Obstetrics & Gynaecology Formatives Flashcards
Which statement regarding gestational diabetes is most correct?
Anti-partum haemorrhage occurring at 32 weeks, resulting in vaginal bleeding and severe abdominal pain, is likely to be due to:
Which statement about labour is incorrect?
The legal definition of sexual assault in Western Australia does not include:
Dysmenorhoea in a 16 year old girl is best treated by:
D. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
- Pain is mediated via prostaglandins.
In detrusor instability resulting in urinary incontinence, which symptom is most suggestive?
C. Nocturia
Which statement regarding uterovaginal prolapse is incorrect?
Which statement regarding hormone replacement therapy is correct?
In which situation can a female legally consent to having sex?
Which statement about cervical cancer is incorrect?
Which condition is likely to be associated with shoulder dystocia?
D. Prolonged gestation
Compared with normal vaginal delivery, babies delivered with low forceps or vacuum extraction have an increase in:
E. Vaginal trauma
What is the best sign of progress in labour?
B. Increasing dilatation of the cervix
What maternal condition is a contraindication to epidural anaesthesia?
Which situation predisposes to a high incidence of Caesarean section?
E. High induction rates
Ovarian cancer often presents with all of the following, except:
B. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes
The treatment of gestational trophoblastic disease is unique because:
D. Of the availability of a reliable tumour marker
Which presentation can be delivered vaginally?
D. Face, mento-anterior
What is not a risk factor for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)?
C. Male gender
At what point should positive pressure ventilation be commenced in the resuscitation of a newborn?
In taking a sexual assault history, which statement is correct?
Which of the following will you mention when counselling a female about the contraception injection (depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate)?
A. Hypocalcaemia
B. Hypoglycaemia
C. Intra-ventricular haemorrhage
D. Seizures
E. Sepsis
B. Hypoglycaemia
A. ABO incompatibility
D. Establish her airway is patent and obtain IV access
C. Abdominal ultrasound
A. Can cause increased menstrual bleeding
D. 3 years
E. Urine output
C. Failed induction
B. A process for continous improvement of patient care
C. This abnormality is caused by human papilloma virus and most people clear the virus spontaneously without treatment.
A 23 year old female presents with regular heavy periods. What is the most appropriate treatment?
M. Oral contraceptive pill
A 45 year old female with menorrhagia who has failed medical treatment. She has completed her family (2 children by C/S). Her uterus is ten weeks in size due to an 8cm fibroid. What is the most appropriate treatment?
H. Laparoscopic hysterectomy
A 30 year old nuliparous female presents with heavy painful periods and a 10cm solitary fibroid. What is the most appropriate treatment?
J. Myomectomy
A 55 year old female presents with persistent post menopausal bleeding. A hysteroscopy failed to find any abnormality except for a thin endometrium. What is the most appropriate treatment?
G. Laparoscopic hysterectomy BSO
A 38 year old female presents with heavy regular periods. She has had three spontaneous deliveries. On examination her uterus is small and mobile. What is the most appropriate treatment?
O. Progesterone impregnated IUD
A female delivers at home and is transferred to the emergency department. She is pale with heavy vaginal bleeding. Her pulse is 120bpm and blood pressure is 60/40mmHg. Her estimated blood loss is 2,000mL. What is the most appropriate treatment?
N. Transfusion of O negative blood
A female presents with heavy vaginal blood loss and pain, eight days after a normal delivery. What is the most appropriate treatment?
F. Immediate antibiotics and delayed D&C
A female has a post partum haemorrhage of 800mL after a 12 hour first stage and delivery of a 4.5kg baby. What is the most appropriate treatment?
I. IV oxytocic
A female has a well contracted uterus but continues to bleed three hours after delivery. What is the most appropriate treatment?
B. Examination under anaesthetic
A female has an acute abruption and a stillbirth. She has pain and brisk vaginal blood loss. What is the most appropriate treatment?
A. Cross match, coagulation profile
A 50 year old female presents with pelvic discomfort and an ultrasound that shows bilateral ovarian cysts of 4.5cm diameter. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
C. CA 125
A 30 year old female with regular normal pap smears and who now has a routine smear that shows squamous atypia. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
L. Pap smear
A 66 year old female on tomoxifen for breast cancer presents with a two week history of smelly vaginal discharge which is slightly blood tinged. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
G. Hysteroscopy and D&C
A 36 year old female with a failed pregnancy and histopathology on D&C showing a hydatitform mole. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
Q. Quantitative B-HCG
An 82 year old female presents with vulval itch and a lump in her right groin. She has had the itch for several years and has been treated with nyastatin, oestrogen and testosterone creams. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
S. Vulval colposcopy and biopsy
A female with a previous baby born at term weighing 2100gm and with neonatal hypoglycaemia. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
Q. Third trimester serial scans
A female with heavy vaginal bleeding and a temperature of 38.5degrees associated with retained products three months after delivery. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
I. Coagulation studies
A female with a stillbirth and abruption. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
I. Coagulation studies
A female with type I diabetes mellitus. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
M. HbA1c
A female with previous ectopic pregnancy. What is the most important investigation that should be ordered?
C. A seven-week ultrasound
A 40-year-old female has just married and is keen to have children. She has never been pregnant.
Outline the problems facing this patient in trying to achieve a pregnancy. (2 marks)
A 40-year-old female has just married and is keen to have children. She has never been pregnant.
Outline the management of this patient in early pregnancy due to her age. (2 marks)
Outline some of the problems that could be faced by a 40 year old pregnant female. (2 marks)