Objective Statements Flashcards
“Middle Name”
I know I have lost directional control when i have full rudder deflection into the operating engine and the aircraft begins to yaw toward the inoperative engine. To recover I will simultaneously reduce power on the operating engine and reduce the angle of attack
Critical Engine
Is the engine that when failed most adversely affects the performance and handling qualities of the airplane
Is the minimum airspeed at which directional control can be maintained with the critical engine inoperative
Maneuvering Speed
Is the maximum airspeed at which full abrupt control inputs can be made without structural damage to the aircraft. At speeds below maneuvering speed, the aircraft will stall before exceeding the design limit load factor. At airspeeds above maneuvering speed the design limit load factor will be exceeded before the aircraft stalls
Stabilized Approach
Is one in which the pilot establishes and maintains a constant angle glidepath towards a predetermined point on the landing runway. It is based on the pilot’s judgment of certain visual cues, and depends on a constant final descent airspeed and configuration
Aiming Point
The point on the ground at which, if the airplane maintains a constant glidepath, and was not flared for landing, it would contact the ground
Relative wind
The direction of the airflow produced by an object moving through the air. the relative wind for an airplane in flight flows in the direction parallel with opposite to the direction of flight; therefore, the actual flight path of the airplane determines the direction of the relative wind
Slow Flight
To teach the student positive aircraft control at the speed at which any increase in angle of attack, increase in load factor or reduction in power would result in an immediate stall
Slow flight PTS tolerance
At least 3,000 AGL ±50' ±10° heading \+5/-0 KTS Specified Bank ±5°
Power off Stall
To teach the student how to recognize and recover from a stall in landing configuration
Power off Stall PTS tolerance
At least 3,000 AGL
±10° heading
Bank not exceed 20°
Recover at “onset’’ of stall
Power on Stall
To teach the student how to recognize and recover from a stall in take off or departure configuration.
Power on Stall PTS tolerances
At least 3,000 AGL
±10° heading
Bank not exceed 20°
Recover at “onset’”
VMC Demo
To Teach the student how to recognize and recover from a loss of direction control
VMC Demo PTS Tolerances
Recover within 20° heading
Accelerated Stall
To demonstrate to the student that the aircraft will stall at a higher speed under increased load factor
Accelerated Stall PTS Tolerances
At least 3,000 AGL
45° bank
Recover at “onset”
Steep Turns
To teach the student to fly in a steep bank, maximum performance turn while using inside and outside references
Steep Trun PTS Tolerances
50° bank ±100 Feet ±10 KTS ±5° bank Rollout ±10° heading
Drag Demonstration
To demonstrate to the student the effects of various airspeeds and configurations on performance
Ground Reference Maneuvers
To develop division of attention between flightpath and ground references while controlling the airplane and watching for other aircraft in the vicinity