Oceans unit 4-7 practice Flashcards
What is global commons?
areas of the ocean that are classified by UNCLOS as high seas. Areas not directly under the control of a single country’s government
What percentage of the world’s oceans are classified as global commons?
How is the International Whaling Commission managing the Earth’s oceans? What did UNCLOS require of its member?
Since 1986 the IWC issued an indefinite ban on commercial whale hunting. UNCLOS requires all 168 nations who have signed to agree the ‘law of the seas’ to follow IWC guidelines
What did the IWC establish in 1994? Where and how much of the area was under the establishemen?
the IWC established southern whal sanctuary covering 50 million square km around Antarctica
Why are marine ecosystems overexploited?What is there a correlation between?
There is a clear correlation between an increasing middle-class population and the exploitation of marine ecosystems. 160 million people will be categorised as middle class in the next 5 years. People have a disposable income to spend on exotic food; tuna, salmon, caviar
How many people eat fish nowadays
today, each person eats on average 19.2kg of fish a year - around twice as much as 50 years ago. (Cod case study)
what is sustainable management of marine environments?
sustainable development meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
What’s being done on a global scale to manage marine environments sustainably?Which governmental body?
The UN in 2015 put forward 15 goals for the sustainable development of the planet up to 2030.
Which number of the UN’s 2015 targets involved oceans?
Describe the 1995 UN Fish Stock Agreement
the agreement straddled fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, signed by 59 states. Effective management and conservation of high seas resources establishing minimum international standards for the conservation and management of fish stocks
What was signed in 2023 to protect waters?What fraction of these areas cover the oceans?
in 2023 a historic treaty was signed to increase the protection of oceans to include the international waters of high seas, which cover over two-thirds of the world ocean area (Lamlash Bay - no-take zone)
Define aquaculture
the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants
Name three ways the ocean is managed
local no-catch zones
regional quotas limits
marine conservation zones
Name three sources of ocean pollution
Oil spills (Deepwater Horizon, Exxon Valdez)(Torrey Canyon)
Plastic pollution (UK rubbish exports)
Eutrophic dead zones (Mexican gulf eutrophic dead zone)
How much plastic does the UN think is in every square mile of the ocean?
The UN Environmental Programme estimates that for every square mile of ocean, there are 46,000 pieces of floating plastic