OCD Flashcards
Aim of Pots
CBT more/less effective than SSRI, or combining CBT and SSRI
- treating adolescences/children
Procedure of Pots
Duke, Pennsylvania, brown university
- 12 weeks
- 112 volunteer outpatients aged between 7-17 (OCD
- screened using telephone on severity (CY-BOCS
only used if you score above 16)
- 1 parent gave informed consent
- conditions: drugs, placebo, CBT + combined (28 in each)
- each had psychiatrist
- drugs 1 session/week for 6 weeks + CBT 14
sessions/12 weeks
- CBT -> psych ed, cog training, target symptoms and exposure + response
- assessments on anxiety and baseline symptoms: beginning, 4,8 + 12 weeks
-parents filled in medication diary
IV- what therapy they got
Result of Pots
-97 completed
-all conditions improved
-placebo saw no significant improvement
-CBT-39.3%, drugs- 21.4%
entered remission
CYBOCS - 24.6
Conclusion of Pots
combined treatment is the most effective