od početka do Daniela Flashcards
DEF the age of reason
european intellectual movement that celebrates the power and uses of reason
economic changes - the age of reason (Britain, industry,
- Britain dominant trading empire, first nation to industrialize
- Internal economy still largely based on agriculture
- Rise of the middle class
- SLAVE TRADE - unpaid and free labor
- peasant economy replaced by capitalist production
- accumulation of wealth based on capitalist exploitation
rationalism - the age of reason
power of reason and knowledge gained of experience
(reasonable to use slaves)
source of knowledge - SENSE experience
religious belief that God created the world but does not control it
rationalism - the rise of the novel
source of knowledge - REASON
negation of emotion
focused on emotion and emotional worlds
focus on order, elegance, harmony and exclusion of emotion
*** novel as a new genre was not appreciated
when did novel emerged, and when did it became dominant form and genre in terms of readership
late 17th century
18th century
portrayal of life with fidelity
early influences for the rise of the novel
“Travels of Sir John Mandeville”
“The Unfortunate Traveller”
other name for coffee houses
penny universities (coffee for 1 penny)
first coffee house (where, when)
Oxford, 1650
when London’s first CH
opiši malo te coffee house
- distinct clientele
- central place of 17/18th century culture and commerce
- reserved for men
- later turned into exclusive private member clubs
major representatives of the rise of the novel (9)
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genres of the rise of the novel (9)
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šta su žene radile na početku kad su pisale priče
- secret publishing deals
- published anonymously
- published under pseudonyms
Aphra Behn par stvari reći
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Aphra Behn - prvo delo i ostalih par
“Oroonoko” - critique of the slave trade (1688)
* epistolary novel - “Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister”
Delarivier Manley
political satire and explicit sexual content
the mother and father of english novel
Aphra Behn and Daniel Defoe
Delarivier Manley dela
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Frances Burney dela
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“Evelina” šta se radi i ko je napisao
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novel of manners - šta je i ko je započeo
Frances Burney krenula
It represents the manners of the social world.
what is new kind of litetature that Daniel invented
it emphasizes the significance of private experience
daniel defoe šta je sve bio
tradesman, journalist, novelist, pamphleteer, spy
prvo uspešno delo daniela
The True-Born Englishman
inspiration for robinson crusoe i godina izlaska
colonial contact with other cultures, castaways’ and travellers’ tales
genre robinson crusoe
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interpretations of robinson crusoe
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par dela od daniela
The Adventures of Captain Singleton
Colonel Jack
A Journal of the Plague Year
Memoirs of a Cavalier
moll flanders pisac, godina, i glavna tema
Daniel Defoe, 1722, representation of low life, story of a modern heroine
term satire origins
Latin satira, later form of satura
quintilian term
poem in heameters
Swift’s definition of satire
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- self-appointed guardian of standards, ideals and truth
- expose all sorts of social and moral problems in (society at large) or (in a particular social group)
- an expression of protest
- to correct, censure and ridicule the follies and vices of society
early greek poets and dramatists
Archilochus, Hipponax, Aristophanes
rome poets
Lucilius, Horace, Juvenal
2 basic classes of satire and their fathers
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kinds of satire
manippean, horatian, lucilian, juvenalian
menippean satire specifikacije
mixes verse and prose, caricature of parody
golden age of satire
end of the 17th and much of the 18th century in european literature
preffered mode of expression in satire (2 writers)
Alexander Pope - verse
Jonathan Swift - prose
why was end of the 17th and much of the 18th century golden age of satire
satirist wanted to protect civilization and culture (from abuse, aberration, corruption) by exposing and ridiculing problems in society (materialism, hypocrisy, cruelty, political issues)