Occlusion in Fixed Prosth (Pt. II) Flashcards
Interocclusal Relation Records
-Have the pa:ent bite ____ to get right and leH lateral records
right lateral
left lateral
edge to edge
Set Condylar Inclinations to ____ Set Bennett Angles to ____ degrees Mount Casein CentricRelation
- Loosen this knob and dial this up to zero to get a zero inclina:on
- The Bennet angle se=ng (the medial aspect of ____). The right record moves leH condyle into its posi:on.
- This allows us to program the ar:culator on that side
- Moving the Bennet angle to 30 degrees opens whole ____ on the ar:culator
glenoid fossa
glenoid fossa
Right Lateral Record Working Side
- Take the record and place it in. Unlock ar:culator on non working side so its just rota:ng on the ____
- Its gonna take the non working side, move it down, and sit in there. Then you loosen up the two components and turn them in un:l the ____ touches the condyle of the ar:culator and then you take the bennet angle un:l it touches the ____.
- Now this is programmed for the pa:ent
- So the right lateral record on the working side will set the ar:culator on the non working side -Then you lock then leH side and open up the right side and put the leH record in and repeat
working side
Adjust Condylar Inclination and Bennett Angle on Non-WorkingSide
- Now we loosen the second ____, turn condylar inclina:on to loosen black dial
- Loosen each dial un:l it gently touches, and lock it in
- Now you have programmed the bennet angle on the non working side
Use the Left Lateral Record
to Set the Right Condylar Housing of theArticulator.
Now the Semi-Adjustable Hanau Articulator isprogrammedwith your patient’s TMJanatomy.
-Its beZer to use the semi adjustable over the hinge ar:culator even if you just use ____ to set the semi adjustable
mpact of Selected Variables on Occlusal Form of Restorations
\_\_\_\_ = CH + CS + PO CG: Condylar guidance IG: Incisal guidance CH: Cusp height CS: Curve of Spee PO: Plane ofocclusion
The Vertical Components of Mandibular Movement
____ of the eminentia
____ in relation to the angle of eminentia
____ of the anterior teeth
____ of the anterior teeth Curve of Spee
plane of occlusion
horizontal overlap (overjet)
veritcal overlap (overbite)
The Effect of the Angle of the Eminentia on CuspHeight
A. The lesser the angle of the eminentia, the shorter the ____ must be.
C. The greater the angle of eminentia, the longer the ____ may be.
A - ____
C - ____
posterior cusps
posterior cusps
lesser angle
steep angle
Clinical Significance
The angle of the ____ is extremely important in clinical dentistry.
Although we have no control over it, we must not ____ it.
For example – in a posterior reconstruction (the cusps of the posterior teeth will be changed by prosthetic means) where the angle of the eminentia is not severe, the cuspal form must be shallow or in protrusive movement the maxillary and mandibular cusps will interfere.
The Relationship of the Angle of the Eminentia to the Plane of Occlusion
A. The more the plane of occlusion diverges from the angleof the eminentia, the ____ the cusps may be.
B.The more nearlyparallel the plane of occlusion is to the angle of the eminentia, the ____ the cusps must be.
Angle of eminent is line ____
Clinical Significance
This relationship is limited although we do have some control over the ____.
Its greatest value lies in complete ____ where the plane of occlusion can be altered.
plane of occlusion
removable dental prosthesis
The Effect of Horizontal Overlap (Overjet) of the Anterior Teeth on Posterior Cuspal Form
The greater the horizontal overlap (overjet) of the maxillary anterior teeth, the ____ the posterior cusps must be.
The lesser the horizontal overlap (overjet) of the maxillary teeth, the ____ the posterior cusps may be.
The Effect of Vertical Overlap (Overbite) of the Anterior Teethon the Posterior Cuspal Form
The greater the vertical overlap (overbite) of the maxillary anterior teeth, the ____ the posterior cusps may be.
The lesser the vertical overlap (overbite) of the maxillary teeth, the ____ the posterior cusps must be.
Clinical Significance
In order to satisfy the criteria for a therapeutic occlusion, it is necessary to eliminate all posterior contacts when the jaw moves into ____.
The anterior guidance (vertical &horizontal overlap) must be in harmony with the ____ form and the ____ to disarticulate the posterior teeth.
It may be necessary to reposition the anterior teeth orthodontically in order to reduce the ____ and increase the ____.
This factor of occlusion can be changed ____, orthodontically or by occlusal adjustment by selective grinding
prostrusive psoterior cuspal angle of the eminentia horizontal overlap veritcal overlap restoratively
The Effect of the Curveof Speeon Posterior Cuspal Form
2”radius: The shorter the radius of the antero-posterior curve (Curve of Spee), the ____ the posterior cusps must be.
4”radius: The longer the radius of the Curve, the ____ the posterior cusps maybe.
-Steeper curves have smaller radius -Larger radius will have a ____ curve
Clinical Significance
Clinically the dentist has limited control over the radius of the ____.
Its greatest significance lies in ____ where there are no natural teeth to limit variation in the curve.
curve of spee
complete removable prosthesis
Tips to keep the dentoform occlusion stable.
Check each lab session that the dentoform has a solid occlusion with no bounce.
Amajor change in the occlusion usually requires ____ the screws in the back of the dentoform (ask your instructor for help).
Don’t work with any teeth missing in the dentoform. Make sure all the teeth are in correctly and screwed in