Obstetrics and Gynaecology Flashcards
Where is oestrogen produced?
By Theca granulosa cells in the ovaries in response to LH and FSH
Where is progesterone produced? Where is it produced in pregnancy?
Corpus luteum after ovulation
In pregnancy after 10 weeks gestation the placenta produces it
What does progesterone do?
It acts on tissues which have previously been stimulated by oestrogen. It: Thickens and maintains the endometrium, thickens cervical mucus and increases body temperature
How can you determine the stage of pubertal development?
Tanners staging
There are 2 phases of the menstrual cycle, what are they?
Follicular phase: from menstruation to ovulation (first 14 days of 28 day cycle)
Luteal phase: from Ovulation to menstruation (last 14d)
What is a fibroid?
A benign tumour of the uterine myometrium (smooth muscle). They are very common and more commonly affect black women. They are oestrogen sensitive
What are the types of fibroids?
Intramural - within the myometrium
Subserosal - On the outer layer, growing into the abdominal cavity
Submucosal - In the endometrium
Pedunculated - has a stalk
What is red degeneration of the fibroids?
Ischaemia, infarction and necrosis of the fibroid due to an interruption of the blood supply
Severe abdominal pain, low-grade fever, tachycardia and vomiting
What is a chocolate cyst?
Endometriomas in the ovaries
What is endometriosis?
A oestrogen dependent, benign inflammatory condition characterised by ectopic endometrial tissue, usually with cysts and fibroids.
In endometriosis, the inflammation can lead to scarring and so adhesions, binding organs together, how might someone with this present?
Chronic, NON-CYCLICAL pain that is sharp, stabbing or pulling and associated with nausea
How might someone with endometriosis present?
Cyclical abdominal or pelvic pain (Dull, heavy or burning)
Deep dyspareunia
Cyclical bleeding from other sites such as haematuria
What is gold standard in diagnosing endometriosis?
Laparoscopic surgery with biopsy of the lesion
What is menopause?
It is a retrospective diagnosis made after a women has had no periods for 12 months
What do you need for a diagnosis of PCOS?
At least 2 of:
Anovulation, hyperandrogenism, PCOS on US
What tumour markers may you look at in a patient with an ovarian mass?
LDH, hCG, alpha-FP, CEA
What might cause a raised CA125?
Ovarian cancer, endometriosis, fibroids, pregnancy, pelvic infection, adenomyosis, liver disease
What factors are involved in the risk of malignancy index in an ovarian mass?
US findings, menopausal status, CA125 level
What are some complications of ovarian cysts?
Torsion, haemorrhage, rupture
What triad is seen in Meig’s syndrome?
Ovarian fibroma, pleural effusion, ascites
What is cervical ectropion?
When the columnar epithelium of the endocervix extends to the ectocervix. It is visible on speculum exam
What is lichen sclerosis?
A chronic inflammatory, AI skin condition that presents with patches of shiny ‘porcelain-white’ skin. Commonly affects labia, perineal and perianal area
Vulval itching and skin changes *
What is a serious potential complication of lichen sclerosis?
Squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva
What are the types of urinary incontinence?
Stress - weakness of pelvic floor muscles and sphincter muscles
Urge (OAB) - detrusor overactivity
How might you treat stress incontinence?
- Conservative - reduce caffeine, alcohol, weight loss, avoid excess fluid intake
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Surgery - TVT (tension free vaginal tape) , autologous sling, colposuspension, intramural urethral bulking
- Duloxetine
How might you treat Urge incontinence (OAB)?
- Conseervative - Bladder retraining, physio
- Medication - Oxybutynin (anticholinergic), mirabegron (beta 3 agonist)
- Surgery - Botulinum toxin A, percutaneous sacral nerve stimulation, augmentation cystoplasty, urinary diversion
What is bacterial vaginosis?
Overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina, specifically anaerobic (gardenerella vaginalis). Loss of lactobacilli (good bacteria). Not an STI but increases risk of getting one
What is the mechanism of the bacterial vaginal flora like lactobacilli?
They produce lactic acid making the vagina pH low (acidic). When there is lack of them it causes the pH to rise and so an alkaline environment allowing anaerobic bacteria to grow
How might bacterial vaginosis present?
Fishy-smelling, watery grey or white vaginal discharge
What is the normal pH of the vagina?
What might ‘Clue cells’ on microscopy indicate?
Bacterial vaginosis
What advise is crucial to give when prescribing a patient metronidazole?
Do not give alcohol
Disulfiram-like reaction
N&V, flushing, sometimes shock or angioedema
What is the most common type of cervical cancer?
Squamous cell Ca
Then Adenocarcinoma
What cancers are HPV associated with?
Cervical. (type 16 and 18*)
Anal, vulval, vaginal, penile, mouth and throat
HPV is a sexually transmitted infection
How does HPV cause cancer?
It inhibits tumour suppressor genes
It produces 2 proteins, E6 and E7. E6 inhibits p53 and E7 inhibits pRb
When do you get a cervical smear? (screening)
Every 3 years in25-49
Every 5 years in 50-64
Looking for Dyskaryosis via liquid based cytology
Who gets the HPV vaccine and why?
Girls and boys aged 12-13
BEFORE they become sexually active
Should be given to reduce risk of cervical cancer and genital warts
What strains of HPV are in the vaccine?
6 and 11 (genital warts)
16 and 18 (cervical cancer)
How might you grade the level of dysplasia in the cervix?
CIN grading
CIN I - mild dysplasia, affecting 1/3 thickness of epithelial layer, likely to return to normal
CIN II - moderate dysplasia, affecting 2/3 thickness, likely to progress to ca if left untreated
CIN III (carcinoma in situ) - sever dysplasia, very likely to progress
What infections may be picked up on a smear test?
Bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis
What is endometrial hyperplasia and how might you manage it?
Precancerous - 5% become endometrial cancer
Progesterones - Mirena coil or continuous oral progesterone
What are some risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia/ cancer?
Exposure to unopposed oestrogen - No progesterone
- Obesity - increased Aromatase to convert androgen to oestrogen
- PCOS - due to lack of ovulation - no progesterone produced
- Late menospause, early menarche, no/few pregnancies
- T2DM - Insulin stimulates endometrial cells
What blood markers can indicate a germ cell tumour?
What is a Krunkenberg tumour?
Metastasis to the ovary, usually from a GI tumour like the stomach
‘Signet ring’ cells on histology
What is Lymphogranuloma veredum?
Condition affecting the lymphoid tissue around the site of chlamydia Primary stage - painless ulcer Secondary - Lymphadenitis Tertiary - Proctitis Tx - Doxycycline
A complication of PID is Fitz-hugh-curtis syndrome, what is it?
Inflammation and infection of the Glission’s capsule (liver capsule), leading to adhesions between the liver and peritoneum
RUQ pain, can be referred to R shoulder tip pain
What does Gravida mean?
The total number of pregnancies a women has had
What does primigravida mean?
A patient who is pregnant for the first time
What does para mean?
The number of times a women has given birth after 24 weeks gestation, regardless if it was alive or stillborn
When do foetal movements start?
~20 weeks - in the 2nd trimester
Ix if none by 24 weeks
What are the trimesters?
1st - 0- 12 weeks
2nd - 13-26 weeks
3rd - 27 - birth (36-40 weeks)
At the dating scan at ~10-13 + 6 weeks, how is the gestational age calculated?
Crown to rump length (CRL)
What is pre-eclampsia?
New onset HTN with evidence of end-organ dysfunction, notably proteinuria. It occurs after 20 weeks gestation
- High vascular resistance in the spiral arteries and so poor placental perfusion - oxidative stress
What triad makes up pre-eclampsia?
Proteinuria, oedema, HTN
What is eclampsia?
Seizures as a result of pre-eclampsia
What are some of the symptoms of the complications from pre-eclampsia?
Headache, visual disturbances, blurring, oliguria, epigastric pain, oedema, brisk reflexes, N&V
What can be given as prophylaxis for pre-eclampsia if the patient is deemed to be high risk or has 2+ moderate risk factors?
Aspirin - can be given from 12 weeks
What anti-hypertensive is used first line in Pre-elcmapsia?
after delivery switch to Enalapril
How is HIV transmitted?
Verticle - Mum to baby at birth or breastfeeding
Unprotected anal, oral or vaginal sex
Blood or bodily fluids on mucous membranes or open wounds (e.g. needle stick injury)
When CD4 count has dropped, in late-stage HIV, the person may have AIDS-defining illnesses, what are some examples.
Kaposi’s sarcoma, PCP, CMV, candidiasis, lymphoma, TB
Do you need to tell a patient you are testing them for HIV?
Yes- patients must be consented and it must be documented
What is the window period?
A time when the patient may be infected but are not showing a positive test yet
What additional management may be needed in an HIV patient?
Yearly cervical smears in women
Prophylactic co-trimoxazole in CD4 below 200 cells/mm3 to protect against PCP
Statin to protect against CVD
Up to date vaccines (DONT give LIVE vaccines)
What is the most common location for ectopic pregnancy?
Fallopian tubes
When do ectopic pregnancies normally present?
Between 6-8 weeks gestation
What might you suspect if a women who is pregnancy presents with collapse?
until proven otherwise
When might you suspect an ectopic pregnancy?
Constant lower abdominal pain, maternal collapse
What results in hCG tracking over 48 hours can you get?
Rise in more than 63% - Intrauterine pregnancy
Rise in less than 63% - Ectopic
Fall than more than 50% - miscarriage
What medical management is used for ectopic pregnancy?
What is a miscarriage?
Any pregnancy loss before 24 weeks
Early - before 12 weeks
Late - between 12 and 24 weeks
What is a missed miscarriage?
The foetus is no longer alive. but no symptoms have occured
What is a threatened miscarriage?
Vaginal bleeding with a closed cervix, and the foetus is alive
What is an inevitable miscarriage?
Vaginal bleeding with an open cervix