Catullus 101 Flashcards
accipiō accipere accēpī acceptus
receive, accept; hear
adimō adimere adēmī adēmptus
remove, take
adveniō advenīre advēnī adventus
arrive at, come to
aequor aequoris n.
a smooth expanse; hence water, the sea
alloquor alloquī allocūtus
speak to, address
auferō auferre abstulī ablātus
carry away
hail!, greetings!
cinis cineris m. or f.
ash; burned-out funeral pyre
dōnō dōnāre dōnāvī dōnātus
give, dedicate
flētus fletūs m.
weeping; tears
indīgnus –a –um
unworthy; undeserved
īnferiae īnferiārum f.
offerings made to a dead person’s manes; rites in honor of the dead
in the meantime; with adversative force, in these circumstances
much, a lot (adverb)
multus –a –um
much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many
mānō mānāre mānāvī mānātus
flow, run, frip
mōs mōris m.
custom; manner, (pl.) morals
mūnus mūneris n.
function, duty, task; gift; favor
mūtus –a –um
inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent
to no purpose, in vain
perpetuus –a –um
continual, everlasting, perpetual
postrēmus –a –um
priscus –a –um
ancient, olden, old-fashioned, archaic
rel. since
however, nevertheless
trādō trādere trādidī trāditus
hand down, consign, entrust, pass on
valeō valēre valuī valitus
have strength or health; be effective; (imperative, vale) farewell!
vehō vehere vēxī vectus
convey, carry, transport