OBGYN Flashcards
What incision may be used for a TAH
Pfannenstiel (O’Connor) or Subumbilical (balfour)
TAH means
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
What set would you use for a TAH?
Hysterectomy set
What position would the pt be in for a BSO
Supine w/ Trendelenburg
Set for hysteroscopy
D+C set
What is an LAVH
Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy
What set is needed for a vag hyst
Vag hyst set
What is a myomectomy
Excision of uterine muscle
What set do you need for an LAVH
Laparoscopy and vaginal hysterecomy set
What aspect of an LAVH is sterile and which is clean
Scope is sterile
Vaginal is clean
What position is the pt in for a Vag Hyst
What don’t you need for a Vag Hyst
What position is the PT in for an LAVH
BSO means
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
What set + special instruments are used for a D+C or D+E
D+C set
Simms Curettes + suction