- Non-specific inflammation is generally produced by the extensions of infection from neighboring structures
like the lids, lacrimal sac, sinuses, teeth and the ears.
A. Check Ligament
B. Carotico-cavernous Fistula or Aneurisms
C. Acute Orbital Inflammation
D. Central Surgical Space
A pulsating exophthalmos of rapid onset following a basal fracture involving the sphenoid and sella is a
common sign in fistula and aneurysm formation.
A. Carotico-cavernous Fistula or Aneurisms
B. Acute Orbital Inflammation
C. Check Ligament
D. Central Surgical Space
It is also called muscle cone.
A. Carotico-cavernous Fistula or Aneurisms
B. Central Surgical Space
C. Check Ligament
D. Acute Orbital Inflammation
The condensation of Tenon’s capsule.
A. Carotico-cavernous Fistula or Aneurisms
B. Acute Orbital Inflammation
C. Central Surgical Space
D. Check Ligament
A dysfunction of the pituitary can occur wherein an exophthalmos producing substance (EPS) is released
initiating cellular infiltration of the tissues within the orbit, particularly the muscular tissues.
A. Endocrine Exophthalmos
B. Central Surgical Space
C. Check Ligament
D. Acute Orbital Inflammation
The potential space between the sclera and Tenon’s capsule.
A. Exophthalmos
B. Muscle Cone
C. Orbit
D. Episcleral Space
Is an active or dynamic protrusion of the globe.
A. Muscle Cone
B. Exophthalmos
C. Orbit
D. Episcleral Space
The space formed by the recti muscles and their intermuscular membranes with Tenon’s capsule is called?
A. Exophthalmos
B. Episcleral Space
C. Orbit
D. Muscle Cone
A socket that is intended to house the eyeball for which protection and space for its movements are
A. Orbit
B. Exophthalmos
C. Muscle Cone
D. Episcleral Space
A term used for passive forward displacement or protrusion of the eyeball from its normal place.
A. Proptosis
B. Episcleral Space
C. Orbit
D. Muscle Cone
It is a chronic granulomatous inflammation of the Meibomian gland ends up in .
A. Blepharitis
B. Hordeolum or style
C. Chalazion
D. Meibomianitis
. It is inflammation of the lid margins are of two main forms, the squamous and the ulcerative.
A. Blepharitis
B. Hordeolum or style
C. Chalazion
D. Meibomianitis
. It is a local inflammatory condition that affects the skin of the lid can occur.
A. Hordeolum or style
B. Chalazion
C. Meibomianitis
D. Contact dermatitis
- Acute staphylococcal infection of the associated gland of the lids results?
A. Blepharitis
B. Hordeolum or sty
C. Chalazion
D. Meibomianitis
- It is a chronic inflammation of the Meibomian gland.
A. Blepharitis
B. Hordeolum or style
C. Chalazion
D. Meibomianitis
- It is characterized by redness limited to the lid margin and greasy scaling skin.
A. Meibomianitis
B. Squamous blepharitis
C. Cutaneous horn
D. Phthiriasis palpebrarum
- A condition wherein another row of eyelashes may appear and usually directed towards the cornea to
produced irritation, inflammation and ulceration.
A. Cicatricial ectropion
B. Myokymia
C. Distichiasis
D. Symblepharon
- Forcible closure of the lids, usually bilateral, is caused by marked contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle
and corneal lesions
A. Blepharospasm
B. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
C. Meibomianitis
D. Blepharochalasis
- It is a small, cylindrical epidermoid benign growth very often seen affecting the lid margin.
A. Cutaneous horn
B. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
C. Myokymia
D. Squamous blepharitis
- It is a yellowish white tumor may develop on the tarsal portion of the lid.
A. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
B. Meibomian Gland Carcinoma
C. Nevus Flammeus
D. Millium
- Are made of sets of gland, the mucin, the lacrimal and the oil glands.
A. Basic secretors
B. Reflex secretors
C. Daryco-adenitis
D. Congenital anomalies
- The most common tumor of the lacrimal gland is the mixed tumor.
A. Reflex secretors
B. Daryco-adenitis
C. Congenital anomalies
D. Neoplasm
- A streptothrix infection such as actinomycosis may occur in the canalicus, especially in the upper.
A. Fungus infection of the canalicus
B. Dacryocystitis
C. Evasion of the lower punctum
D. Occlusion of the punctum
- Lacrimal apparatus consist of what?
A. Secretory and excretory system
B. Secretory system only
C. Excretory system only
D. Basic secretors
- Basic secretor of serous.
A. Mucin secretors
B. Oily secretors
C. Lacrimal secretors
D. Mucin and oily secretors
- Which among the choices is a reflex secretors.
A. Mucin secretors
B. Oily secretors
C. Lacrimal glands
D. Mucin and oily secretors only
- Which among the choices is among the excretory system.
A. Goblet cells
B. Puncta
C. Lacrimal glands
D. Meibomian glands
- Attachment of the vitreous to the posterior peripheral surface of the lens.
A. Vitreous base
B. Zonular fibers
C. Ciliary process
D. Ligament of Weigert
- Which among the choices is an inflammatory conditions of the lacrimal sac.
A. Dacryoadenitis
B. Neoplasm
C. Dacryocystitis
D. Fungus infection of the canaliculus
- It is important to try to unite the cut ends of the canalicus as soon as possible in order to restore the normal
A. Fungus infection of the canalicus
B. Dacryocystitis
C. Evasion of the lower punctum
D. Occlusion of the punctum
- Commonly found in soil and contaminated water and cause painful corneal infection and ulcers in human,
usually resulting from improper sterilization of contact lenses?
A. Acanthamoeba
B. Acid-fast
C. Nematode
D. Acute inflammation
- Describing a stain that is not removed from a specimen by washing an acidic solution?
A. Acanthamoeba
B. Acid-fast
C. Nematode
D. Acute inflammation
- Ocular infections occurs because of invasion of the eye by the larvae of nematodes that are parasitic in
lower animals, most commonly the roundworms of the dog and cat?
A. Acenthamoeba
B. Acid-fast
C. Nematode
D. Acute inflammation
- It is the immediate (seconds to minutes), transient (3 to 5 hours) vascular and cellular response to injury?
A. Acenthamoeba
B. Acid-fast
C. Nematode
D. Acute Inflammation
- Characterized initially by a cellular infiltrate of lymphocytes and macrophages that occurs in some
instances of iridocyclitis?
A. Non-granulomatous chronic inflammation
B. Neutrophils
C. Eusinophils
D. Superficial infection
- Are the numerous leukocyte; the normal adult produces some 80 million new neutrophils each minute?
A. Non-granulomatous chronic inflammation
B. Neutrophils
C. Eusinophils
D. Superficial infection
- Share many functions with neutrophils but have a longer life than neutrophils?
A. Non-granulomatous chronic inflammation
B. Neutrophils
C. Eusinophils
D. Superficial infection
- Fungi may be introduced into the cornea by an epithelial abrasion or a foreign body, frequently consisting
of vegetable matter?
A. Non-granulomatous chronic inflammation
B. Neutrophils
C. Eusinophils
D. Superficial infection
- Fungal endophthalmitis after intraocular surgery originates from fungal contamination of the air in an
operating room, from the surgical instruments and solutions, or from the conjunctival sac and eyelids of the
A. Eusinophils
B. Superficial infections
C. Intraocular infection
D. Antibodies