Object Knowledge 2 Flashcards
What is logged to console?
let [apple, orange] = [1, 2];
What is alerted?
let [firstName, surname] = “John Smith”.split(‘ ‘);
What is Destructuring assignment?
Does it mutate?
Destructuring assignment is a special syntax that allows us to “unpack” arrays or objects into a bunch of variables, as sometimes that’s more convenient.
No, it does not destruct. Should probably be called “unpacking syntax”.
What is alerted?
let [firstName, , title] = [“Julius”, “Caesar”, “Consul”, “of the Roman Republic”];
alert( title );
// Consul
Unpack this array into separate variables
[1, 2]
let [apple, orange] = [1, 2];
console. log(apple); // 1
console. log(orange); // 2
Unpack only the first and third array items into variables:
[“Julius”, “Caesar”, “Consul”, “of the Roman Republic”]
let [firstName, , title] = [“Julius”, “Caesar”, “Consul”, “of the Roman Republic”];
alert( title );
Destructuring assignment works with any iterable
t or f
let [one, two, three] = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
What is alerted?
let user = {}; [user.name, user.surname] = "John Smith".split(' ');
// John // Smith
Do a for… of loop over an object (3 ways)
- Operate the for of loop on Object.entries array
- Operator the for of loop on Object.entries array and destruct the entries
- Add an iterator
1. With Object.entries let anObject = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }
for (entries of Object.entries(anObject)) { console.log(entries[0]); console.log(entries[1]); } one 1 two 2 three 3
2. With Destructuring assignment and Object.entries let user = { name: "John", age: 30 };
// loop over keys-and-values for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(user)) { alert(`${key}:${value}`); // name:John, then age:30 }
3. let anObject = { 'one': 1, 'two': 4, 'three': 6435634, [Symbol.iterator]() { return { counter: 0, arrayObj: Object.entries(anObject), next() { if (this.counter > this.arrayObj.length - 1) { return {done: true}; } return {done: false, value: this.arrayObj[this.counter++][1]} } } } }
for (value of anObject) {
Swap the variable values:
[guest, admin] let guest = "Jane"; let admin = "Pete"; (make guest = "Pete", admin = "Jane"
[guest, admin] = [admin, guest];
Can do more than 2 at a time.
What is alerted?
let [name1, name2] = [“Julius”, “Caesar”, “Consul”, “of the Roman Republic”];
let [name1, ,name2] = [“Julius”, “Caesar”, “Consul”, “of the Roman Republic”];
// Julius // Caesar
// Julius // Consul
What happens with this destructuring assignment?
let [name1, name2, …rest] = [“Julius”, “Caesar”, “Consul”, “of the Roman Republic”];
Adds the remaining items into an array alled rest
// rest is array of items, starting from the 3rd one
alert(rest[0]); // Consul
alert(rest[1]); // of the Roman Republic
alert(rest.length); // 2
Deconstruct an array.
Assign the first 2 items to variables. Add the remaining items into an array
let [name1, name2, …rest] = [“Julius”, “Caesar”, “Consul”, “of the Roman Republic”];
What is alerted?
let [firstName, surname] = [];
// undefined // undefined
setup default values for a destructuring assignment on an array
Setup a default prompt for restructuring assignment on an array
let [name = “Guest”, surname = “Anonymous”] = [“Julius”];
alert(name); // Julius (from array)
alert(surname); // Anonymous (default used)
Can be more complicated" // runs only prompt for surname let [name = prompt('name?'), surname = prompt('surname?')] = ["Julius"];
alert(name); // Julius (from array)
alert(surname); // whatever prompt gets
Destructure an object (make new variables from object properties in one step);
Does the order matter?
let {var1, var2} = {var1:…, var2:…}
The order doesn’t matter
But the variable names have to be the same because objects are not iterable.
Destructure an object and change the variable names
let options = { title: "Menu", width: 100, height: 200 };
// { sourceProperty: targetVariable } let {width: w, height: h, title} = options;
// width -> w // height -> h // title -> title
alert(title); // Menu
alert(w); // 100
alert(h); // 200
Have default values when destructuring an object
Have default values when destructuring an array
let options = { title: "Menu" };
let {width = 100, height = 200, title} = options;
alert(title); // Menu
alert(width); // 100
alert(height); // 200
let anArray = [1, 2];
let [ appl, pea, purp = 3] = anArray;