Non-odontogenic tumors Flashcards
What is the typical population of a dog with oral melanoma?
Mean age of 10.5–12 years. (11yo)
Cocker spaniels, Labrador and Golden retrievers or
dog with heavily pigmented oral mucosa.
According to the TNM clinical staging, what are the M stages?
M0 = no evidence of distant mets M1 = distant mets present. You’ve just won stage 4!
According to the TNM clinical staging, what are the ‘‘T’’ stages?
Tis = tumor in situ T1 = tumor < 2cm at max diameter T1a = without bone involvement T1b = with bone involvement T2 = 2 to 4 cm, add substage a and b T3 = more than 4cm, add a and b. This makes you a stage 3 at minimum.
According to the TNM clinical staging, what are the N stages?
N0 = regional LN non palpable (mandibular, retropharyngeal, parotid) N1 = movable ipsilateral LN N1a = no evidence of mets N1b = evidence of mets N2 = movable contralateral LN, add substages a and b N2b (You’ve just upgraded to stage 4!) N3 = fixed LN (Also makes you stage 4)
According to the TNM clinical staging, what does stage 1 mean?
Tumor less than 2cm, no mets in the LN.
According to the TNM clinical staging, what makes a patient stage 3?
Tumor more than 4cm or met to the ipsilateral LN
According to the TNM clinical staging, what automatically makes a patient a stage 4?
Distant metastasis, contralateral LN met or fixed LN
from what location in the mouth do melanoma typically arise from?
tongue, gingiva, and mucosa
what are the differential diagnoses for oral melanoma?
round cell tumors (lymphoma, mast cell tumor, histiocytoma, plasma cell tumor)
anaplastic sarcoma/carcinoma
osteogenic tumor
where do melanomas arise from?
at the epithelial/subepithelial interface of the mucosa (where melanocytes generally reside in normal tissue).
what are chow-chows and shar peis at risk for?
melanoma of the tongue
which location of melanoma has a better prognosis?
what is the potential for metastasis for oral melanomas and where do they go?
potential is high (53-74%)
regional lymph nodes (cervical/ mandibular)
distant sites like the liver or central nervous system.
what treatment is indicated for oral melanoma?
surgery with 2cm margins
Associate these tumors with their mean age at presentation in dogs:
7-9yo, 8-9, 9-10, 10-12
Fibrosarc 7-9yo
SCC 8-9 yo
Osteosarc 9-10yo
Melanoma 10-12yo
which tumor may present with history of non-healing extraction site?
what tumor may resemble OSCC on histo?