Oct 8 Flashcards
Question Response formats
Open-ended questions (+ difficult to analyze data)
Closed-ended questions: dichotomous vs. multiple category
Scaled-response questions
Considerations in Choosing a Question Response Format
Nature of the property being Measured
Previous studies/ Experiences
Data collection mode (face Mail Tel Internet)
Scale level desired (Quantity of info required)
Ability of the respondent
Developing Questions - Desirable Qualities of Questionnaire wording
Focused (1 question, 1 issue)
Brief (20 words max)
Clear to all respondents (everyday vocab +grammatically simple)
Developing Questions -
Undesirable qualities of questionnaire wording
Asking questions for people in general
Asking questions going over the ability of the consumer
Use of specific examples to represent a general case
Asking questions that lead respondents to answer in a certain
Asking questions that overstate the condition, contain ambiguous wording, or include more than one question (DOUBLE BARREL)
Questionnaire Organization
- Typical question sequence:
Screening questions Warm up questions Transition questions Complex questions Classification/Demographic questions
How to ask sensitive questions
Place sensitive questions among less sensitive questions
State usual behaviours before asking sensitive questions (Break Ice first and keep them for an advanced stage of the conversation!)
Use indirect questioning
Provide response options (income, age, weight, ethnicity)
Pretest of the Questionnaire
A dry run of the survey to detect questionnaire errors before the real survey
Cover letter
Should be effective in persuading
Assure anonymity, confidentiality, and privacy
Make prospective respondents feel good about participating