OBGYN Flashcards
GBS screening
Every woman should have vaginorectal GBS swab done at 35-37wks GA
GBS prophylactic treatment indications
If no swab was done, tx based on following risk factors:
- Preterm labour <37wks
- Maternal temp >38C (suggests chorioamnionitis)
- Prolonged rupture of membranes >18h if symptomatic
- GBS bacteriuria in pregnancy
- Prev GBS w/ documented early onset GBS sepsis
GBS antibiotic treatment
Penicillin G 5 million units IV x1 then Penicillin G 2.5million U IV q4h until delivery
If Pen allergic, but no risk of anaphylaxis –> Ancef 2g IV x1, then Ancef 1g IV q8h
If pen allergic and risk of anaphylaxis, clindamycin 900mg IV q8h
If resistant to clindamycin, use vancomycin
Maternal fever intrapartum
> 38C
Suggests chorioamnionitis
Initial management: Rehydration, frequent temp checks, continuous fetal monitoring
Gestational diabetes screen
Record date, gestational weeks, +ve or -ve result of screening test btwn 24-28wks gestation
Stage 1 of labour
Onset of contractions - 10cm dilation
Latent: 0-4cm
Active: 4-10cm
Stage 2 of labour
10cm dilation –> baby comes out
latent: 10cm dilation
Active: pushing
Stage 3 of labour
Baby comes out –> placenta delivered
Stage 4 of labour
Placenta delivered –> 1h post partum
Cord blood samples taken at
2-3min post-birth, up to 20min max
Normal values of fetal venous blood gas
Arterial pH: 7.21-7.35
Venous pH: 7.3-7.4
When to get intrapartum fetal scalp blood sampling
Atypical/abnormal FH tracings
>34 wks GA when delivery not imminent
Cervix dilated at least 3cm, cephalic presentation, ruptured membranes
Results of fetal scalp blood sampling
pH >/= 7.25 –> repeat if FHR abnormality persists
pH 7.21-7.24 –> repeat within 30mins or consider delivery if rapid fall since last sample
pH = 7.20 –> DELIVER
Results of lactate scalp testing
<4.2 = normal 4.2-4.8 = Repeat within 30min >4.8 = DELIVER
APGAR Scores
Appearance - colour Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration Max out of 10 (0, 1, 2 for each category)
Normal IA
Regular rhythm
Absence of decelerations
Presence of accelerations
Abnormal IA
HR <110 or >160
Irregular rhythm
Presence of decelerations
Absence of accelerations over prolonged period
Frequency of IA
Low risk pregnancy
Latent phase of stage 1: q1h
Active phase of stage 1: q15-30min
Stage 2: q5-15min
High risk pregnancy
Stage 1: q15min
Stage 2: q5min
Grades of variability
Minimal (undetectable to = 5bpm)
Moderate/normal (6-25bpm)
Marked (>25bpm)
Reasons for decreased variability
Benign: Fetal sleep, very premature (<28wks)
Concerning: Hypoxic acidosis, anemia (<70g/L), congenital anomalies
Reasons for marked variability
Maternal stimulant ingestion, hypoxia
Normal accelerations on EFM
Term: >/= 15bpm above baseline for >/= 15s
<32wks: >/=10bpm for = 10s
Prolonged accelerations/decelerations
> /=2 min
Late decelerations
Gradual, shallow decrease (onset to nadir is >/=30s) a/w contraction
Sinusoidal pattern on EFM
Smooth, rhythmic undulating wave-like pattern for >20min
May be a/w severe fetal anemia
If less smooth and accelerations present, more likely to be benign (narcotic admin, fetal thumb sucking)
Normal variation of contractions
no more than q2min (5 in 10min)
Fetal movements
Count up to 6 or at 2h
Call if <6 in 2h
Recommended to be aware of movement counting if healthy/no risk factors at 26-32wks
Daily counting recommended for women with risk factors at 26-32 wks
Daily counting for identified complication once fetus viable
Perform NST 2x weekly for
Post-date pregnancy
Insulin-treated GDM
Contraction stress test
3 contractions of 60s each in 10min period to assess fetal heart rate
Via nipple stimulation or oxytocin IV
+ve result if late decelerations occur with >50% contractions –> proceed with delivery
Conditions a/w risk for placental insufficiency
Diabetes or other conditions predisposing to HTN
Kleihauer-Betke Test
Extent of fetomaternal hemorrhage by estimating volume of fetal blood that entered maternal circulation
Rh IgG
Give to Rh- mom at 28wks and within 72h of delivering Rh+ baby/+ve Kleihauer test/invasive procedure/ectopic preg/miscarriage/APH
Consequences of Rh antibody in fetus
Fetal hemolytic anemia -> heart failure –> fetal hydrous or erythroblastosis fetalis (immune-mediated hemolytic anemia)
IUPC readings
Contractions adequate if at 50-60mmHg above baseline
> 5 contractions over 10minutes
Keep infusing epidural until
End of 3rd stage
Bishop Score
Rates readiness of cervix for induction of labour (success of vaginal delivery)
1. Effacement (%)
2. Station (scale 1/5)
3. Consistency (soft, medium, firm)
4. Dilation
5. Position
= 5 –> labour unlikely to start without induction
>/= 9 –> labour likely to start spontaneously
Delayed cord clamping
30-60s recommended for term infants
Pro: Increases Fe stores in 6mo of age
Con: Increased risk of hyperbili, polycythemia in IUGR
Placental separation signs
- Elongation of umbilical cord
- Uterus contracts and rises
- Gush of blood
Average blood loss at vaginal delivery
< 500mL
Cardinal movements of labour
Extension Descent Flexion Internal rotation Extension Restitution and external rotation Expulsion
Dystocia definition
Active first stage = >4h of <0.5cm/h dilation or no dilation over 2h
Active second stage: >1h of active using without descent of presenting part or no cervical dilation over 2h
Etiology of first stage dystocia
4 Ps: Power Passage Passenger Psyche
Etiology of second stage dystocia
Uterine inertia
Fetal malposition
Cephalopelvic disproportion
Maneuver used in shoulder dystocia
McRoberts maneuver - flex mom’s thighs back against abdomen
GBS bacteriuria treatment
Bacteriuria >/= 10^4 CFU/mL –> amoxicillin, penicillin or cephalexin 3-7d (at time of dx PLUS abx during delivery)
Bacteriuria < 10^4 CFU/mL –> No tx required, abx during delivery
Maternal intrapartum fever tx
Ancef 2g IV q6h + Flagyl 500mg IV q8h until 24h afebrile
Major complication of PPROM at <18-20 weeks
Pulmonary hypoplasia secondary to severe oligohydramnios (disrupts canalicular phase of respiratory development)
Pre-term labour dx
> 20wks but <37wks
Dx needs regular contractions (>/= 4/20min or 8/60min) PLUS at least 1 of:
Cervix >/= 2-3cm
80% effacement
Progressive cervical change (cervical length <20mm on transvag US OR cervical length <30mm w/ +ve fetal fibronectin)
Fetal fibronectin
FIRST TEST to do on sterile speculum exam for premature labour work-up (can’t have anything in vagina for prev 24h)
Protein used to help “glue” amniotic sac to lining of uterus
Detected in vaginal d/c toward end of pregnancy
If +ve btwn 22-34wks –> increased risk of preterm labour
If -ve –> not likely to deliver in next 2wks
Steroid use for lung maturity
Give if 24-34 wks GA
Starts working at 18h, full benefit at 48h, lasts 7d
Betamethasone 12mg IM q24h x 2 doses (preferred)
Or Dexamethasone 6mg IM q12h x 4 doses
Prolongs delivery for ~48h to achieve full benefit of steroids in maturing lung, enable transfer, etc.
Indocid 100mg supp PR PR x 1 dose then 25mg PO q6h x 48h if <32wks
Adalat PA 10mg q20min max 4 doses then 4h later Adalat XL 30mg BID x 48h
Antibiotics given for PPROM
Increase latency and decrease risk of chorioamnionitis
Ampicillin 2g IV q6h x 48h AND erythromycin 250mg IV q6h x 48h THEN amoxicillin 500mg PO q8h x 5d AND erythromycin 333mg PO q8h x 5d
OR mono therapy Erythromycin 250mg PO q6h x 10d
If pt goes into labour and don’t know GBS status –> switch to Pen G intralabour
Overall tx for preterm labour
Bed rest Hydration - 500mL NS bolus, 125cc/h if dehydrated Steroids Tocolytics MgSO4 GBS prophylaxis
Overall tx for PROM
Steroids if appropriate
Abx to increase latency
Components of biophysical profile
BATMAN: Breathing Amniotic fluid volume Tone Movements alright alright alright NST
Score out of 10 based on 30min U/S
C/I to MTX tx for ectopic pregnancy
IUP Ruptured Renal/hepatic dysfunction Immunodeficiency Breastfeeding
MTX selection criteria for use in treating ectopic pregnancy
Hemodynamically stable
No C/I
hCG = 5000mIU/mL
No fetal cardiac activity detected on TVUS, size <3-4cm
Medical abortion up to 10wks GA
Mifepristone + Misoprostol
Medical abortion up to 7wks GA
Methotrexate + Misopristol
Medical abortion in 2nd trimester
Mifepristone + Misoprostol
Induction abortion
> 16wks (usually >18wks)
Fetal demise induced by KCl or Digoxin
Misoprostol +/- Mifepristone for expulsion
Pre-existing HTN
BP > 140/90 BEFORE 20wks GA and persisting >7wks postpartum
Gestational HTN
Systolic >/= 140 OR diastolic >/= 90 in prev normotensive pt found >/= 20wks GA
Antihypertensives to avoid in pregnancy
ACEi, ARBs, Prazosin, Diuretics, Atenolol
Antenatal steroids for lung maturity considered in < ___ wks
Postpartum blood pressure
Increases by 3-4d PP, settles on its own
if not back to normal by 12wks PP = chronic HTN
Goals for diabetes in pregnancy
Fasting glucose =5.3
Random glucose =7.8
2h post-prandial =6.7
Induce labour by… in pregnant diabetes patients
38 wks
Screening options for GDM
1 step Fasting 75gOGTT
2 step: Non-fasting 50g OGTT –> Fasting 75g OGTT
1 step 75g OGTT results
GDM if >/=1 of:
Fasting: 5.1
1h PG: 10.1
2h PG: 8.5
2 step 50g/75g OGTT results
Non-fasting 50g 1h PG: >/= 11.1 --> GDM if 7.8-11 --> proceed to step 2 Fasting 75g: GDM if >/= 1 of FPG >/= 5.3 1h PG >/= 10.6 2h PG >/= 9
Kleihauer Betke Test
Tests amount of maternal-fetal hemorrhage
Used to help dose rhogam
L/S Ratio
Lecithin-Sphingomyelin ratio
Passes freely into amniotic fluid in last 3mo of pregnancy
Lecithin rises in amniotic fluid but sphingomyelin stays same –> L/S ratio increases = babies lungs are ready
Apt test
NaOH mixes with blood
Pink = fetal blood
Yellow = Maternal blood
To test for vasa previa
> 500cc in vaginal delivery
1000cc in CS
Within 24h after delivery
If >24h-12wks - delayed/late/secondary PPH
4Ts of postpartum hemorrhage
Drugs of choice for PPH management
Oxytocin 20-40U in 1L, wide open
Ergot 250mg mcg IM or IV q2-4h
hemabate 250mcgIM q15min to max of 8 doses
Ergot C/I
HIV meds or HTN hx
Hemabate C/I
Uterus vascular supply
Uterine artery
Utero-ovarian artery (from ovarian artery)
Factor V Leiden
Factor V mutation that affects its interaction with Protein C (natural anticoagulant)
Prothrombin gene mutation
Prothrombin = thrombin precursor – cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin
Hemoglobin level that you start to worry about pathologic anemia
TSH targets
1st trimester: <2.5
2nd/3rd trimester: <3.0
Most common cause of hypothyroidism
Chronic AI thyroiditis
Most common cause of hyperthyroidism
Graves’ dz
Gestational hyperthyroidism
Physiologic thyroid stimulation from hCG levels in early pregnancy
Generally no tx required
Possible tx: Propranolol - antithyroid activity
Graves’ tx
Propylthiouracil during preconception and 1st trimester
Methimazole after 1st trimester
Imaging test to tell you fallopian tubes open
Endometriosis staging
I = minimal II = mild III = moderate IV = severe
Most common type of cyst found in women age 20-40yo
Dermoid cyst/teratoma
Outpatient empiric abx tx for PID
Cefoxitin or Ceftriaxone IM x 1 + 14d doxy + metronidazole
3rd gen cephalosporin –> Gonorrhea
Doxy –> chlamydia
Metronidazole –> anaerobes
Inpatient abx tx for PID
Cefoxitin 2g IV q6h x 24h
Doxycycline 100mg PO q12h
Metronidazole 500mg IV q12h
Period prior to menopause and first year after
12 consecutive months of amenorrhea with no other pathologic or physiologic cause
<1000 oocytes
High FSH due to low Estrogen
Premature ovarian insufficiency
Menopause occurring 2SDs below mean (typically <40s)
Amenorrhea for >4mo preceded by duration of disordered menses
FSH >30mIU/mL x2 at least 1 mo apart
- Inability to conceive within 20mo of
- Unprotected regular coitus
- Lack of contraception with risk for pregnancy
- OR 12mo of donor inseminations
Principle steroid of post-menopausal ovary
Potency of estrogens
17-B estradiol > estrone > estriol
3 symptoms that vaginal estrogens are used for
Recurrent UTIs
Vaginal atrophy
Urge symptoms
C/I to estrogens
Unexplained vaginal bleeding Active VTE Stroke hx E-dependent cancer Coronary heart disease Acute liver dysfunction
Normal vaginal discharge findings
pH 4-4.5
Wet mount - epithelial cell, lactobacilli
Amine/KOH test - negative
Pruritus, tenderness, dyspareunia
Erythema, thick “cottage cheese-like” discharge
pH 4-4.5
Wet mount - pseudohyphae
Amine/KOH test - negative/pseudohyphae
Tx - fluconazole, boric acid (only if symptomatic)
If complicated/recurrent:
- Fluconazole 3 doses then weekly for 6 months
- Topical azoles for 14d
- Boric acid 300mg for 14d then 5d per month
Bacterial vaginosis
Malodourous thin grey discharge Adherent discharge pH > 4.5 Wet mount - clue cells, PMN Amine/KOH - Positive Tx: Asymptomatic - treat only if pregnant, prior to IUD insertion or gene procedure Symptomatic - flagyl PO, flagyl gel, clindamycin cream
Trichomoniasis vaginalis
Malodourous, white/yellow discharge
Strawberry cervix
pH > 5-6
Wet mount - Motile, flagellated protozoan
Amine/KOH test - negative
Tx - Metronidazole 500mg PO BID x 7d or Metronidazole 2g PO x 1
Cytolytic vaginosis
pH 3.5-4.5 (acidic) Wet mount- no WBCs, false clue cells Amine/KOH - negative Tx - Sodium bicarb douching or sitz baths (1 tbsp in 2 cups warm water, 3x/wk) Improves within 3 wks
Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis
Pain and diffuse discharge Vaginal inflammation pH > 4.5 Profuse WBCs Tx: 2% clindamycin cream qhs for 14d or 25mg HC suppository ohs for 14d (may require tx for 4-6wks)
Lichen sclerosis
Childhood to elderly affected
Hypopigmentation, ivory white papules/plaques, thin skin, hour-glass figure affected (excludes vagina), can cause anatomical change (ie. loss of labia/clitoral anatomy)
Tx - bx to R/O cancer, barrier cream, clobetasol propionate 0.05% ointment
Lichen simplex chronics
Primary - chronic scratching
Secondary - incomplete tx of eczema, dermatitis, atopic dermatitis
Thickened, leathery and increased skin markings
Tx - remove irritants (most common = overwashing/medicating), restore barrier, topical steroids ointment (triamcinolone, clobetasol)
Lichen planus
Can cause loss of labia/normal clitoral anatomy
Very painful/burning/sig dyspareunia
Tx - high potency topical corticosteroid (ie. clobetasol), tacrolimus as 2nd line
Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD)
Allodynia of introitus and modest amount of pelvic muscle hypertonicity
Burning, ripping, tearing pain
Type of chronic pain syndrome (often comorbid with other pains ie. TMJ, IBS)
Extreme form of pelvic muscle hypertonicity plus further reflexive peri-vaginal muscle tightening
NOT burning ripping, tearing pain
Rotterdam Criteria
Androgen excess (hirsutism and/or high serum free T levels) Ovulatory dysfunction (mid-luteal phase serum progesterone) PCOS
Infrequent menstrual cycles (>/=35d cycles)
Clomiphene citrate
Blocks E receptors at pituitary and hypothalamus –> blocks negative feedback –> increased FSH and LH secretion –> multiple follicular growth –> multiple ovulation
Take days 3-7 of cycle