Objectives Flashcards
The loss of an element in the power system.
Includes the loss of key transmission lines, loss of significant equipment, change in generation, lack of reactive support and other like occurrences
First Contingency
N = system normal 1 = a single contingency
Refers to the loss of one unique element of the transmission system
A power system is designed to withstand all possible First Contingencies and not collapse or cause undue harm in neighboring systems
Second Contingency
N = system normal 2 = two contingencies that may be simultaneous or subsequent outages before system adjustments can be made
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Regulates the transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce.
North American Electric Reliability Corporation
Provides reliability standards along with compliance and enforcement to maintain and improve the reliability of North America’s bulk power system
There are 3 major and 2 minor NERC interconnections and 9 NERC regional Reliability Councils
Major and Minor Interconnections
Eastern Interconnection
Covers most of Eastern North America, extending from the foot of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic seaboard, excluding TX.
Ties to other major interconnections via DC interties and has ties to non-NERC systems in northern Canada
The Eastern Interconnection Reliability Councils are:
FRCC- Florida Reliability Coordinating Council
MRO- Midwest Reliability Organization
NPCC- Northeast Power Coordinating Council
RFC- Reliability First Corporation
SERC- Southeast Electric Reliability Council
Western Interconnection
Covers most of Western North America, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast.
Is tied to the Eastern Interconnection at 6 points and has ties to non-NERC systems in Northern Canada and Northwest Mexico
The reliability council is WECC- Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Because there is only one council in the Western Interconnection it is usually just referred to as WECC
Texas Interconnection
Covers most of the state of TX
Tied to the Eastern Interconnection at 2 points and has ties to non-NERC systems in Mexico
The reliability council is ERCOT- Electric Reliability Council of Texas
Because there is only one council in the Texas Interconnection it is usually just referred to as ERCOT
Québec Interconnection
Covers the Province of Québec and is tied to the Eastern Interconnection at 2 points
Despite being a functionally separate interconnection, it is often considered to be part of the Eastern Interconnection
The reliability council is NPCC- Northeast Power Coordinating Council
Alaska Interconnection
Covers a portion of the State of AK and is not tied to any other interconnections.
Due to its isolated nature, it is not generally counted among North America’s interconnections
The reliability council is ASCC- Alaska Systems Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Responsible for coordinating and promoting electric system reliability
Supports efficient competitive power markets, assures open and non-discriminatory transmission access among members, provides a forum for resolving transmission
Northwest Power Pool
Serves as a forum o in the electrical industry for reliability and operational adequacy issues in the Northwest
A volunteer organization comprised of major generating utilities serving the Northwest US, BC and Alberta.
Smaller non-generating utilitiesin the region participate indirectly thru the member system with which they are interconnected
Places in the system where commercial transactions are limited by system capacity
An interconnected transmission system disconnecting as a result of a voltage collapse or other destructive system condition, breaking it up into separate areas