Obstacles to civil rights essay Flashcards
Obstacles to civil rights topics
KKK, legal impediments, lack of vote, lack of political influence
Obstacles to civil rights introduction
US constitution gave all the right to vote - 14th for full citizenship and 15th right to vote but they were still frequently denied this in southern states
Devoted to enforcing white supremacy and reformed in 1915 with 5 million members by 1925, use of violence with 416 lynched from 1918 to 1927 with only 4 sentenced
Use of violence and lack of consequences for that violence allowed them to silence opposition
Series of scandals with race and murder ‘discredited’ them
Fell to 1 million members by 1929 and kept on falling but civil rights still did not progress and Jim Crow Laws still in place
Legal impediments and Jim Crow Laws A+
Jim Crow Laws only active in South
Legal impediments and Jim Crow Laws K
Alabama - white nurses could not treat black men, 1892 Homer Plessy went to Supreme Court to argue against Jim Crow Laws and lost resulting in ‘separate but equal’
Legal impediments and Jim Crow Laws A
De jure segregation enforced in law made to hard to fight against
Legal impediments and Jim Crow Laws E
More important as Jim Crow Laws (in Florida and white women and a black man could not marry) caused emigration north in the first place, hardening attitudes there as well as in the south
Lack of political influence K
Only 3% of black Americans could vote in Southern states by 1915 due to impossible qualifications, civil rights act 1885 made unconstitutional by federal government as it took away the rights of states
Lack of political influence A
As black people could not vote or serve in juries it was easy to pass more laws against them
Lack of political influence A+
Restrictions only applied in the south, not the north
Lack of political influence E
Not all elected were racist - Hiram Rhodes Revels elected as senator for Mississippi in 1870 and campaigned for civil rights
Nature of CRM K
W. E. B. Du Bois in 1909 founded NAACP (National Association for the Improvement of Coloured Peoples) for civil rights and desegregation with peaceful protest, Marcus Garvey in 1914 founded UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) for black nationalism and a return to Africa
Nature of CRM A
NAACP ran a successful campaign against lynching, CRM could have some successes even when fragmented
Nature of CRM A+
NAACP failed to attract a large backing among ordinary black Americans
Nature of CRM E
A Philip Randolph in 1941 organised a march on Washington to end discrimination in the armed forces and government, which President Roosevelt gave into