Ode on a Grecian urn Flashcards
summary stanz1
the speaker adresses the ancient urn he is looking at
the artwork has lasted milenia ( eternally through slow time )
he compares this to his own art form poetry
gives hints to what the stories are depicting
stanza 2
looking at the urn
the speaker praises the unheard melodies
is the anticipation better than mortality
eternal images
but not actually able to e.g kiss
stanza 3
calls tree happy since its leaves will not fall
lovers happy since they are immortal
the love of mortals on the other hand
stanza 4
different scene on the urn
# sacrificing a heifer / cow
stanza 5
finally the speaker addresses the urn itself
exclaiming that it will outlive his generaton
but contine to repeat its message to mankind
“ beuty is truth truth is beauty that all ye need to know
ekphrastic poem
a poem written about a peice of art