October 2022 Day 2 Flashcards
When to use the smoker equation in distillation?
When relative volatility is 1.
When is Dittus-Boilter equation applicable in fluid flow?
What is the friction due to an unseparated boundary layer?
Skin friction
Other term for viscose rayon
Regenerated cellulose acetate
What reaction order is not affected by concentration?
Zero order
Common filter aid
Diatomaceous earth
Common suspending agents
Basis of ruth equation
Unavailability to do work
When drying banana chips under the sun, the rate of drying is faster
On a hot and windy day
Fresh orange juice problem
Fouling factor must be included in the calculation of overall design heat transfer coefficient, when the liquid
Containing suspended solids flow at low velocity
The radiation flux from the heating element at a temperature of 800 deg C, in a furnace maintained at 300 deg C is kW/m^2. The flux when the element temperature is increased to 1000 deg C for the same furnace temperature is
16.5 kW/m^2
The sum of reflectivity and emissivity for an opaque body is equal to
What equation describes the flow through a cake in plate and filter?
50% wet basis converted to wet basis is
100% dry basis