OBS Flashcards
What is the risk of placenta accreta in the presence of a previa and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 CS
Previa and:
- 0 prior CS: 3 %
- 1 prior CS: 25 %
- 2 prior CS: 40 %
- 3 prior CS: 61 %
- 4 prior CS: 67 %
What is the risk of placenta accreta in the absence of placenta previa
Accreta without previa
- 1 prior CS: 6.6 %
- 2 prior CS: 17%
- > 3 prior CS: 55%
What is the risk of accreta with 1 prior CS and with and without previa
One previous CS
- No previa: 6.6%
- Previa: 25%
What is the risk of accreta with 2 prior CS and with and without previa
Two (2) previous CS
- No previa: 17%
- Previa: 40%
What is the risk of accreta with 3 prior CS and with and without previa
- No previa: 55%
- Previa: 61%
Name the indications for aspirin in pregnancy (10)
- AMA (Age > 40)
- BMI > 30
- History of IUGR
- History of PET
- Chronic HTN or previous GHTN
- Multiple pregnancy
- DM 1 or DM2
- History of placental abruption
- History of placental infarct
When should ASA be started
12- 16 weeks
What is the mechanism of action of labetolol
Mixed alpha + beta adrenergic ANTAGONIST
What is the mechanism of action of metyldopa
Alpha-2 adrenergic AGONIST
What is the mechanism of action of hydralazine
Vascular smooth muscle relaxant
Name the sources of progesterone in pregnancy (2)
- Corpus luteum cyst (until 6-7 weeks)
- Placenta
What are the most common congenital anomalies in patient with T1 or T2 DM
Neural tube defect (4.2 fold increase)
Congenital heart disease (3.4 fold increase)
What does BV in pregnancy predispose to?
Post partum endometritis
When are depression symptoms worse in adolescent pregnancy?
Between T2 and T3
1/2 have symptoms in early post partum period
What adverse outcomes are adolescent pregnancy linked to?
NICU admissions
Congenital anomalies
What congenital anomalies are linked to adolescent pregnancies?
(anencephaly, spina bifida, hydrocephaly, microcephaly)
(Gastroschesis, omphalocele)
(clift lip, cleft palate, polydactyliy, syndactaly)
What is the most common lower genital tract disorder in women of reproductive age?
Bacterial vaginosis
What are some risk factors for BV (4?)
Black race
Sexual activity
Use of vaginal douches
What are the two ways to establish a diagnosis of BV?
Amsel criteria
Nugent score (Gram stain, score > 7)
Amsel criteria:
Adherent and homogenous vaginal discharge
Vaginal pH > 4.5
Detection of clue cells
Positive wiff test
What is the treatment + f/u of BV in pregnancy ?
Metronidazole (Flagyl) 500 mg PO BID x 7 days
Clinda 300 mg PO daily x 7 days
Repeat culture 1 month after treatment - high recurrence
Topical agents have similar cure rates but
- Not effective to prevent PTL in high risk population
Name the adverse pregnancy outcomes with BV (5)
Spontaneous abortion
PP infections (Endometritis + CS wound infection)
When should you screen for BV in pregnancy?
NO routine screening
Screen if bothersome and persistent discharge
Screen at 12-16 weeks in high risk women
What is oral fluconazole in pregnancy associated to?
Tetralogy of Fallot
Safety in 2nd and 3rd trimester not investigated
What is boric acid associated to in pregnancy?
2 fold increase in birth defects (during first 4 months)
Define shock index
HR / sBP
< 0.7 → normal
> 0.7 → transfuse
Absolute contraindications to neuraxial anesthesia
Maternal coagulopathy
LMWH within 12h
Skin infection at site of needle placement
Refractory maternal hypotension
Increased intracranial pressure caused by mass lesion
3 coags / 2 infection / 2 BP
Describe the following signs:
Goodell : Softening of LUS
Chadwick : Cyanosis / bluish discoloration
Hegar: Softening of cervix
(Hegar = cx dilator)
What test should you order to r/o GDM in patient who underwent gastric bypass surgery?
(# 393)
Fasting glucose
1h post prandial blood glucose