OCD Flashcards
Typically childhood: 8 to 11
more common in boys until adolescents
- Recurrent thoughts, images, or impulses that are ego-dystonic, intrusive, and acknowledged as senseless.
- Generally accompanied by negative affect, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a feeling of incompleteness, and so, are distressing to the affected individual.
- Way of reducing or neutralizing negative affect by performing compulsions, which are repetitive, intentional, and purposeful behaviors performed in response to an observable, repetitive behaviors, such as washing or checking, but they can also be covert mental acts, such as counting or replacing an intrusive thought with a “good” thought.
- Negative reinforcement
Most common obsessions in children
fears of harm or other negative outcomes to self and others and concerns with germs, contamination and illness.
Most common compulsions in children
Excessive washing, cleaning, and checking are the most commonly seen compulsions, although excessive or ritualized repeating, arranging and ordering, confessing and seeking reassurance are also common.
anxiety, mood disorder, OC spectrum, and externalizing disorders
Natural Course
40% of youngsters with OCD meet criteria when 15 years old.
- Comprehensive
- Survey history of OCD symptoms and current OCD symptom severity (Children’s yale brown obsessive compulsive scale checklist and severity scale)
- Review Medical Reccords (could be tic or PANDAS)
Relatedness to PANDAS
- Two prospectively documented episodes of exacerbations in OCD and tic symptoms associated with streptococcal infection.
- Proves that OCD is a neurobehavioral disorder likely to have various biological precipitants and underpinnings, and is certainly not the result of bad parenting, stubborn children, etc.
Evidenced Based Treatments
- Effective for individual and group and it’s durable
- CBT may prevent relapse to medication discontinuation
- Poorer response to CBT was associated with a higher baseline CY-BOCS
- Controlled outcome trials
o Individual cognitive therapy more effective than group
o CBT and psychosocial comparison condition
o CBT more efficacious than clomipramine (no placebo or control group?)
o Pediatric OCD Treatment Study (POTS)\
study CBT effective with or without medication
Exposure and Ritual Prevention (EX/RP)
• Exposure reducing phobic anxiety
• Response prevention reducing rituals
• So you expose the person to their fears slowly then prevent them from committing the ritual tasks
Abromowitz et al., (2005)
used 28 studies in metaanalysis of SRI and ERP…both very effective (large effect size .99)
Natural course of OCD
waxing and waning presentation.