midstream Convinces Deïanera Blood is Love Potion § To prevent Heracles from loving Another § Blood later causes Heracles’ death
why was heracles sosld into slavery and drag dressed
heracles loved iole but eurytus said no so heracles kill ioles brother and wresltes apollo and is sold into slavaery by zeush for 1 year and is bought by omphale queen of lydaians and they become lovers and change clothes
how does hercules die
deianera learns of hercules love for iole and dips robe in poisoned blood of nesssus cuz thinks its love potion and hearcles is burned and cannot remove robe and dies. funeral pyre is on mt oeta and deianera commits suicide
how is heracles deified
mortal flesh is burned away and immortal spirit ascends to olympus. he is reconciled with hera and marries hebe (youth)
what is the choice of heracles in choice between pleasure and duty
§ Heracles chooses Duty
§ Paradigm of Roman Stoic
what are the 3 athenian boasts?
- Autochthonous
§ “[Born from] Earth Itself”
§ Snake as Symbol - Descended from Cecrops
§ Mortal King
§ Athens, a.k.a. Cecropia - Descended from Athena
§ City of Athens
what did cecrops introduce?
Arts of Civilization § City-Building § Burial § Monogamy § Abandoned Human Sacrifice
what does hephaestus try to do to athena?
Tries raping sis!
§ Semen falls upon Earth
§ Up springs Erichthonius!
what does erichthonius mean?
“Very Earthy”
who was erichthonius and who did athena give him to?
King of Athens raised by athena
given to Daughters of Cecrops and athena warns to not look inside, they disobey and see snake shaped child, go insane then kill themselves by jumping off acropolis
who was athens greatest hero?
most dominant polis?
region where athens is situated?
Who was aegeus and what happens to him at troezen?
he was Avatar of Poseidon and Childless king of Athens
king pittheus of troezen gets him drunk and has him sleep with his daughter aethra
what is aethras dream?
Sacrifice at nearby island and poseidon sleeps w her and there is dual paternity like in the case of heracles concetpion
How was theseus similar to heracles?
had to do 6 labours
first 2 labours of theseus?
- Epidaurus
§ Kills Periphetes - Isthmus of Corinth
§ Kills Sinis
3rd and 4th labours of theseus?
- N. of Isthmus of Corinth
§ Village of Crommyon
§ Kills Monstrous Sow - Near Megara
§ Sciron
§ Forces passers-by to wash his feet
§ Boots them over cliff; devoured by gigantic turtle!
5tth and 6th labours of theseus?
- Eleusis
§ Cercyon
§ Former Local Hero
§ Out-Wrestles Wrestler - Between Eleusis & Athens
§ Procrustes (“Stretcher”)
§ “Procrustean Bed”: conformity through extremity
what happens upon theseus homeccoming?
aegeus new wife medea tries to poison theseus beccause he is a threat to medeas son medus. recognition by aegeus and medea has to flee on dragon drawn chariot
what was the bull of maratthon?
bull formerly known as cretan bull ravages plain of mararthon so theseus cacptures and brings to athen and sacrifices to apollo delphinus.
how did king minos get his revent and what was the treaty?
minos invades attica cuz son androgeos was killed in attica and 7 young men and women are sacrificed tyo minotaur.
how did thesues stop minos and why?
He stoped him from raping woman but minos calls zeus to drop lightning from sky and minos challengess theseus and tosses ring into sea to test thesus divin paternity.
who falls for theseus and is a daughter of minos? and how does theseus use her?
Ariadne and theseus uses her to escape labrinth
who does theseus slay aftter escaping labyrinth?
how and why does theseus become king of athens?
aegeus hurls himself into sea whicch becomes aegean sea and thesseus becomes king of athens and makes it capital
why do amazons invade athens?
because of heraccles 9th labour theseus share is antiope and they have child hippolyta so amazons invade and athenians win
who was pirithous and why was he important to theseus?
he was king of lapiths and they helped each other find wives (daughters of zeus) helen and persephone
Why does heracles have to rescue theseus?
theseus and pirithous have to katabasis to kidnap persephone and are trapped so heracles rescues Theseus but pirithous
hubris too great
who was daedalus and perdix?
daedalus was skilled craftasman and inventor of athenian royalty
perdix was assistant to daedalus who invents saw. daedalus kills him cuz he was jelaous of perdix and is exiled to crete because of this.
what does daedalus build and who is trapped in it?
labyrinth and it is a cage for the minotaur
what does daedalus fasion and what does it lead to?
fasions wings of feathers and wax and his son icarus tries to use them, neither too high nor too low is warned but warning is unheeded and he falls to his death