Ocular Imaging Flashcards
What are the 3 layers of the globe?
Outer layer = cornea and sclera
Middle layer = iris, ciliary body and choroid`
Inner layer = retina
Which imaging modality is best suited for imaging of the globe?
Imaged from rostral approach through cornea (transcorneal or transpalpberal)
What type of probe should be used when ultrasounding the globe and why?
High frequency (10-15MHz) linear probe - gives best anatomic detail
Frequency of the probe affects the spatial resolution and depth of penetration of the ultrasound beam.
Small/superficial structures best imaged with high frequency transducer that does not need large depth of penetration.
Linear probe allows broad field of view for examining the whole of the globe at once.
What are the 3 chambers seen on ultrasound of a normal globe? What is their appearance?
Anterior Chamber
Posterior Chamber
Vitreal body
Anechoic in appearance
How does the cornea present on ultrasound?
Single or double hyperechoic line with anechoic middle portion
1st line = corneal surface (highly refractive)
Anechoic area = stroma + posterior endothelium
Limbus = junction between highly reflective sclera and low reflective cornea.
How does the posterior chamber appear on ultrasound?
Small anechoic area between periphery of the lens and this iris
Iris = thin hyperechoic structure with void in central portion for pupil
Ciliary body = at periphery of lens
How does the lens appear on ultrasound?
Internal appearance of normal lens = anechoic
Curvilinear hyperechoic reflections at periphery of lens when scanned perpendicularly.
Normal nucleus same echogenicity as surrounding lens.
Where does the vitreal body attach? How does it appear?
Thick and acellular = anechoic
Attached primarily in region of optic disc and where the ciliary bodies meet the choroid (ora serrata)
At posterior pole of lens vitreal body slightly less dense forming hyaloid canal - potential space houses hyaloid artery in the embryonic eye.
Can the retina, choroid and sclera by distinguished on ultrasound of the posterior surface of the eye?
No cannot individually identify these layers on ultrasound.
Can you use MRI/CT to image the globe? What will you see if you do use this modality?
Can be used but less detail than ultrasound
Will identify wall of globe, lens, ciliary body, anterior chamber, vitreous and region of optic disc.
Good for imaging of globe wall.
Which bones make up the bony orbit? Which structure borders the globe laterally ?
Frontal bone (dorsal and medial)
Lacrimal bone (rostromedial)
Palatine bone (ventromedial)
Maxillary bone (ventral)
Zygomatic bone (ventrolateral)
Fibromuscular orbital ligament laterally - suprorbital process of the frontal bone to the zygomatic bone.
What are the soft tissue structures of the retrobulbar space?
Optic nerve
External and internal ophthalmic arteries
Orbital plexus
Extrinsic muscles of the eyeball
Peri-orbital fat
Which structure is located medial to the zygomatic arch and ventral to the peri-orbita?
Zygomatic salivary gland
Where does the nasolacrimal duct begin and flow to?
Begins in lacrimal bone at fossa for lacrimal sac
Passes through lacrimal bone continues in canal on medial surface of maxila bone and finally opens ventral to the basal lamina of the maxilloturbinate scrolls.
Discuss the pros/cons of conventional radiography for imaging the orbit. What other use might it be helpful for?
Pros - cheap and readily avaliable
Cons - low sensitivity compared to other modalities for detection of pathology
Oblique views to skyline areas of interest as well as lateral and dorsoventral views
Uses - trauma, detection of neoplasia, metastatic screening (lower sensitivity than CT), contrast imaging e.g dacryocystography
How is ultrasound at imaging the retrobulbar space? When imaging this area which probe may be used and what else should you do?
Yes can image retrobulbar space - either via transcorneal approach or dorsolateral approach above rostral aspect of zygomatic arch.
Lower frequency (8-12MHz) preferred - microconvex gives better depth penetration so improves visualisation of deeper structures.
Ability to recognise normal anatomical structures within retrobulbar space limited and sensitivity and specificity quite low for retrobulbar disease detection.
Always image contralateral retrobulbar space for comparison.
Which modalities are better for imaging the retrobulbar space? How do these modalities compare?
CT/MRI - allow assessment slice by slice without superimposition of nearby structures.
MRI - under GA (at least 45 mins study time)
CT - either sedation or GA (<10 mins average)
CT thinner slices than MRI - can be reformatted into different planes without losing image quality
Both can identify individual retrobulbar muscles as well as normal optic nerve.
What is the modality of choice for assessment of bony structures around the eye?