Obstetrics Flashcards
Risk of recurrence in Post-Natal Psychosis?
Management of Nipple Candidiasis?
Tests at the Initial Booking Visit?
Drugs to avoid in Breast Feeding Mothers?
Antenatal screening for Down’s Syndrome?
Cut offs for treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy?
Risk factors for Gestational Diabetes?
How to estimate Symphysis-Fundal height?
Maximum time frame between Depo-Provera injections?
Management of Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy?
Formal definition of Pre-Eclampsia?
Gestational Diabetes OGTT Diagnosis?
Pre-Existing Hypertension versus Pregnancy-Induced-Hypertension?
Adverse effects of SSRI in Pregnancy?
Presentation of Fibroid Degeneration?
Effectiveness of Lactational Amenorrhoea?
Management of Infertility in PCOS?
Causes of increased nuchal translucency?
Causes of hyperechogenic bowel?
Diagnostic criteria of Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
Contraindicated drugs in pregnancy?
Which pregnancies are at high risk of neural tube defects?
Risk factors for Gestational Diabetes requiring OGTT?
SSRI of choice in breast feeding women?
Management of Rhesus Negative women?
Diagnostic thresholds for Gestational Diabetes?
Management of Gestational Diabetes?
Anti-hypertensives in pregnancy?
Diagnosis and management of anaemia in pregnancy?
Stopping Copper IUD in peri and post-menopausal women
First line anti-emetics in pregnancy?
Risk factors and screening for Gestational Diabetes?
UKMEC and breast masses/cancer?
Which patient groups should take aspirin during pregnancy?
Risks of Ondansetron in pregnancy?
Hypermedia Gravidarum risk factors?
Requirements for semen analysis?
Management of Oligospermia?