objections Flashcards
We want to only give you a 30/90 day listing
’m sorry … I won’t do that …_______ months is our company policy …therefore … all we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I canhelp you get what you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract …
We were thinking about (X) company, or we’ve never heard of yourcompany.
I can understand your concern … and I think you realize a company doesn’t sella home … it’s the individual agent’s activities …Do you feel I can sell your home? Terrific!All we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I can help you getwhat you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great? Sign the contract
We’ll save the commission by selling it ourselves
I agree you can save the commission by selling it yourself … are you aware thattoday over ___________ homes are for sale … last month only ________actually sold … that’s a ______ month supply of homes … if no other homescome on the market … and … last month _______ homes went on the market!(Wait for answer)And what’s worse … is the fact that only 2% of all For Sale By Owners sellthemselves … and 98% are listed and sold by Real Estate agents … Can youafford to have only a 2% chance of selling your home?Let’s do the right thing and simply … sign the contract … so I can help you getwhat you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?
Let’s list high; we can always come down later.
I understand you want to list high … to leave room for negotiating … and haveyou considered the problem that creates for you?Most people won’t even bother looking at properties that are priced too high …would you rather have a bidding war on your home … or not have anopportunity to negotiate any offers at all?All we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I can help you getwhat you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract.
We want to think it over
That’s great … and since three minds are better than two … let’s think out loud… together … tell me … what are you thinking about?
We want to sleep on it.
You’re right … this is a big decision … isn’t it?Yet … the decision must be made based upon what you want … correct?Let’s do this … sign the contract tonight … contingent upon your approval within24 hours … that way we both win … can I tell you how?You have 24 hours with no pressure … so you can … feel comfortable … andsleep on it tonight … then I’ll call you in the morning … and you simply … tellme yes … or no.If you say no … I’ll rip up the contract … and you have no obligation … if you …say yes … I’ll begin marketing your property immediately … either way …All we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I can help you getwhat you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract
I have a friend in the business.
I can appreciate that … and almost everyone does … so let me ask you … doyou absolutely have to … sell this home … or … are you just looking to do yourfriend a favor?Obviously … you had me out for a reason … right?Do you feel I can sell your home? Terrific!All we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I can help you getwhat you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract.
Another agent said they could get me more money.
I can appreciate that … and what you probably don’t understand is this …An agent that will … list your property … overpriced … assumes they can takethe listing now … and then start beating you up on the price … week after weekafter week after week … is that what you want? … Who would?They’re afraid to tell you the truth … up front … ________ … do you want thetruth? Of course you do.Let’s do the right thing … and simply … sign the contract … so I can help youget what you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract.
You haven’t sold any homes in my area.
That’s a valid concern … the obvious reason you’ll … choose me now … is thatmy company has homes for sale all over the community …Meaning … when you … sign the contract tonight … we can expose yourproperty to potential buyers from all over the area … do you realize howimportant that kind of exposure is?Now … isn’t that what you want? … Of course it is …Therefore … all we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I canhelp you get what you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract.
What do you do to sell homes?
That’s a valid concern … and let me ask you … are you aware … that there aretwo kinds of Real Estate agents?There are passive and active … I am an active agent … meaning … when you… sign the contract tonight … I will spend my time actively marketing yourhome … to the other active agents in town … isn’t that what you want?You want someone … who will work actively … and aggressively … to get yourhome sold … right? Terrific!All we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I can help you getwhat you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract.
We want you to cut your commission
No … any other questions?Sign the contract.
The other agent said he/she would cut commission.
I can appreciate that … can I tell you why that makes me nervous?If other agents do not have the courage … to stand up to you … regarding theirown worth … how strong could they possibly be … defending you … and theprice we set for your home? __________, I have that courage … do you feel Ican sell your home? (YES) Terrific!All we need to do now is simply … sign the contract … so I can help you getwhat you want … in the time you want … won’t that be great?Sign the contract.
you are the 20th realtor to have called today
only 20 so far, im actually a bit disappointed,i was hoping that more realtors were working today.
another realtor said he would cut his commissions, why cant you do the same?
i appreciate you being up front about that, and I can understand where you are comming from, in that, you want to save as much money as possible on commissions as possible right.
i know how you feel, many sellers felt that, but can I share with you what they often find when they chose to base their decision on going with the realtor who discounts the most?
if a realtor is willing to not protect the value of his services, than how are they going to protect the value of your home. that is a first red flag.
secondly, 1 % goes to the brokerage off the top, 1 % is for the realtors living, and 1% is reinvested into marketing plan, so if you take 1% away, most likely they are not going to reinvest anything into selling your home. if you’ve gone through the selling process, and you know how much work is involved, a realtor is likely planning on passive marketing, list and prey. they wont put the extra work, they will focus on other homes.
i am so sick of realtors calling me all day
you probly dont like receiving these calls as much as i dont like making them, but i was just hoping to ask just to ask you something about the house for sale
where were you when we were selling the house
honestly, your agent never called me and thats why its important that we get together to make sure that doesn’t happen, because there is 200 houses on the market right now. that is why it is important that we get together to make sure something like this doesnt happen again
we want to sell in the summer when everyone else is selling their homes
I can appreciate that, but let me ask you this, do you want to have your home listed on the market when the competition is at its highest, or do you want to capitalize on the buyers that are available right now, because the trend is, the most sellers upt their houses up at that time, because that is when they take holidays and want to move when the weather is good, but the buyers market is concurrent, which can afford a much faster sell, and potentially higher demand for this particular home
i think I can sell the home myself, without an agent
absolutely, I believe that you can sell the house as well, but for whatever reason you are not able to, would it make sensefor us to have a conversation and talk about some things that i could do to help you net the highest bottom line dollar in the fastest amount of time
so whats your commission
that’s the first thing well talk about that when i get there, based on what I see in the home and the marketing package you feel is best.
during listing presentation…
we were hoping for to sell for a higher price
this is pretty black and white, not what i want to sell it for but what the market is telling us you will be able to see based on factual evidence,
—–you are going to be able to demonstrate the home should sell within 15 days, if not you have to talk about lowering the price. you are also going to pull 3 solds, 3 actives, 3 expires and 1 of something else—-
after asking if they would consider selling because the market is so hot
we dont want to sell right now
if the market continues to go up, would you at some point, 6 months down the road consider selling the property and cashing out?
we want to work with the neighborhood specialist
i understand, because you want someone that knows the neighborhood well and so forth, i do hear some people mention it from time to time and i complete respect the idea, so, my thoughts are this, that i think are something to really consider 1. when you drive around the neighborhood, you start to notice there is dozens of different agents up and down each street. and same with listings. so it might be that there is an agent that has 4 listings on month, but then the next month a different agent has 6, and so the neighborhood specialist either doesnt exist, or it is changing very frequently. now, lets say, there really was a bonafied neighborhood specialist, the guy that helped everyone buy their homes when they moved here, and that everyone goes to when they want to sell, the thing is, you would have an agent who is not required to be active. thats the difference is there is active agents and passive agents. do you want someone who knows the neighborhood or do you want someone who is going to go out and try to sell your home. 3rd, when you really think about it, more so than not, when people move, they are moving to a different neighborhood, so an agent that operates in different neighborhoods has contacts and reach to other neighborhoods, and agents, that is casting a way bigger net than just the immediate 400 homes. of course, that is where we want to start. even myself.
we are going to interview couple different agents, we want to hear what everyone has to say
so you have one interview tomorrow and another one on saturday, that is awesome, i think it is really good to interview many agents because we are all very different
we’ll call you back in a couple weeks
john, i appreciate that, i really do, but can I ask, in my experiences, most cases when someone says that they are going to call me back, they are not really planning on following up, and its ok, I can take it, but if you could be completely honest with me, that way I am know for certain, rather this is a future conversation that is going to take place, as I dont want to waste your time or my time at that point.