Gastroenterology Flashcards
What is the first line treatment in a mild-moderate distal UC flare?
When to admit a patient with jaundice?
PBC association?
Diabetes drug that can cause cholestasis?
How would you calculate alcohol units?
Second line therapy for IBS?
Tricyclic Antidepressants
Second line treatment in C Difficile infection?
Hepatitis B antibodies?
Investigation of incidental NAFLD?
Crohn’s prognosis?
Hepatocellular Carcinoma screening?
Criteria for non-urgent referral for endoscopy?
Antibiotic linked to C Difficile?
Vaccine in Coeliac disease?
Frequency of extra-intestinal manifestations of Crohn’s disease?
Drugs causing obstructive cholestasis?
Aminosalicylate/Mesalazine monitoring/complications?
Most common extra-intestinal manifestation of Crohn’s disease?
Second line treatment in IBS-constipation?
What is Malabsorption Syndrome associated with?
Clinical features of Primary Biliary Cholangitis?
Biopsy findings in laxative abuse?
Clindamycin associations?
Strongest risk factor for Barrett’s Oesophagus?
H Pylori eradication therapy?
What are the features of Systemic Sclerosis?
How does Coeliac disease commonly present in Children?
Medication to avoid in IBS?
What is the definition of malnutrition?
Management of pain on swallowing?
When is peak incidence of Ulcerative Colitis?
Side effects of amino salicylates such as Mesalazine?
Complications of Coeliac Disease?
Features of Peutz-Jegher’s syndrome?
What is the management of Barrett’s Oesophagus?
Presenting features of autoimmune hepatitis?
Management of autoimmune hepatitis?
What are the genetic associations of autoimmune hepatitis?
Tool for screening for harmful drinking and alcohol dependence?
Management of patients with high ETOH intake?
What is the inheritance of haemochromatosis?
What is the anti-emetic of choice in migraines?
Follow-up in H Pylori eradication?
Management of dyspepsia without adverse features?