OCD Flashcards
What is OCD
The involvement of repetitive behaviours, a desire for cleanliness and neatness, as well as obsessive thinking
DSM 5 categories for OCD
Hoarding disorder
Excoriation disorder
What are obsessions
Reoccurring and persistent thoughts
Not based in reality
What are compulsions
Repetitive behaviours
Physical urge to perform acts to reduce anxiety
% of compulsions Vs obsessions
70% both
20% only obsessions
10% only compulsions
Behavioural characteristics
Emotional characteristics
-anxiety caused by obsessions
- guilt and disgust
Cognitive characteristics
- cognitive strategies to deal with their obsessions eg praying a lot if your religious to prevent feelings immoral
-obsessive thoughts
-excessive anxiety
OCD cycle
Obsessive thoughts - anxiety - compulsive behaviours - temporary relief
Genetic explenations for OCD
-Cndidate genes (specific genes inheretid from parents that lead to an increased vulnerability usually specific to the transmittion of serotonin and dopamine)
-Polygenic (multiple genes are involved in OCD (Taylor estimate 230)
Neural explenations for OCD
-Low serotonin levels lowers the mood
-imparemnet of the frontal lobe (decision making) is relavent to the behavioral and cognitive characeristics of OCD
-abnormal functioning of the parahippocampul gyrus has been linked to OCD
genetic explenations of OCD pos
Research support
-68% mz have OCD
-31% dz have OCD
high concordance rate = genetic
genetic explenations of OCD neg
Ude of animal studies
-specific gened are associated with repetitive behaviors in animals like mice
-unethical and cant be generalised
neural explenatons for OCD pos
reseach support
The use of SSRI’s to increase levels of serotonin has been proven to help lessen the effects of OCD and other degenerate diseases like parkinsons
neural explenations for OCD neg
Correlation not causation
The neural explenation suggests that OCD is caused by faulty neural sysems however there could simply be a link and x doesnt necessarily cause why as there may be other variables like the envirnment that we grow up in