Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Flashcards
What is obstructive sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea syndrome?
recurrent episodes of complete or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep causing apnoea or hypopnoea
What is apnoea?
complete airflow obstruction with temporary absence or cessation of breathing
What is hypopnoea?
Decreased airflow
What is the aetiology of OSA?
Occurs due to excessive collapsing forces around the pharynx that exceed the decreased muscle tone during sleep
What are 6 risk factors for OSA?
Obesity +/ neck circumference >40cm
What 4 endocrine disorders are associated with OSAS?
Give a cardio, resp and neurological condition associated with OSAS
Chronic HF
Mod-severe asthma
Stroke/ TIA
List 4 symptoms of OSA
Excessive daytime sleepiness + fatigue
Unrefreshing sleep + impaired concentration.
Witnessed breathing pauses (apnoeas), gasping or choking during sleep
Give 4 symptoms that sometimes occur in OSAS
Morning headache (resolves within hours of waking)
Freq nocturnal awakenings
Unexplained nocturia.
Nocturnal GORD
What should you examine the patient for if suspicious of OSAS?
Jaw abnormalities: micrognathia, retrognathia
Nasopharyngeal obstruction: mouth breathing, nasal speech (Enlarged tonsils)
Signs of COPD, resp failure, pulmonary HTN
BP, BMI, neck circumference
Large tongue
How can OSA cause hypertension?
Increase in BP due to drop in blood O2 levels + rise in CO2 during apnoea
Give 4 indications for urgent referral to a sleep clinic
Excessive sleepiness impacting role as safety critical worker: driver, pilot
Co-morbid: COPD, poorly controlled arrhythmia, HF, Tx resistant HTN
Undergoing pre-op assessment for major surgery
What is the gold standard investigation for diagnosing OSA? What does this consist of?
Monitoring while asleep:
EOGs (measure horizontal + vertical eye movements)
Electromyogram to monitor muscle movement.
What blood tests may be useful in excluding other diagnoses?
TFTs: hypothyroidism
ABG: Cor pulmonale
How many episodes of apnoea per hour sleep are considered indicative of severity in sleep apnoea?
> 5: mild
15: moderate
30: severe
What is used to assess daytime sleepiness?
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
What questionnaire assesses snoring, sleepiness, apnoeas and patient characteristics in OSAS?
STOP-Bang questionnaire
What conservative management can be used for OSAS?
Weight loss
Smoking cessation
Alcohol reduction
Avoiding sleeping supine
Intra-oral devices: mandibular advancement
Inform DVLA if excess daytime sleepiness
What intervention is first line in moderate-severe OSAS?
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
What surgical management may be appropriate for OSAS?
Adenotonsillectomy if evidence of obstruction/ children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy