Objective 3 Flashcards
Factors influecing health and wellness
What is wellness
complete state of physical, mental and social well-being
varies from culture to culture
aka Holistic Health
What is health?
related to functional abilities not just absence of disease
includes a person’s stregth, resilience, capabilities and resources
6 Components of healthy aging
4 Types of Aging
3 Components of Psychological Wellness
In control of one’s life
Taking responsibility for one’s health
Effective coping skills
(Spiritual?) Nursing Responses
Relief of physical discomfort
Comfort touching
Be present
Active listening
Treat as a person
Listen to life stories (reminisce)
Make a connection
What is Biological wellness
age-related physical changes, lifestyle and genetics
Promotore healthy behaviours
What is Social wellness?
Satisfying roles and relationships
What is Enviornmental wellness? (2 parts)
Physical - living arrangements
Social - effective role transitions in the community
12 Determinants of Health
- Income/social status
- Social support networks
- Education/ literacy
- Employment/ work conditions
- Social environments
- Physical environments
- Helaht practices/ coping skills
- Healthy child development
- Biology/ genetics
- Health services
- Gender
- Cultur
Disengagement Theory
Seperation from society in older adults
Disability impacts it
Key is Adjustment
Activity Theory
Stay active to successfully age
Engage in society
Continuity Theory
constant patterns of behaviour represents ‘who the person is”
ability to adapt to changes in aging
Developmental Theory
Erikson’s theory
Last stage of life “Ego Integrity v. Despair”
Looking back on life and being satisfied
Wisdom and spiritual growth
Life’s challenges shifts person away from material to the cosmic world (spirituality)
12 Cognitive functions categories
1 Attention span 2 Intelligence 3 Learning ability 4 Orientation 5 Problem sovling 6 Concetration 7 Reaction time 8 Judgement 9 Memory 10 Perception 11 Psychomotor Ability 12 Social intactness
4 Normal patterns of cognition and aging
1 Age associated memory impairment
2 age associated sensory loss
3 Basic intelligence is unchanged
4 Teach/ new learning is effective
Ability to retain/store information and retrieve it
Regular input and exercise needed for brain function
What is fluid intelligence
learning and problem solving in new situations
abstract thinking
declines with age
what is Crystallized |Intelligence
when knowledge crystalizes and remiains stable throughout life
3 Cognitive stimulation techniques
Cognitive games