Objective examination Flashcards
Newborn vital signs
temp = 37-37.6
PR = 70-190 bpm
RR = 25-50
BP = 50/25 - 52/30
3 y/o vital signs
temp = 36.9-37.5
PR = 80-125 bpm
RR= 20-30
BP = 78/46-114/78
10 y/o vital signs
temp = 36.4-37
PR = 70-110 bpm
RR = 16-22 cpm
BP = 90/56-120/84
16 y/o vital signs
temp = 36.4-37.1
PR = 55-100 bpm
RR = 15-20 cpm
BP = 104/60-120-84
Weight at birth
3400 g
when does weight double
5 months
when does weight triple
12 months
poorly nourished
child weighs below expected
fairly nourished
near borderline of acceptable body weight
well nourished
classified between spectrum of its normal age
p/d, f/d, w/d
poorly developed
fairly developed
well developed
height at birth
50 cm
height at 21 months
75 cm
height at 4 years
100 cm
height at early school age
5 cm annually
height at prepubescence
5-8 cm annually
Head circumference at birth, 4 months, 12 months, maturity
birth: 35 cm
4 months: 41 cm
12 months: 47 cm
maturity: 57 cm
landmarks for head circumference
glabella, occipital protuberance
drool gradings
mild= drooling in certain position
moderate = drooling in 2 head positions
profuse = drooling in any head direction
cortical thumb indicates/listing/hand spooning indicates
umn lesion
body proportion of newborn infant
head larger
round face
small mandible
round chest
prominent abdomen
short extremities
anterior fontanelle closes by
18 months
posterior fontanelle closes by
1/2 month
18-23 mos attention span
1 min 20 seconds
2-3 y/o attention span
3 mins
9-10 y/o attention span
45-60 mins
concentration span grades
poor: unable to return to task with prompting
fair: returns to task with prompting
good: not distracted or returns to task without prompting
frustration tolerance grades
poor: after 25% of task, max prompt
fair: after 25-75% of task; moderate prompt
good: after >75% of task or does not show; minimal prompt
purely extended posture
strap hanger
abnormal positioning of hand
pithed frog
frog position
modified mmt for children
0 = no movement
1 = trace
2 = gravity eliminated
3 = against gravity
4 = with resistance
spasticity grades
0 = no increase in tone
1 = catch and release by minimal resistance at end of rom
1+= catch, minimal resistance in less than half of ROM
2 = increase in tone through most of ROM, part still easily moved
3 = increase in muscle tone, passive movement difficult
4 = part is rigid in flexion/extension
sensoriperceptual skills include
visual (threat, localization, tracking)
tactile (light touch, pain, pressure)
auditory (localization)
perceptual skills in more grown children
r/l discrimination
figure-ground relations
spatial relation