Obsessional disorders and PTSD Flashcards
What is obsessional personality disorder?
Anankastic personality disorder arising from compulsion in an obsession or compulsive neurosis but not characterized by obsessions and compulsions
Features of obsessional personality disorder?
Pay a lot of attention to finite details
Follow rules, lists
Focus on work to the point of excluding pleasure
Rigid and stubborn
Difference between obsessional personality disorder and OCD?
Obsessional personality disorder is not characterised by obsessions and compulsions but OCD is
How long do you have to suffer OCD symptoms to be diagnosd?
Most days for 2 weeks
Difference between obsessions and compulsions and how are they identified on MSE?
Obsessions = constantly thinking about something, recurrent persistent ideas, impulses, thoughts in TC of MSE Compulsions = the acts associated to relieve the obsessive thoughts - cleaning, checking locks, routine, in the appearance/behaviour and TC of MSE
Difference between an obsession and delusion?
Delusions lack insight, obsessions are egodystonic whilst delusions are egosyntonic, obsessions are resisted but delusions are not, obsessions come with compulsions but delusions dont and delusions can have psychotic associations
Which pathways have been shown to be effected in OCD?
glutamate and serotonin
What does PANDA stand for?
paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric schizophrenia disorder associated to strep infection
1st line treatment in OCD?
2nd line treatment in OCD?
SSRI or (tca) Clomipramine
3rd line treatment in OCD?
Antipsychotics or glutamate antagonists
Symptoms of PTSD?
Flashbacks, vivid memories, dreams, triggers
avoidance of circumstances resembling trigger
impaired recollection of event
Hyperarousal symptoms - decreased sleep, increased startle response
What condition do you need to ensure it is not in order to diagnose PTSD?
Psychosis - hallucinations or trauma dreams, hyperactive startle response or persecutory delusions
What biological pathways are effected in PTSD? Structures in the brain that change in activity?
HPA axis - increased stress response
Raised Na causing increased startle
Decreased serotonin - increased startle and intrusive memories
Hippocampus reduces in volume and activity
Amygdala has increased activity - cant discriminate threat
First and second line treatment for PTSD?
Antipsychotics and Prazocin
What 2 psychological interventions can be put in place to combat PTSD?
EMDR - eye movement desenitization reprocessing