Ode to a nightingale Flashcards
summary stanza 1
listening to the birds song has made him too happy
so he is drowsy
stanza 2
wants to nescape with the nighting gale
wine will allow him to do so
stanza 3
still adressing the bird - if he could fly away with the nightingale he could escape being human
the human world of beauty and love never last
stanza 4
he can fly to the nightingale through wine
or through poetry
even if his human brain might slow him down
he think about a forest
stanza 5
speaker describes the forest setting
Romantic nature descriptions
stanza 6
as he listens to the nightingales songs he reflects that it would be the perfect time to die
half in love with death - especially in his poetry
however death would prevent him from listening to the nightingales song which would carry on regardless
stanza 7
he calls the nightingal immortal
the birds song is the same one heard throughout history
stanza 8
reminded on his lonliness
says goodbye to bird
he questions whether it was real or a dream