OCD Flashcards
Intrusive and nonsensical thoughts, images, or urges that one tries to resist or eliminate
Thoughts or actions to relieve anxiety associated with obsession
Common OCD Subtypes
Symmetry (superstition)
*Many persons with OCD display multiple obsessions
OCD Prevalence
Affects about 3% of the population
Medication Treatment of OCD
Preferential response to SSRIs (or TCAs with strong serotonin effects such as clomipramine)
Psychological Treatment of OCD
Cognitive-behavioral therapy – Most effective for OCD
Essential: exposure and response prevention (ERP)
OCD Assessment
Obsession Scale: M=11, SD=3
Compulsion Scale: M=11, SD=3
M= 27 SD=13
CBT: Overview
Psychoeducation (specific to each subtype)
ocfoundation.org, adaa.com
Cognitive Therapy
modify appraisals and address core beliefs
Exposure and Response Prevention
confront avoidance behavior (negative reinforcement)
extinguish association between the obsession/anxiety
and the compulsive behavior
Belief Domains (Core Schema) in OCD that Shape Appraisals
Inflated Responsibility
-belief one has power to bring about or prevent negative outcomes
Over-importance of Thoughts (thought-action fusion)
-belief that the presence of the thought indicates it is important
Overestimation of Threat
-exaggeration of the probability of severity or harm
Importance of Controlling Thoughts
-belief that one must be in complete control of intrusive, obsessive thoughts
Intolerance of Uncertainty
-Belief that if not done perfectly serious consequences may occur
CONTAMINATION SUBTYPE (disgust, anxiety, guilt): Inflated Responsibility
I must remain perfectly clean to protect self and others from harm
CONTAMINATION SUBTYPE (disgust, anxiety, guilt): Over-importance of Thoughts
If I feel it is contaminated then it must be
CONTAMINATION SUBTYPE (disgust, anxiety, guilt): Overestimation of Threat
This contaminated item can lead to serious health consequences
CONTAMINATION SUBTYPE (disgust, anxiety, guilt): Intolerance of Uncertainty
I must be certain that I have not come in contact with that contaminated object
I must be certain that I’ve washed sufficiently to eliminate it
CONTAMINATION SUBTYPE (disgust, anxiety, guilt): Perfectionism
My hands, that object, etc. is either perfectly clean (safe) or contaminated (dangerous)
Treatment: Contamination
Cog Restructuring: address specific beliefs and appraisals
Systematic Exposure: – Hierarchy
Imaginal (inoculation)
Imaginal (disastrous consequences)