Ocean Currents Can Disperse And Concentrate Pollution Flashcards
What is the accumulation of debris in the North Pacific gyre known as?
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
What is a gyre?
Circular currents formed by wind patterns and rotation of the planet
What is the centre of a gyre like?
Usually calm and once debris is carried there it stays
What sort of debris is in the garbage patch? (4)
Yoghurt Pots
Cotton Bud Shafts
Where is most of the debris in the garbage patch?
Most at the surface but some is suspended several meters below
Why is the patch invisible to satellite imagery?
The garbage is so small and has low density
How many pieces of plastic total are there in the patch?
1.8 trillion
What is the 2050 prediction?
Weight of plastic in the oceans > weight of fish in the oceans
What % of marine debris is plastic?
Most plastic is multi-use. True or false?
How much plastic pollution occurs globally every year?
14 million tons
What decade are plastics from, which are being found in the stomachs of sea birds like albatross? And what does this say about plastics?
They are long lived
How many animals die annually from entanglement?
What is the effect of plastics on birds hormones?
Cannot reproduce
How does plastic pollution impact turtles?
They have to crawl through plastic to nest, impacts temperature of the eggs, impacts success rates of breeding
How can plastic pollution impact humans?
chemicals contained in plastics are harmful once in food chain risk can be transferred to humans
What biological process does plastic impact?
What is the impact on seals?
Large pieces of plastic can become wrapped around, which leads them to be strangled and drown
What size are microplastics?
less than 5mm
Marine debris is pollution. True or false?