Observations Definitions Flashcards
Observing of participants behaviour through controlled or uncontrolled conditions
Unstructured Observation
Observation where there is no checklist so every behaviour seen is written down in as much detail as possible
Structured Observation
An observation study using a predetermined coding scheme to record the participants’ behaviour
Inter-rater reliability
The method of measuring the external consistency of a test. This method is carried out by different ‘raters’ giving consistent estimates/measures of behaviour
Coding Scheme
Ways of categorising behaviour so that you can code what you observe in terms of how often a type of how often a type of behaviour appears
Naturalistic Observation
A research method where the participants’ behaviour is studied in a natural environment. Typically there would be no IV
Controlled Observation
Participants’ behaviour is usually observed in a controlled environment (laboratory). Typically there would be no IV unless it was a Lab experiment utilising observation
Participant Observation
The observer is a part of the observation environment
Non-participant Observation
The researcher observes participants without participating in the observation itself
Overt Observations
The researcher is open with their participants about observing their behaviour. The participants know that they are being studied
Covert Observations
The participants are unaware of the presence of the researcher and they are NOT made aware that their behaviour is being observed
Time Sampling
Set time intervals are established within the observation period and behaviours are recorded only at these points
Event Sampling
The observer keeps an account of each time a particular behaviour occurs
Pilot Study
A small scale study conducted to ensure the method will work according to plan. If it doesn’t then amendments can be made
Observer Bias
The researcher’s cognitive bias causes them to subconsciously influence the participants of an experiment
Observer Effect
Refers to subjects altering their behaviour when they are aware that an observer is present. The observer could create this deliberately or unintentionally