Obgyn disease Flashcards
if a woman was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia and ovulation dysfunction with no other abnormalities, How would she be categorized as per PALM COEiN RULE ?
she would be categorized as AUB P0 A0 L0 M1-C0 O1 E0 I0 N0.
What type of nomenclature classification is used for abnormal menstrual bleeding
What are the system involved in normal cyclic uterine bleeding?
the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland,
and the ovaries.
An intact coagulation pathway
What are the steps of menstruation
- Increasing estrogen levels secreted by the follicles within the ovaries result in proliferation of the endometrium.
- Following ovulation, the corpus luteum continues to produce estrogen, but more importantly, the
corpus luteum becomes the source of progesterone. - Together these hormones stabilize the endometrium and prepare it for implantation of a blastocyst, should fertilization occur.
- If fertilization and implantation do not occur, the corpus luteum degenerates and the resulting drop in hormone levels lead to withdrawal bleeding.

what happen if there is deficiency of platelet in menstruation ?
heavy bleeding or Longer duration).
what is normal menstruation cycle?
Usual menstrual flow begins every 24 to 38 days with regularity (cycle-to-cycle variation 2–20 days)
lasts 4 to 8 days.
The average volume of blood loss during menstruation ?
5 to 80 ml
Define Abnormal uterine bleeding
Only on non pregnant women, bleeding from uterine corpus- abnormal duration/volume/irregularity, prolonged
How is AUB categorized?
AUB may be acute or chronic and associated with heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) or intermenstrual bleeding (IMB;
What is the other name of AUB HMB
Menorrhagia ( formal)
AUB IMB full form
Abnormal uterine bleeding intermittent uterine bleeding
AUB IMB full form - what is the formal name
Define Metrorrhagia
defined as bleeding that randomly occurs between defined predictable menstrual patterns
Is AUB IMB or AUB HMB symptoms or diagnosis
FIGO classification to determine cause of AUB?
This classification is known by the acronym PALM-COEIN: Polyp (AUB-P), Adenomyosis (AUB-A), Leiomyoma (AUB-L), Malignancy and Hyperplasia (AUB-M), making up the PALM portion of the acronym; and Coagulopathy (AUB-C), Ovulatory disorders (AUB-O), Endometrial (AUB-E), Iatrogenic (AUB-I), and Not yet classified (AUB-N),
What is AUB polyp
Polyps are hyperplastic overgrowths of endometrial glands and stroma that project from the surface of the endometrium
How are AUB-P diagnosed?
ultrasound hysteroscopic examination (with or without histopathology
What are the effect of AUB-P on post and pre- menopausal women
Premenopausal women with AUB and polyps are less likely to be diagnosed with an endometrial neoplasia as compared with menopausal women with polyps
what type of polyps size are
Polyps less than 1 cm often regress in size within a year, as compared with polyps that are 1.5 cm or greater.
Risk factors for USB- Polyps
Though the exact cause remains unknown,
genetic factors
obesity, and
Tamoxifen use.
Increased estrogen and progesterone receptor concentrations contribute to the development of polyps.