Odes 1.37 Nunc est bibendum Flashcards
accipiter –tris m.
a hawk
adurgeō –urgēre — —
o pursue closely, to press against
of time, before this time, before now, formerly, hitherto
āter atra atrum
black, dark
audeō audēre ausus sum
to dare
avītus –a –um
of a grandfather; ancestral, ancient (> avus)
bibō bibere bibī
to drink; toast; visit, frequent (w/river name); drain, draw off; thirst for; suck, (fig.) wound
Caecubum –ī n.
Caecuban wine
Caesar Caesaris m.
Caesar; often Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar
Capitōlium –iī n.
the Capitol
catēna –ae f.
chain, fetter
cella cellae f.
storeroom, (wine) cellar, larder; temple chamber; sanctuary; room, garret; pen; cell; monestary
citus –a –um
classis classis f.
class/division of Romans; grade (pupils); levy/draft; fleet/navy; group/band
columba –ae f.
pigeon, dove
combibō –bibere –bibī —
to drink completely up, to absorb, to imbibe
contāminō contāmināre contāmināvī contāminātus
to defile, pollute, stain
corpus corporis n.
with (prep. +abl.)
daps dapis f.
a feast, banquet; food, viands; flesh of sacrificial victims; usually found in the pl., but the gen. pl. is not used.
dēdūcō dēdūcere dēdūxī dēductus
to lead/draw//pull/bring/stretch down/away/out/off; escort; eject/evict (claimant) divert/draw (water); draw (sword); spin; deduct/reduce/lessen; describe; deduce launch/bring downstream (ship); remove (force); entice; found/settle (colony)
dēlīberō dēlīberāre dēlīberāvī dēlīberātus
to consider, deliberate
dēmēns dēmentis
mad, raving
while, as long as, until; provided that; since
ēbrius –a –um
drunk, intoxicated; riotous
ēnsis ēnsis m.
expavēscō –pavēscere –pāvī —
to be terrified, fear greatly, dread
fātālis fātālis fātāle
fated, fatal
ferōx ferōcis
wild, bold; warlike; cruel; defiant, arrogant
fortis forte
brave; strong
fortūna fortūnae f.
fortune, chance
fūnus fūneris n.
burial, funeral; funeral rites; ruin; corpse; death
furor furōris m.
madness, rage, fury, frenzy; passionate love
generōsus –a –um
of high lineage, noble–blooded, generous, renowned, famed (> genus)
grex gregis m.
herd, flock; troupe of actors
Haemonia –ae f.
Haemonia (poetic name for Thessaly)
humilis humile
iaceō iacēre iacuī
to lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
ignis ignis m.
imperium imperiī n.
power, authority, command; empire
impotens –entis
powerless; lacking in self–control; headstrong, wild, violent, intemperate
invideō invidēre invīdī invīsus
to envy, regard with envy/ill will; be jealous of; begrudge, refuse (+ dat.)
Italia Italiae f. (in poetry the first I can be long)
lepus leporis m.
a hare, rabbit
līber lībera līberum
free (man); unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute; unconstrained, unrestrained, unencumbered; licentious; idle; w/abandon
Liburna –ae f.
a light, fast-sailing vessel, a Liburnian galley
lymphō lymphāre lymphāvī lymphātus
to dilute with water; to craze; (participle) lymphatus, a, um: mad, distracted, frenzied, furious
Mareōticus –a –um
Mareotic (pertaining to a lake near Alexandria)
mēns mentis f.
mind; intention, purpose; attitude
minuō minuere minuī minūtus
to lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate
mollis molle
soft (cushion/grass); flexible; mild, tolerable; easy; calm; weak; cowardly; unmanly; pathic; tender (women/youths); peaceful; kindly; impressionable
mōnstrum mōnstrī n.
omen, monster
morbus morbī m.
sickness, illness, weakness; disease; distemper; distress; vice
mors mortis f.
in a womanly manner, like a woman
mulier mulieris f.
woman; wife; mistress
nāvis nāvis f.
nefās n.
(what is divinely) forbidden; sacrilege
nivālis –e
snowy; snow–covered; snowy (> nix)
ōra –ae f.
shore, coast; region, district
ōrnō ōrnāre ōrnāvī ōrnātus
to equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim
parō parāre parāvī parātus
to prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan
pereō perīre periī peritūs
to perish, die; pass away, be destroyed, be ruined; go to waste
pēs pedis m.
foot [pedem referre => to retreat]
prīvātus –a –um
private; personal; ordinary
pulsō pulsāre pulsāvī pulsātus
to hit, beat
pulvīnar –āris n.
a couch on which images of gods were placed at a banquet offered to the gods
quīlibet quaelibet quodlibet (or quīlubet, etc.)
whoever or whatever you please; anyone, anything
redigō redigere redēgī redāctum
to drive back, reduce; realize (by selling), call in (a loan)
rēgia rēgia f.
a palace (> regius, a, um, sc. domus)
rēgīna rēgīnae f.
rēmus rēmī m.
reparō reparāre –āvī –ātum
to get again, acquire anew, recover; (in Hor. Carm. 1.37) reach
ruīna ruīnae f.
fall; catastrophe; collapse (of a building), destruction
saevus –a –um
cruel, savage
Saliāris –e
of the Salii (dancing priests of Mars)
one may know, certainly; of course
serēnus –a –um
serene, calm
serpēns –entis (gen. pl. serpentum) m./f.
a creeping thing; snake, serpent (> serpo)
sodālis sodālis m.
sōspes –itis
saved; safe; alive
superbus superba superbum
arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
tellūs tellūris f.
tempus temporis n.
timor timōris m.
tractō tractāre tractāvī tractātus
to draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss
triumphus triumphī m.
turpis turpe
foul, ugly; base, shameful
ūnus –a –um
1, alone; single
velut or velutī
even as, just as, like as, like (in a comparison)
vēnātor –ōris m.
a huntsman; venator canis, a hunting–dog (> venor)
venēnum venēnī n.
poison; drug
vērus –a –um
real, true, actual, genuine
vir virī m.
man; husband
vīsō vīsere vīsī vīsus
to visit, go to see; look at
hardly, scarcely
volō volāre volāvī volātus
to fly
vultus vultūs m.
expression; face