Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1 Flashcards
List some symptoms of pregnancy
- A missed or light period
- Nausea, especially in the morning
- Breast tenderness
- Passing urine more frequently (especially at night)
- Feeling tired
- Possible period type pains/cramps
- Being constipated
- An increased vaginal discharge without any soreness or irritation
- Having a strange taste in the mouth: many women describe it as metallic
- Going off things: tea, coffee, tobacco smoke or fatty foods etc
When is the normal peak in bhCG?
Around the 12 week mark, reaching between 25k to 180k mIU/ml
What can cause a false positive pregnancy test?
- Recent first trimester miscarriage
- hCG secreting tumours
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
- some medications
What is an early miscarriage?
Early miscarriage occurs in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy
women can present with vaginal bleeding and pain
Miscarriage occurs in 15-20% of clinical pregnancies and most are “one off” events
How common are ectopic pregnancies?
what are the symptoms
11/11000 pregnancies
- Pain in the lower abdomen with may be unilateral
- vaginal bleeding may occur though not always
- feeling faint
- shoulder-tip pain
- Occasionally there are no symptoms and women may collapse due to sudden heavy bleeding
In England, Scotland and Wales on what grounds can two medical practitioners confirm need for abortion? (5)
1) To save the women’s life (any gestation)
2) To prevent grave permanent injury to the women’s physical or mental health (any gestation)
3) under 24 weeks to avoid injury to the physical or mental health of the woman
4) under 24 weeks to avoid injury to the physical or mental health of the child(ren)
5) if the child was likely to be severely physically or mentally handicapped (any gestation)
What medical management is used for abortions? (2)
Early abortion - at or up to 63 days of gestation
- mifepristone 200 mg orally, followed 24-48 hours by misoprostol 800 mcg vaginal, buccal or sublingual.
From 64 days to 13 weeks and 6 days
- mifepistone 00 mg orally followed 24-48 hours by misoprostol 800 mcg as above, followed by misoprostol 400 mcg every 3 hours until abortion occurs
Late abortion
mifepristone 200 mg orally, followed 12-48 hours by misoprostol 800 mcg vaginally, followed by 400 mcg every 3 hours.
what are the options for surgical abortion?
Early suction aspiration using an electrical or manual suction under GA or local
Late up to 24 weeks dilation and evacuation - rare
what should all ladies under going abortion who’re non sensitized have?
Anti-D IgG
What are the complications of abortion?
Severe haemorrhage; less than 1 in 1000 in early procedures, 4 in 1000 beyond 20 weeks’ gestation
Uterine perforation following surgical abortion (1-4 in 1000)
Cervical trauma following surgical abortion. Damage to external os is less than 1 in 100
Abortion may fail in fewer than 1 in 100 procedures
Retained products will require a further evacuation either surgically or medically.
Uterine rupture can occur in medical abortion at late gestation. The risk is less than 1 in 100..
What regime of ABX is recommended for abortion?
Azithromycin 1 g orally on the day of abortion, plus metronidazole 1 g rectally or 800 mg orally prior to or at the time of abortion
Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for 7 days, starting on the day of the abortion, plus metronidazole 1 g rectally or 800mg orally prior to or at the time of the abortion
Metronidazole 1 g rectally or 800 mg orally prior to or at the time of abortion for women who have tested negative for C. trachomatis infection
How long do Drs have to refer for abortion?
How long does assessment to procedure take?
Important post-procedure?
2 days
5 days each
10 days from initial interview with abortion provider to the procedure
Contraception! Long acting reversible methods should be discussed and ideally initiated at the centre
When is the pregnant uterus palpable?
12 weeks gestation
What are the normal ranges of BMI for underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese?
Underweight <18.5
Normal weight 18.5-25
Overweight 25.1-30
Obese 30.1+
What is the average length of a menstrual cycle?
28 days
When is an egg released during the menstrual cycle? How can you calculate the average?
How long does the egg survive?
10-16 days (14) before the end of the cycle. 28-14 = day 14 would be when ovulation is expected.
The egg survives for 48 hours
What are the main indicators of fertility?
How effective is natural family planning?
Body temperature (waking, before getting out of bed) _ the fertile period ends when you have recorded 3 days in a row which are all higher than the previous six days - 0.2 C
cervical secretions
the length of the menstrual cycle
up to 99% when used effectively (1/100 per year)
What is the Lactational Amenorrhoea Method? (LAM)
Fully breastfeeding - not giving the baby any other liquid or solid food or
mainly breastfeeding your baby and infrequently giving liquids and baby being <6 months and no periods.
Can be up to 98% effective.
What is the Intrauterine system? Given an example Mode of action When can it be fitted? For how long Failure rate Side effects Risks/benefits Procedure
A plastic T which fits into uterus and releases levonorgestrel - Mirena is licensed for contraception, idiopathic menorrhagia and for those receiving oestrogen hormone replacement.
Jaydess is licensed for contraception only
Mode of action: suppressant effect on the endometrium, preventing implantation: within one month endometrial atrophy, changes in the stroma.
Decreased sperm penetration of cervical mucus and impaired sperm migration
Most women continue to ovulation
Lasts for 5 years
Women over 45 can retain it until menopause
It can be fitted any time of the cycle - though is only immediately effective when fitted up to day 5 of the cycle. Otherwise a 7 day abstinence is required.
Failure rate as always depends on sexual activity, age and parity - <1-2% over 5 years. (some say perfect use 0.2%)
Expulsion <1/20, Displacement
Side effects
Initial menstrual irregularities (3-6 months) can become amenorrhoeic
reduced menstrual loses
acne, headaches, breast tenderness and nausea.
STI to pelvic infection
Procedure - examination + insertion via speculum
What is the Intrauterine Device? Given an example Mode of action When can it be fitted? For how long Failure rate Side effects Risks/benefits Procedure
T shaped or frameless with a coil of copper.
Nova T-380A (5 year) (Cu280)
primary mode of action through cytotoxic inflammatory reaction in the endometrium with is spermicidal.
The cooper concentration in the cervical mucus is substantial and inhibits sperm motility
Implantation may be prevented
can be fitted any time in the cycle if it is certain they’re not pregnant - effective immediately.
For emergency contraception: within 5 days of ovulation or within 5 days sex if no previous UPSI.