Obstetrics/OBGYN Flashcards
Cardiovascular Changes w/ Pregnancy
↑HR 20-30% peaks at 32 weeks ↑CO 40% returns to baseline w/in 14 days Ventricular walls thicken ↑EDV Dilutional anemia ↑↑plasma volume ↑RBCs ↓SVR → venous pooling & ↓diastolic BP to compensate BP w/ hypervolemia & ↑blood volume
Aortocaval Compression
Supine position → HoTN d/t aorta & vena cava compression from gravid uterus
Treatment = L uterine displacement
Hematological Changes w/ Pregnancy
Hypercoagulable ↑clotting factors VII-IX & fibrinogen
↑risk thromboembolic events (leading cause maternal mortality)
↓platelet count minimal
↑WBC count
Dilutional anemia
Airway Changes w/ Pregnancy
Airway swelling during labor
Capillary engorgement → narrowed glottic opening (use smaller ETT 6.0 or 6.5 cuffed), oral & nasal pharynx edema (avoid nasal intubation), & laryngeal edema
Consider short laryngoscope handle
Respiratory Changes w/ Pregnancy
↑oxygen consumption
↑minute ventilation ↑↑VT ↑RR (tachypnea not normal)
↓PaCO2 minimal w/ compensatory ↓HCO3¯
Diaphragm shifts upward ↓FRC
Rapid desaturation in apneic patient (ensure adequate pre-oxygenation)
Neurological Changes w/ Pregnancy
↑sensitivity to anesthetic gases & LAs
↑block height d/t engorged epidural veins that compress the dura & exaggerate the LA spread
↑intra-abdominal pressure ↓epidural & subarachnoid spaces
Gastrointestinal Changes w/ Pregnancy
↑risk regurgitation & aspiration
↑gastrin levels
Mechanical obstruction d/t upward displacement
Labor further ↓gastric emptying
What medications to administer prior to C-section to ↓aspiration risk?
- Bicitra (non-particulate antacid)
- Famotidine (Pepcid) H2 receptor antagonist
- Metoclopramide (Reglan) prokinetic that neutralizes stomach acid
Hepatic Changes w/ Pregnancy
↓serum albumin
↑free fraction highly protein-bound drugs
Renal Changes w/ Pregnancy
↓BUN & creatinine
Glucose excreted via urine d/t ↑GFR & ↓renal absorption
↑protein excretion
Uterine Blood Flow
Term ↑800mL/min
Receives 10% CO
- 150mL/min supplies nutrients to the myometrium
- 100mL/min flow to the decidua basalis (maternal portion placenta)
Fetus sends O2 poor blood to the placenta AVA
Placenta exchanges nutrients, respiratory gases, & waste
O2 & CO2 exchange are perfusion limited
How do medications transfer across the placenta? What is able to cross?
Transfer via diffusion
Other factors:
- Non-ionized
- Small (molecular weight)
- Dependent on concentration gradient & lipid solubility
- Protein binding
How much fetal CO returns directly back to the placenta? How?
1/5 fetal CO
Shunts flows from PFO & PDA
What affects drug accumulation w/in the fetus?
Acid-base status
Ion trapping
What decreases the fetal drug effects?
Dilution w/ intervillous blood
Redistribution w/in the fetus
1st pass liver effect
↑maternal hepatic enzymes ↓serum drug levels
Labor & Delivery
Cervix effacement & dilation
Latent - labor onset to rapid cervix dilation
Active - cervix dilation 2cm to full dilation at 10cm
Non-localized aching or cramping T10-12 & L1
Labor & Delivery
Cervix dilation 10cm to fetus delivery
Presenting part descends into the pelvis → perineal stretching S2-4
Labor & Delivery
Placenta delivery
Fetal Heart Rate
Indicates fetal well-being & O2 reserve
Hypoxia → CNS depression ↓HR
Accelerations are reactive - indicate fetal movement & adequate oxygenation
Fetal Heart Rate
Early Decelerations
Occur w/ uterine contractions
↓fetal HR approximately 20bpm
Fetal Heart Rate
Variable Decelerations
Abrupt ↓HR irrespective to contractions
Baroreflex-mediated response to umbilical cord compression
Fetal Heart Rate
Late Decelerations
Lowest deceleration point occurs after peak contraction
Represent uteroplacental insufficiency
Fetal Heart Rate
Category I
Normal baseline HR & moderate variability w/ NO variable or late decels
Fetal Heart Rate
Category II
All tracings not included in I or III
Do not indicate acid-base imbalance
Warrant continued observation
Fetal Heart Rate
Category III
Fetal bradycardia & absent variability w/ variable or late decels
Warrants prompt intervention
Labor analgesia dermatome level goal:
Caesarean section dermatome level goal:
T4-6 to provide adequate analgesia
Epidural 10-15mL
Combined Spinal/Epidural (CSE)
Place spinal 1st then place the epidural one level above
Needle through needle technique
CSE Advantages
Lower spinal dose
Ability to re-dose w/ epidural catheter
CSE Disadvantages
Potential lower block height
Surgical start delay
Neuraxial Opioid Side Effects
Respiratory depression
Urinary retention
Opioids have ceiling effect beyond conventional doses
Caesarean Section Indications
Cephalopelvic disproportion Non-reassuring fetal status (ex: late decels) Failure to progress (dilation arrest) Malpresentation Prematurity Previous C/S or uterine surgery
Neuraxial Advantages over General
↓mortality risk d/t failed intubation
↓aspiration risk
Improved neonatal outcomes
Mother able to participate in birth
When to utilize L uterine displacement?
Regardless the anesthetic technique to prevent aorta compression → late decels
Spinal Advantages
Simple to perform
Rapid onset
Reliable block
Less toxic
0.75% hyperbaric Bupivacaine
DOA 90-120min
Spinal Disadvantages
Fixed DOA (single shot)
Inadequate coverage
Epidural Advantages
Less abrupt blood pressure changes
Able to re-dose catheter
Epidural Disadvantages
Slower onset
Higher LA dose required
General Anesthesia Indications
Patient refusal
Spinal or epidural does not provide adequate surgical coverage
Urgent delivery
OB Complications
Post-Partum Hemorrhage
- Vaginal delivery 500mL
- C-section 1,000mL
Post-Partum Hemorrhage
Causes & Risk Factors
Uterine atony 80% Uterine abnormalities Placental retention Lacerations Uterine inversion Coagulation abnormalities
Multiparity (previous pregnancy)
Prolonged oxytocin infusion
Multiple gestation
Post-Partum Hemorrhage
Uterotonics stimulate uterine contractions
- Oxytocin, Methergine, PGEs (Carboprost/Hemabate), and/or Misoprostal
Antifibrinolytics TXA
MTP and/or cell salvage
Surgical intervention
- Retained placenta, NTG, hysterectomy
Intrauterine balloon
Synthetic Pitocin lowers depolarization threshold
Ca2+ channel activation & ↑prostaglandin production
20-40 units
Methylergonovine (Methergine)
Ergot alkaloid
0.2mg IM repeat Q15-20min
Max dose 0.8mg
NEVER IV BOLUS → profound HTN & cerebral hemorrhage
Contraindicated in pre-existing HTN, PVD, & ischemic heart disease
Carboprost (Hemabate)
↑myometrial Ca2+ levels & MLCK activity
250mcg IM or direct into myometrium repeat Q15-30min
Max dose 2mg
Reactive airway disease → bronchospasm, VaQ mismatch, & hypoxemia
Prostaglandin E1 analog
↑myometrial Ca2+ levels & MLCK activity
800-1,000mcg sublingual or buccal
Okay to admin to patients w/ reactive airway disease or pulmonary HTN
Nitric oxide donors
↑cyclic guanosine monophosphate
Inactivates MLCK causing smooth muscle relaxation
Administered as muscle relaxant to allow surgeon to remove retained placenta ↑bleeding
OB Complications
Pregnancy-specific multisystem disorder
Etiology not understood - failure normal angiogenesis resulting in ↓placental perfusion
↑vascular tone & sensitivity to catecholamines
Pronounced upper airway edema during labor
Preeclampsia S/S
HTN > 140/90 Proteinuria Thrombocytopenia < 100,000 Impaired liver function & severe RUQ pain Renal insufficiency Cerebral or visual disturbances CNS effects - headache, hyperexcitability, & hyperreflexia Hepatocellular necrosis
Preeclampsia Treatment
Avoid uteroplacental hypoperfusion Magnesium sulfate (tocolytic) ↓seizure incidence, venous dilation, ↓uterine activity HTN management Only way to end disease process = delivery
OB Complications
Preeclampsia complication
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, & low platelet count
Associated w/ progressive & sudden deterioration in maternal & fetal condition
OB Complications
> 20% pregnancies complicated d/t obesity
↑risk HTN, diabetes, & complicated labor → fetal macrosomia (LGA), failed induction/progression, difficult or failed neuraxial, prolonged procedures, & infectious complications
OB Complications
Placenta Previa
Abnormal placental implantation Placenta implants on lower uterine segment & covers the opening to the cervix 1% incidence Painless vaginal bleeding - Hemodynamically significant blood loss - ↑risk postpartum bleeding C-section indicated
OB Complications
Placenta Accreta
Placenta normally implants into the endometrium, but placenta accreta implants into the myometrium
Placenta increta describes growth through the myometrium & into surrounding organs
Associated w/ massive hemorrhage - uterine artery embolization & Caesarean hysterectomy
OB Complications
Placenta Abruption
Placenta separates from the uterus during delivery
More common in women w/ HTN & PEC
Open venous sinuses allows amniotic fluid to enter circulation ↑DIC incidence
Placenta Abruption S/S
Hemorrhage Painful vaginal bleeding Uterine irritability Abdominal pain Fetal hypoperfusion & distress
OB Complications
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Rare event
Potential to occur during labor (vaginal delivery or C-section)
Occasionally associated w/ placenta abruption
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Anxiety Dyspnea Hypoxia HoTN Cardiovascular collapse Coagulopathy
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Supportive AOK - Atropine - Ondansetron - Ketorolac
OB Complications
Labor & delivery before 37 weeks gestation
Birth weight < 1,500g associated w/ long-term complications (respiratory distress syndrome, intracranial hemorrhage, & hyperbilirubinemia)
Non-Obstetric Surgeries in Pregnant Women
1-2% pregnant women require non-OB surgeries Most common = cerclage 2nd lap chole Avoid HoTN & maintain uterine perfusion Prevent premature labor Avoid surgeries in 1st trimester
8-10 normal
4-7 moderate distress or impairment
0-3 immediate resuscitation