OBS & GYNE Ch. 13 US in First Trimester Flashcards
area in head of sperm contains enzymes to aid penetration of oocyte
Membrane enclosing amniotic cavity and embryo/fetus
Abnormal number of chromosomes
Early gestation made up of trophoblast (outer layer cells), embryoblast (inner cell mass) and fluid filled cavity
Membrane around chorionic cavity made up of trophoblast cells and extraembryonic mesoderm
Chorionic villi
Budlike outward growths from trophoblasts, some give rise to fetal portion of placenta
Conceptual age
Duration pregnancy, counted from fertilization (conception), AKA embryonic age or postovulatory age
Product of fertilization, including all stages from zygote to fetus
Corpus luteum
Progesterone-secreting structure formed by follicle after releasing its oocyte
Crown-rump length (CRL)
Measurement longest axis of embryo to determine gestational age
Estimated date of delivery (EDD)
Due date, calculated by adding 280 days to first day of LMP, aka estimated date of confinement (EDC)
Endometrial changes to allow implantation of blastocyst
group of hormones, primarily produced in ovaries, affect secondary sex characteristics and menstrual cycle
Penetration of oocyte by sperm to form diploid zygote
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Hormone produced in anterior pituitary, which stimulates maturation of ovarian follicle