Oculomotor system lesion Flashcards
Oculomotor nuclei
Located in ro strab midbrain, with projections shown in red
Trochlear nuclie
Located in caudal midbrain, with projections shown in red
Abducens nuclie
Located in caudal pons with projections shown in red
3 fibers of the midbrain
Projections of CNIII
CN4 as they exit the midbrain
They Criss cross each other as they exit the midbrain on the dorsal side
Left CN4 nucleus innervate
Right SO
Where are the UMN for voluntary eye movements
Parietal-occipitotemproal area
visual cortex
Lower motor neurons
These are the neurons that actually innervate the muscle
Projections to CN 3 nuclei are
Projections to the CN4 are
Projections to the CN6 are
To the contralateral side
Circuitry for horizontal gaze
- The CN6 nucleus drives activation in the contralateral 3 nucleus
- function:L when one 6nucleus is going to abduct the ipsilateral eye (lateral rectus), it activates the contralateral 3 nucleus and medial rectus
- VI nucleus projects to contralateral III nucleus by sending axons across the midline, then ascending up the MLF
- PPRF=paramedian pontine reticular formation a. Projects to ipsilateral 6 nucleus
- this circuit is recruited during both voluntary horizontal gaze and by reflex horixtonal gaze drive by the vestibular system responds to head movement
- left motor cortex projects down ipsilateral corticonuclear (corticobulbar) tract, through cerebral peduncle and basilar pons, then turns horizontally and crosses midline in pons to activate right PPRF, which activates right 6 nucleus
- right motor cortex projects down ipsilateral corticonuclear tract, through cerebral peduncle to basilar pons, and then turns horizontally and crosses midline in pons to left PPRF, activates 6 nucleus
- analogous to how motor cortex targets contralteral anterior (ventral ) horn in spinal cord
Clinical significance of the vestibulo-ocular reflex
- can be used to evaluate the brainstem oculomotor system in an unconscious or unresponsive patient
- in a conscious cooperative pateitns with conjugate gaze palsy, VOR testing can be used to test the integrity of the brainstem conjugate gaze circuitry . If the VOR is intact, suggests the conjugate gaze plays is the result of an UMN lesion, e.g. lesion in a cerebral hemisphere, rather than a brainstem lesion
- can be performed by the examiner moving the patient’s head: cools head maneauver, or oculocephalic testing. Also by caloric testing
Review of how horizontal canal detects lateral head turn
Decrease in firing of the right CNIII firing from the hair cells
Increase in firing from the left CNIII to the right CN 6
Damage to the FEF and internal capsule
Only voluntary eye movements affected
- impairment/loss of voluntary gaze to left or right, but intact VOR
- pure CNIII functions (adduction) or CN3 and CN4 functions (vertical gaze) likely spared due to bilateral projections from intact hemisphere (FEF)