OBGyn Flashcards
Abruptio placentae Path: Pt: Dx: Tx: Complications:
Path: Separation of placenta from its site of implantation before delivery of the fetus
-Visible if blood between membranes and uterus -escapes through cervix
Concealed if blood is retained between detached placenta and uterus
-MC associated w/ Maternal htn (essential, gestational, preeclampsia)
Pt: Vaginal bleeding Uterine tenderness or back pain Fetal distress Preterm labor High-frequency contractions Hypertonus (inc resting tone) Dead fetus
Dx: Clx
Maternal resuscitation w/ blood and crystalloid
For viable fetus: cesarean section if vaginal delivery is not imminent
For abruption demise: start induction when mother is stabilized
Complications: Consumptive coagulopathy -> DIC Renal failure Fetal demise Couvelaire uterus: widespread extravasation of blood into the uterine musculature beneath uterine serosa
Breech presentation
Lie: long axis of fetus (longitudinal, transverse, oblique)
Presentation: fetal part that directly overlies pelvic inlet: vertex (head), breech
Head is not palpated above symphysis pubis
U/S to confirm fetal position: Also assesses for maternal pelvic abnormalities, uterine abnormalities and placenta previa
External version can be attempted at 37w
Active labor: C/S
Umbilical cord prolapse Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path: Risk factors: Unstable lie, Footling breech, Polyhydramnios, Prematurity, FGR (Fetal growth restriction), Multiparity, Long umbilical cord, Multifetal gestation, Unengaged presenting part
Pt: Hx of malpresentation, PROM
Dx: Cord precedes presenting part increasing cord pressure leading to fetal anoxia
Lift baby’s head and try to decompress (usually more cord comes out)
Emergent C/S
Tocolytic: terbutaline 0.25mg sub-q to decrease uterine contractions and alleviate pressure on the cord
If delay in c/s-> Trendelenburg position, knee-chest position, bladder filling, elevation of present fetal part
Path: Failure of the shoulders to spontaneously traverse the pelvis after delivery of the fetal head, requiring extra maneuvers to enable delivery of the fetal shoulders
Dx: Central traction on fetal head does not produce delivery of the shoulders
McRoberts’ maneuver followed by suprapubic pressure to release impacted shoulder
-Flex one of mother’s legs until her thighs touch her abdomen thus fattening the sacrum and rotating the symphysis pubis cephalic ally
-Delivery of posterior fetal arm
Ectopic pregnancy Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path: Zygote implants not in uterus
MC ampulla
Risk factors: Hx of PID, Tubal ligation, Prior ectopic, IUD, Assisted reproductive techniques, In vitro fertilization
Abdominal pain, Bleeding
Dx: B-Quant >/=1500 w/ negative TV U/S <1500 -Too soon to tell -If B-HCG doubles in 48 hours-> normal pregnancy
Tx: Salpingostomy: no rupture Salpingectomy: + rupture Methotrexate (+/- leucovorin) ok if: -B-HCG <5000 -Gestation sac <3.5cm -No heart tones
Fetal distress
Fetal heart rate monitoring
- Absent variability with recurrent late decelerations
- Absent variability with recurrent variable decelerations
- Absurd variability with bradycardia or a sinusoidal pattern
Gestational diabetes
Dx: Fasting >95 Screening between 24 and 28w w/ 50g glucose load >130-140 after 1hr 100g glucose challenge with >180 at 1hr >155 at 2hr >140 at 3hr
Medical nutritional therapy -> diet and exercise routine
Oral glyburide, metformin-> only if pt unwilling/unable to use insulin therapy to control glucose levels
Fetal risks-> macrosomia, respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal hypoglycemia
Maternal risk-> inc DM-II
Gestational trophoblastic disease
Molar pregnancy
Pt: N/V, abd pain, vaginal bleeding
New onset HTN <20w, suspect molar pregnancy
PE: uterine size larger than expected for dates
Labs: B-hCG higher than expected for dates
Dx: U/S: snowstorm/bag of grapes
Tx: D&C
Risk factors: extremes of maternal age, hx of previous mole, vitamin A deficiency
Pt: Vaginal bleeding, Pelvic discomfort, Hyperemesis gravidarum
PE: uterus large than expected for gestational age
B-HCG usually high
Higher for complete moles than partial moles
TV-U/S: absence of an embryo or fetus and central heterogeneous mass w/ numerous discrete anechoic spaces -> “snowstorm” or “bag of grapes” appearance
Uterine evacuation with suction curettage
Weekly hCG until undetectable
If levels remain elevated or rise-> gestational trophoblastic neoplasia tx with hysterectomy
Pregnancy induced hypertension Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path: HTN no proteinuria after 20w gestation
Resolves 12w postpartum
Thought to be due to arteriolar vasoconstriction
Pt: Asx
BP >/=140 / >/=90
No proteinuria
May withhold meds
+/- hydralazine, labetalol
Monitor for preeclampsia
Preeclampsia Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path:HTN + proteinuria +/- edema AFTER 20w gestation (earlier in multiple gestation or molar pregnancy)
Without severe features Pt: Asx Dx: BP >/=140 / >/=90 sustained, starting after 20w Urine: 300mg/dL proteinuria (1+ dip stick) Tx: >37w deliver urgently (induce) <37w bed rest
With severe features Pt: Sx of HTN: HA, visual sx Fetal growth restriction Edema caused by proteinuria (dec oncotic pressure)
BP >160 / >110 sustained, starting after 20w
Proteinuria 5g/24h (3+ dip stick)
Oliguria (<500ml/24h)
Thrombocytopenia, +/- DIC
HELLP syndrome: (Hemolytic anemia, Elevated liver enzymes, Low Platelets)
Prompt delivery
Magnesium sulfate (seizure prevention)
BP meds in acute severe HTN: Hydralazine, Labetalol, Nifedipine
Eclampsia Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path: Seizures or coma in pts who meet preeclampsia criteria
Abrupt tonic-clonic seizures
HA, visual changes, cardiorespiratory arrest
Same at preeclampsia + seizures
Tx: ABCD’s 1st Magnesium sulfate for seizures (lorazepam if refractory) Delivery of fetus once mom is stabilized BP meds: hydralazine, labetalol
Incompetent cervix Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path: Inability to maintain pregnancy 2/2 premature cervical dilation (esp in 2nd trimester)
Risk factors: Previous cervical trauma or procedure (tx for CIN), Uterus defects, DES exposure in utero, Multiple gestations
Pt: bleeding, vaginal discharge especially in 2nd trimester
Dx: painless dilation and effacement of cervix
Cerclage (suturing of cervical os) and bed rest especially if prior hx
If not performed initially, cerclage can also be performed for women who develop a short cervix (=25mm) before 24w as determined by U/S surveillance
+/- weekly injection of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone in some women with preterm birth hx
Multiple gestations
Monochorionic: share placenta
At risk for twin-twin transfusion syndrome
Quintero system:
-Stage I: manage expectantly w/ weekly Doppler blood flow studies; poly/oligohydramnios (recipient poly; donor oligo); Visualize bladder in both fetuses; Normal umbilical doppler flow
-Stage II: Bladder of donor fetus is not visualized on U/S
-Stage III: abnormal doppler flow to either fetus
-Stage IV: Signs of hydrops
-Stage V: Death of one or both fetuses
16-26w stage II-IV: fetoscopic laser ablation of placental anastomoses
>26w: amnioreduction
Monoamniotic: share amniotic sac
-Highest risk for complications
Diamniotic/Dichorionic: inhabit separate amniotic sacs/own placenta
Placenta previa Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path: placenta is located over/very near internal os
- Complete previa: covers entire os
- Incomplete previa: placenta at the edge of/partially covers os
- Low-lying: placenta is within 2cm of internal os
Risk factors: Prior cesarean delivery, Advanced maternal age, Multiparity, Smoking
Pt: Painless hemorrhage occurring at end of 2nd trimester or later in pregnancy
Doppler TV U/S @20w (early in pregnancy may resolve by term from placental migration)
Speculum exam visualize bleeding is from above the os
Ideal: term fetus or fetus w/ documented lung maturity can be scheduled for routine cesarean
Less ideal: pt w/ known previa presents in labor and receives emergent cesarean
Least ideal: severe hemorrhage preterm mandating stat cesarean
Postpartum hemorrhage
Path: Bleeding from placental implantation site
Atony: Uterus unable to contract to stop bleeding Retained placental products Trauma to the genital tract Rupture uterus Coagulation defects
Path: Uterus unable to contract to stop bleeding
Risk factors: (additive)
- Over-distended uterus: Large fetus, Multiple gestation, Hydramnios
- Rapid labor
- Prolonged labor
- Use of labor augmentation agents: Pitocin
- Chorioamnionitis
- Hx of uterine atony
Pt: Postpartum hemorrhage
1. First: Vigorous massage: bimanual exam and massage of uterine fundus; Oxytocin infusion; Manual exploration of uterine cavity for retained placental products
- Second: Pharmacological agents: Prostaglandins F2alpha (prostin, carboprost), Ergot derivatives (methergine), Prostaglandin E1 (misoprostol, cytotec)
- Third: Surgical management: Hypogastric artery ligation, Uterine compression sutures (B-lynch), Uterine packing, Peripartum hysterectomy
Retained placental parts
- Accreta: abnormal Adherence to the uterine wall
- Increta: Invade the myometrium
- Percreta: Penetrates the uterine serosa and can invade surrounding organs such as bladder or rectum
Risk factors:
- Placenta previa: placenta located over/near the cervical os
- Prior cesarean delivery
- Prior uterine curettage
- Grand multiparity: women who has had >/= 5 births at >/=20w
Pt: postpartum hemorrhage
Trauma to the genital tract postpartum hemorrhage
Vaginal or cervical lacerations
bleeding despite a well-contracted, firm uterus, hemorrhage is likely from a laceration
Bright red blood suggests laceration
Seen on careful inspection of vagina and cervix
Ruptured uterus
MC is separation of the previous cesarean hysterotomy scar
Others: trauma, congenital abnormality, prior uterine surgery (myomectomy)
Pt: postpartum hemorrhage
Premature rupture of membranes Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Normal vaginal fluid is acidic (3.5-6)
Amniotic fluid is alkaline
Pt: Rupture of membranes <37w
- Nitrazine paper color change to blue
- Ferning: distinctive pattern of amniotic fluid as it crystallizes on glass slide
- Assess cervix for effacement and dilation
Admission + OB consultation
Tocolytics-> prolong pregnancy to allow continued time for fetal development
Antenatal administration of corticosteroids if <34w
It’s Not My Time:
- Indomethacin (not given at 33w due to risk of PDA closure)
- Nifedipine
- Magnesium sulfate
- Terbutaline
Rh incompatibility Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Maternal antibodies that bind to fetal RBCs -> neonate hemolytic disease
Occurs if Rh negative (rhesus factor) mother carries an Rh positive fetus w/ exposure to fetal b mood mixing:
-Abruptio placentae
-Placenta previa
-Vaginal delivery
The mixing causes maternal immunization -> maternal anti-Rh IgG antibodies. During subsequent pregnancies, if she carries another Rh + fetus, the antibodies may cross the placenta and attack the fetal RBCs -> hemolysis of fetal RBCs
Pt (newborn):
Hemolytic anemia, jaundice, kernicterus, hepatosplenomegaly
Fetal hydrops: fluid accumulation in 2 spaces: pericardial effusion, ascites, pleural effusion, subcutaneous edema; CHF
Dx: Pregnant women: -ABO blood group, RH-D type -Indirect erythrocyte antibody screen: 1:8 - 1:32 associated w/ fetal hemolysis -Indirect Coombs
Fetus monitoring in 2nd trimester:
- If present -> amniotic fluid: inc bilirubin
- U/S of middle cerebral artery (inc flow 2/2 decreased viscosity of blood in anemia)
- Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling: decreased hematocrit
Prevention in mother: RhoGAM
-MOA: Rh immunoglobulin-pooled anti-D IgG binds to fetal RBCs to prevent maternal mixing
3 indications:
-Given at 28w gestation AND
-72h of delivery OR
-After any potential mixing of blood: SAB, vaginal bleeding, etc.
Endometriosis Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Endometrial glands and stroma which occur outside of the uterine cavity
MC site: ovaries (endometriomas)
Risk factors: nulliparity, prolonged exposure to endogenous estrogen, exposure to diethylstilbestrol in utero, lower BMI
Pt: Reproductive women w/ pelvic pain (dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia) , Infertility, Ovarian mass
PE: immobility or lateral displacement of cervix or uterus
Eval w/ TVU/S or MRI
DDx: histologic analysis of lesions
Continuous hormonal contraceptive + NSAIDs
Laparoscopic excisions
Path: Benign fibromuscular tumors of the myometrium
Proposed etiology: venous congestion within uterus
Types: Pedunculated Intracavitary Submucosal Intramural Subserosal
Pt: When symptomatic, AUB MC sx
Tx: Observation Medical therapy Myomectomy Hysterectomy Alternatives: uterine artery embolization, high intensity focused U/S
Uterine prolapse
Uterine herniation into the vagina
Risk factors: (weakness of pelvic support structures)
MC after birth (especially traumatic)
Inc pelvic floor pressure: Multiple vaginal births, Obesity, Repeated heavy lifting
Grades: I: decent into upper 2/3 of vagina II: cervix approaches introitus III: outside introitus IV: entire uterus outside of vagina- complete prolapse
Pelvic or gain fullness, heaviness “falling out” sensation
Lower back pain (esp w/ prolonged standing)
Vaginal bleeding, purulent discharge
Urinary frequency, urgency, stress incontinence
Prophylactic: Kegel exercises (strengthens pelvic floor muscles), weight control
Nonsurgical: pessaries (sx relief); Improves atrophy
-Uterosacral or sacrospinous ligament fixation
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Path: Pt: Dx: Tx:
Path: Inc insulin -> inc LH-driven inc ovarian androgen production
Dx: LH:FSH ratio >3:1 Pelvic U/S: “string of pearls” Ovarian volume >10cm3/mL >/= 12 antral follicles
Tx: OCPs Spironolactone Infertility-> clomiphene Lifestyle changes