Odontogenic tumors Flashcards
name the cardinal histologic features of odontogenic epithelium (4)
- palisading of the basilar epithelium
- palisading epithelial cells have antibasilar nuclei
- palisading cells have a basilar clear zone within the cytoplasm
- centrally, odontogenic islands are comprised of polygonal cells with long intracellular desmosomal bridges reminiscent of the stellate reticulum
which of the 4 cardinal histologic features of odontogenic epithelium is absent in CAA?
stellate reticulum-like cells
what are the 4 architecture arrangements of odontogenic epithelium?
- plexiform ribbons
- round follicles
- anastomosing trabeculae
- ink drop structures
which architecture arrangement of epithelium is pathognomonic for odontogenic epithelium?
ink drop structures
what is required to produce mineralized dental matrix in a tumor?
an odontoblastic component
(because of the process of reciprocal induction, there must be ameloblasts to signal odontoblasts to make dentin which in turn signal ameloblasts to make enamel).
what does the term ‘‘odonto’’ imply in a tumor name?
the tumor has mineralized dental matrix (thus an odontoblastic component)
what does the term ‘‘fibro’’ imply in a tumor name?
derived from the dental papilla
what is a mixed tumor?
when the neoplastic odontogenic epithelium is capable is capable of inducing the develpoment of dental papilla-like ectomesenchyme
how does a pathologist determine what the umor type is?
first by identifying if odontogenic epithelium is present. Then by identifiying if there is a component of either dental papilla derived tissues, mineralized dental matrices or dental follicule derived tissues.
what odontogenic tumors present with odontogenic induction?
ameloblastic fibroma feline inductive odontogenic tumor ameloblastic fibro-odontoma odontoameloblastoma odontoma
which odontogenic tumors lack odontogenic induction?
POF conventional ameloblastoma CAA Amyloid producting ameloblastoma odontogenic myxoma cementoblastoma nodular hypercementosis
what are the malignant odontogenic tumors?
ameloblastic fibro-odontoma ameloblastic fibrosarcoma ameloblastic carcinoma Odontogenic myxoma primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma (wiggs)
What is the other name for amyloid-producing ameloblastoma?
amyloid-producing odontogenic tumor (APOT)
what is the most common odontogenic tumor in dogs?
what breeds may be overrepresented when it comes to CAA?
golden retrievers
cocker spaniels
shetland sheepdogs
what tissues does the CAA originate from?
rest of serres
what are the unique features of CAA on histo?
- does not demontrate stellate reticulum-like features.
- has an internal sheet of interlocking polygonal epithelial cells reminiscent of the epithelial cells of the stratum spinosum of the skin or oral mucosa ( This is what the term ‘‘acanthomatous’’ refers to)
what type of ameloblastoma commonly features cystic degeneration?
conventional ameloblastoma
what differentiates CAA from conventional ameloblastoma
CAA does NOT present with the stellate-reticulum-like cells
other cardinal signs of odontogenic epithelium are present in both
what tumor presents in the cat associated with an unerupted maxillary canine?
feline inductive odontogenic tumor
what odontogenic tumor appears in young (8-18 months old) cats?
feline inductive odontogenic tumor
what odontogenic tumor looks like a honeycomb on x-ray?
odontogenic myxoma
what is the only tumor derived form the ectomesenchyme of the dental papilla?
myxomatous tumor of the jaw
odontogenic myxoma
what are the 3 mixed odontogenic tumors?
ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
what would be the difference between odontomas and odontogenic dysplasia?
odontoma: neoplastic or hamartomatous lesion
Odontogenic dysplasia: (elodontoma) caused by inflammation
what odontogenic tumors arise in young animals?
feline inductive odontogenic tumor
what odontogenic tumors is often associated with a deviation from the normal quantity of teeth?
what are the 2 types of odontomas and what is the difference?
compound: rudimentary tooth-like structures, advanced differentiation
complex: disorderly comglomerate of odontogenic germinal tissues
what is apthognomonic for compound odontoma?
what type of dontongenic tumor is often compared to a harmatoma?
compound odontoma
what does FEPLO stand for?
fibromatous epulis of periodontal ligament origin
same lesion as POF
what is the second most common odontogenic tumor?
where does FEPOL/POF arise from according to bell?
PDL or gingival ligament at the site of gingival attachement on the tooth
what is the anatomic predispostion for POFs?
rostral maxilla
caudal mandible
what are the histologic characteristics of POF?
- variably dense and proliferative mesenchymal cells embedded in a collagenous stroma reminiscent of PDL/gingival ligament
- variable amounts of odontogenic epithelium
- trabeculae of variably mineralized cemento-osseous matrix.
- is foremost a lesion of proliferative mesenchymal cells with features of PDL‐ derived fibroblasts. The bulk of the lesion is fibrous mesenchyme.
what odontogenic tumors are benign but locally agressive?
conventional ameloblastoma
amyloid-producing odontogenic tumor
feline inductive odontogenic tumor
what is the enamel organ?
structure that produces enamel
includes the outer enamel epithelium, the stellate reticulum and the inner enamel epithelium.
what is the stellate reticulum?
central region of the enamel organ
what is the dental lamina?
specialized invagination of the embryologic gingival epithelium that gives rise to the enamel organ
what is the dental follicle?
ectomensenchymal tissue that envelops the enamel organ and dental papilla
what is the dental papilla?
ectomesenchyme that gets induced by odontogenic epithelium, gives the pulp
what ‘‘structure’’ gives rise to the enamel organ?
dental lamina
what ‘‘structure’’ gives rise to the pulp and odontoblasts?
dental papilla