Obstetrics Flashcards
A pregnant lady with pain in her supra pubic area that radiates to the upper thighs which is worse on walking is likely to be suffering from which common condition?
Symphysis pubis dysfunction
Can be seen with a waddling gait
Tx is supportive
What does HELLP syndrome stand for?
Elevated liver enzymes
Low platelets
What is the main risk factor for uterine rupture in pregnant women?
Previous C section
What is the most effective infusion to prevent convulsions in those with pre eclampsia?
Magnesium sulphate
What drug is a synthetic prostaglandin that can be used to induce labour?
Bishops scored is used for what?
Used to assess the favourability of the cervix for labour, or whether induction will be required
How does blood pressure change during each trimester of pregnancy?
Diastolic BP falls in trimester 1 and 2 due to fall in peripheral vascular resistance due to increased progesterone (CO increases in response to this)
Rises again by trimester 3
Systolic BP is unchanged
At approximately which gestation do mothers feel the foetus moving?
Approximately 16 weeks for parous women, and 20 weeks in first time mums
When should the fundus be palpable at the xiphisternum?
Approximately 38 weeks gestation
When should the fundus be palpable at the umbilicus?
20 weeks gestation
Where should the fundus be palpable at 12-14 weeks gestation?
Pubic symphysis
How does an increase in progesterone during pregnancy affect the gastrointestinal tract?
Smooth muscle relaxation reduces gastric motility so constipation
Can also causes relaxation of the gallbladder leading to biliary stasis and gallstones and possibly cholecystitis
What are the blood sugar readings to diagnose gestational diabetes in a pregnant women?
> 5.6mmol/L random fasting glucose
>7.8 mmol/L 2 hour plasma glucose
When can chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis be offered?
CVS from 10 weeks
Amniotic fluid sampling from 15 weeks
Can warfarin be taken during pregnancy and breast feeding?
Not during pregnancy due to teratogenicity
Can be taken during breast feeding as it doesn’t pass into the milk
What are some differentials for abdominal pain in a pregnant lady?
Appendicitis, cholecystitis, HELLP syndrome, ectopic, miscarriage, ovarian torsion, MSK, fibroid, gastroenteritis, UTI/ pyelonephritis, Labour
When can external cephalon version be offered for women with babies presenting breech?
From 36 weeks in nulliparous women
From 37 weeks in parous women
Gestational hypertension occurs after what gestation?
20 weeks
Pregnant women with hypertension before 20 weeks are likely to have pre existing hypertension
At which scan is the estimated delivery date confirmed?
12 week scan
What is Naegele’s rule?
Estimation of EDD by using:
First day of LMP + 1yr7days - 3 months
What syndromes does the combined test screen for?
Trisomy 21 (down’s) Trisomy 18 (Edwards) Trisomy 13 (pateu’s)
When is the combined screening test performed?
By the end of the first trimester, between 11 weeks and 13weeks 6 days
What does the combined test use?
Nuchal translucency, PAPP A, beta-hCG, woman’s age
What does the quadruple blood test screen for?
Trisomy 21 only
In what circumstance would the quadruple blood test be offered to expectant mums?
If they are late bookers (after 14 weeks)
Or if it was not possible to measure the nuchal translucency e.g. due to baby’s position
What does the quadruple blood test use?
Mums age + AFP + oestriol + beta-hCG
When are RhD-ve women offered anti-D?
Prophylactic doses at 28 and 34 weeks
Prophylactic doses also if sensitising event e.g. ECV, diagnostic testing, abdominal trauma, antepartum haemorrhage
Post natal dose if baby is found to be RhD+ve after birth
Given to women after TOP/ ectopic/ late miscarriage
From what gestation can CTG scanning be performed?
From 32 weeks
Why are pregnant women more predisposed to UTIs?
Relaxation of smooth muscle under influence of progesterone
Does GFR change during pregnancy?
Increases, due to increased blood flow
How does the respiratory system physiologically adapt to pregnancy?
Tidal volume increases to meet increasing oxygen demands
Sense of dyspnoea due to upwards displacement of diaphragm ( but lung capacity still same due to transverse and AP diameters of the thorax)
When is pre-eclampsia seen during pregnancy?
After 20 weeks gestation
Define primary post partum haemorrhage
The loss of >500ml blood <24 hours after delivery
What is the most common cause of primary postpartum haemorrhage?
Uterine atony
What are some risk factors for primary postpartum haemorrhage?
4 T’s = tone, tissue, trauma, thrombin
= uterine atony, retained placental tissue, trauma e.g. Csection/ instrumental delivery, thrombin e.g. HTN/ pre eclampsia/ Von Willebrands/ HELLP/ DIC
What drugs can be of use in primary postpartum haemorrhage?
What are the management options for primary postpartum haemorrhage?
Stabilise (ABCDE) IV syntocin IM carboprost Intrauterine balloon tamponade B Lynch suture Uterine artery ligation Hysterectomy
What is the cause of secondary postpartum haemorrhage?
Retained placental tissue or endometritis
How is secondary postpartum haemorrhage managed?
Utertonic drugs e.g. syntocin, carboprost, misoprostol
Surgery only if prolonged
When would carboprost be contraindicated?
In women with asthma
How would you manage a patient with obstetric cholestasis?
Lifestyle advice eg fans, loose clothing, aloe vera
Antihistamines to control itch
Emollients for itch
Ursodeoxycholic acid for relief of itch and to improve LFTs
Induction of labour recommended at 37/ 38 weeks gestation
When should the COCP be stopped prior to elective surgery?
Stop 4 weeks before surgery and start 2 weeks after
Other than persistent vomiting, what other signs/ symptoms must be present for it to be diagnosed as hyperemesis?
Dehydration Weight loss (>5% of pre-pregnancy weight) Electrolyte disturbance (low sodium, potassium, ketosis)
Which antiemetic is first line in hyperemesis?
Which antibiotic is used in women with PPROM?
Which antibiotic is the choice for GBS prophylaxis?