Ocular Events- Red eye Flashcards
What structures of the eye go red?
- Episclera
- Sclera
- Limbus
3 causes of red eye
- Infection
- Inflammation
- Trauma
Are inflammation and infection associated together?
Always get inflammation with infection.
However, signs of inflammation do not always indicate infection.
5 signs of infection and inflammation, what is the additional 6th sign for infection?
Inflammation & Infection: Pain, redness, loss of function, heat, swelling.
Additional sign of infection: Pus
3 signs of an urgent eye problem?
- Pain
- Photophobia
- Reduced vision
True or false- cancer lesions are painless and do not affect vision generally?
Inflammatory conditions- how does the name give the hint
Usually ends with -itis or inflammatory
True or false- inflammation in one form of your body can cause inflammation in other parts of your body?
What assessements need to be carried out for inflammation and infection?
- VA
- General check of px’s eye and adnexa
- Anterior eye check with slit lamp
- Fluorescein exam
- Pupils
Are red eye conditions infectious?
The following signs and symptoms relate to?
Signs: Watery discharge, conjunctival hyperemia, swelling of conjunctiva, follicles, petechial subconjunctival hemorrhages.
Symptoms: Red watery eyes, itchy, starts unilateral and can become bilateral, flu like symptoms.
Viral Conjunctivitis
Management of viral conjunctivitis.
What to do if px complains of itchy eyes?
Lubrication + Hygiene+ px sholdn’t share towels.
For itchy eyes anti-histamines are given
What causes acute allergic conjunctivitis?
Happens due to direct contact- pollen grass animal fur.
Clinical features of acute allergic conjunctivitis?
- Sudden eyelid swelling.
- Lid oedema + erythema
- Conjunctival hyperemia and chemosis
- Watery discharge
- No papillae
- No cornea involvement
Management of acute allergic conjunctivitis?
Reassure px, resolves spontaneously in a few hours, cold compress, advise px to not rub eyes.
what do this signs suggest?
Red itchy eye, watering, mid- moderate lid oedema, conjunctival chemosis, papillae, cornea univolved?
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis Management?
Identify and manage allergen, cold compress, advise against lid rubbing
Pharamacological treatment for Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
- Tropical mast stabilizers
- Tropical antihistamines + mast cell stabilisers
- Oral histamines
Seasonal vs acute allergic conjunctivitis
Seasonal: No papillae
Acute: papillae
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis presents in?
Young children (<10)
Usually seasonal but can present all year round
Veral keratoconjunctivitis clinical features?
- FB sensation/ itching/ burning
- Mucoid discharge
- Blurred vision
- Pain
- Photophobia
- Bilateral but asymmetrical
- Conjunctival chemosis + hyperemia
- Cobble- stone papillae
- Tranta’s dot at limbus
- Punctate epithelial keratopathy
Management of vernal keratoconjunctivitis?
Avoid triggers, cold compress, tropic mast cell stabilizers if mild, severe = ophthalmology
Cause of bacterial conjunctivitis?
Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis?
- Redness
- Burning/ gritty sensation
- Crusting of lids
- Intermittent blur
- usually bilateral
Signs of bacterial conjunctivitis?
- Lid crusting
- Purent/ mucopurulent discharge
- redness- worse at fonixes
- no corneal involvement
Management of bacterial conjunctivis?
Self ressolves (7-10 days), lid hygine, remove crusts with saline, CL not to be worn, chloramophenoecol speeds recovery
This are clinical features of?
1. Lasts more then 2 weeks
2. Unilteral or can be bilateral but assymetrical
3. Lid oedema +/- ptosis
4. Gritty sensation
5. Conjunctival hyperaemia + chemosis
6. Large follicles (Starts as papillae)
7. (Superior) epithelial keratitis
8. Marginal defects
9. Superior pannus
Chlamydial conjunctivitis
Chlamydial conjuncitivis management?
Ocular lubrication, refered urgently to opthalmology or GUM
Swabs taken before starting treatment - may have other STDs
Sexual patners need to be contacted
Gonococcal conjunctivitis clinical features?
- Severe purulent discharge- starts within 24 hrs
- Lid swelling and chemosis
- Marginal ulceration of cornea that progresses rapidly
Gonococcal conjunctivitis management?
Ocular lubrication, urgent referal to opthalmology or GUM
Pre- orbital Cellulitis clinical features?
- Swollen and tenderness of lids.
- Eyelids redness
- Ptosis
- No proptosis
- Pyrexia
- Normal VA
- Pupils normal
- OM Normal
- CV normal
Pre- orbital Cellulitis management
Adults- systematic antibiotics
Children- same day referral to ophthalmology or A&E.
Hordeolum clinical features?
- Tender eye lumps
- Epiphora
- Localized redness of eyes and lids (Redness near blockage)
Hordeolum management?
- Resolves spontaneously
- Warm compress
- Surgery- rare
External hordeollum is associated with?
Acute infection of gland of zeiss or moll