OBGYN Flashcards
GBS screening
Every woman should have vaginorectal GBS swab done at 35-37wks GA
GBS prophylactic treatment indications
If no swab was done, tx based on following risk factors:
- Preterm labour <37wks
- Maternal temp >38C (suggests chorioamnionitis)
- Prolonged rupture of membranes >18h if symptomatic
- GBS bacteriuria in pregnancy
- Prev GBS w/ documented early onset GBS sepsis
GBS antibiotic treatment
Penicillin G 5 million units IV x1 then Penicillin G 2.5million U IV q4h until delivery
If Pen allergic, but no risk of anaphylaxis –> Ancef 2g IV x1, then Ancef 1g IV q8h
If pen allergic and risk of anaphylaxis, clindamycin 900mg IV q8h
If resistant to clindamycin, use vancomycin
Maternal fever intrapartum
> 38C
Suggests chorioamnionitis
Initial management: Rehydration, frequent temp checks, continuous fetal monitoring
Gestational diabetes screen
Record date, gestational weeks, +ve or -ve result of screening test btwn 24-28wks gestation
Stage 1 of labour
Onset of contractions - 10cm dilation
Latent: 0-4cm
Active: 4-10cm
Stage 2 of labour
10cm dilation –> baby comes out
latent: 10cm dilation
Active: pushing
Stage 3 of labour
Baby comes out –> placenta delivered
Stage 4 of labour
Placenta delivered –> 1h post partum
Cord blood samples taken at
2-3min post-birth, up to 20min max
Normal values of fetal venous blood gas
Arterial pH: 7.21-7.35
Venous pH: 7.3-7.4
When to get intrapartum fetal scalp blood sampling
Atypical/abnormal FH tracings
>34 wks GA when delivery not imminent
Cervix dilated at least 3cm, cephalic presentation, ruptured membranes
Results of fetal scalp blood sampling
pH >/= 7.25 –> repeat if FHR abnormality persists
pH 7.21-7.24 –> repeat within 30mins or consider delivery if rapid fall since last sample
pH = 7.20 –> DELIVER
Results of lactate scalp testing
<4.2 = normal 4.2-4.8 = Repeat within 30min >4.8 = DELIVER
APGAR Scores
Appearance - colour Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration Max out of 10 (0, 1, 2 for each category)
Normal IA
Regular rhythm
Absence of decelerations
Presence of accelerations
Abnormal IA
HR <110 or >160
Irregular rhythm
Presence of decelerations
Absence of accelerations over prolonged period
Frequency of IA
Low risk pregnancy
Latent phase of stage 1: q1h
Active phase of stage 1: q15-30min
Stage 2: q5-15min
High risk pregnancy
Stage 1: q15min
Stage 2: q5min
Grades of variability
Minimal (undetectable to = 5bpm)
Moderate/normal (6-25bpm)
Marked (>25bpm)
Reasons for decreased variability
Benign: Fetal sleep, very premature (<28wks)
Concerning: Hypoxic acidosis, anemia (<70g/L), congenital anomalies
Reasons for marked variability
Maternal stimulant ingestion, hypoxia
Normal accelerations on EFM
Term: >/= 15bpm above baseline for >/= 15s
<32wks: >/=10bpm for = 10s
Prolonged accelerations/decelerations
> /=2 min
Late decelerations
Gradual, shallow decrease (onset to nadir is >/=30s) a/w contraction
Sinusoidal pattern on EFM
Smooth, rhythmic undulating wave-like pattern for >20min
May be a/w severe fetal anemia
If less smooth and accelerations present, more likely to be benign (narcotic admin, fetal thumb sucking)
Normal variation of contractions
no more than q2min (5 in 10min)
Fetal movements
Count up to 6 or at 2h
Call if <6 in 2h
Recommended to be aware of movement counting if healthy/no risk factors at 26-32wks
Daily counting recommended for women with risk factors at 26-32 wks
Daily counting for identified complication once fetus viable
Perform NST 2x weekly for
Post-date pregnancy
Insulin-treated GDM
Contraction stress test
3 contractions of 60s each in 10min period to assess fetal heart rate
Via nipple stimulation or oxytocin IV
+ve result if late decelerations occur with >50% contractions –> proceed with delivery
Conditions a/w risk for placental insufficiency
Diabetes or other conditions predisposing to HTN
Kleihauer-Betke Test
Extent of fetomaternal hemorrhage by estimating volume of fetal blood that entered maternal circulation
Rh IgG
Give to Rh- mom at 28wks and within 72h of delivering Rh+ baby/+ve Kleihauer test/invasive procedure/ectopic preg/miscarriage/APH
Consequences of Rh antibody in fetus
Fetal hemolytic anemia -> heart failure –> fetal hydrous or erythroblastosis fetalis (immune-mediated hemolytic anemia)
IUPC readings
Contractions adequate if at 50-60mmHg above baseline
> 5 contractions over 10minutes
Keep infusing epidural until
End of 3rd stage
Bishop Score
Rates readiness of cervix for induction of labour (success of vaginal delivery)
1. Effacement (%)
2. Station (scale 1/5)
3. Consistency (soft, medium, firm)
4. Dilation
5. Position
= 5 –> labour unlikely to start without induction
>/= 9 –> labour likely to start spontaneously
Delayed cord clamping
30-60s recommended for term infants
Pro: Increases Fe stores in 6mo of age
Con: Increased risk of hyperbili, polycythemia in IUGR
Placental separation signs
- Elongation of umbilical cord
- Uterus contracts and rises
- Gush of blood
Average blood loss at vaginal delivery
< 500mL
Cardinal movements of labour
Extension Descent Flexion Internal rotation Extension Restitution and external rotation Expulsion
Dystocia definition
Active first stage = >4h of <0.5cm/h dilation or no dilation over 2h
Active second stage: >1h of active using without descent of presenting part or no cervical dilation over 2h
Etiology of first stage dystocia
4 Ps: Power Passage Passenger Psyche
Etiology of second stage dystocia
Uterine inertia
Fetal malposition
Cephalopelvic disproportion
Maneuver used in shoulder dystocia
McRoberts maneuver - flex mom’s thighs back against abdomen
GBS bacteriuria treatment
Bacteriuria >/= 10^4 CFU/mL –> amoxicillin, penicillin or cephalexin 3-7d (at time of dx PLUS abx during delivery)
Bacteriuria < 10^4 CFU/mL –> No tx required, abx during delivery
Maternal intrapartum fever tx
Ancef 2g IV q6h + Flagyl 500mg IV q8h until 24h afebrile
Major complication of PPROM at <18-20 weeks
Pulmonary hypoplasia secondary to severe oligohydramnios (disrupts canalicular phase of respiratory development)
Pre-term labour dx
> 20wks but <37wks
Dx needs regular contractions (>/= 4/20min or 8/60min) PLUS at least 1 of:
Cervix >/= 2-3cm
80% effacement
Progressive cervical change (cervical length <20mm on transvag US OR cervical length <30mm w/ +ve fetal fibronectin)
Fetal fibronectin
FIRST TEST to do on sterile speculum exam for premature labour work-up (can’t have anything in vagina for prev 24h)
Protein used to help “glue” amniotic sac to lining of uterus
Detected in vaginal d/c toward end of pregnancy
If +ve btwn 22-34wks –> increased risk of preterm labour
If -ve –> not likely to deliver in next 2wks
Steroid use for lung maturity
Give if 24-34 wks GA
Starts working at 18h, full benefit at 48h, lasts 7d
Betamethasone 12mg IM q24h x 2 doses (preferred)
Or Dexamethasone 6mg IM q12h x 4 doses
Prolongs delivery for ~48h to achieve full benefit of steroids in maturing lung, enable transfer, etc.
Indocid 100mg supp PR PR x 1 dose then 25mg PO q6h x 48h if <32wks
Adalat PA 10mg q20min max 4 doses then 4h later Adalat XL 30mg BID x 48h
Antibiotics given for PPROM
Increase latency and decrease risk of chorioamnionitis
Ampicillin 2g IV q6h x 48h AND erythromycin 250mg IV q6h x 48h THEN amoxicillin 500mg PO q8h x 5d AND erythromycin 333mg PO q8h x 5d
OR mono therapy Erythromycin 250mg PO q6h x 10d
If pt goes into labour and don’t know GBS status –> switch to Pen G intralabour
Overall tx for preterm labour
Bed rest Hydration - 500mL NS bolus, 125cc/h if dehydrated Steroids Tocolytics MgSO4 GBS prophylaxis
Overall tx for PROM
Steroids if appropriate
Abx to increase latency
Components of biophysical profile
BATMAN: Breathing Amniotic fluid volume Tone Movements alright alright alright NST
Score out of 10 based on 30min U/S
C/I to MTX tx for ectopic pregnancy
IUP Ruptured Renal/hepatic dysfunction Immunodeficiency Breastfeeding
MTX selection criteria for use in treating ectopic pregnancy
Hemodynamically stable
No C/I
hCG = 5000mIU/mL
No fetal cardiac activity detected on TVUS, size <3-4cm
Medical abortion up to 10wks GA
Mifepristone + Misoprostol
Medical abortion up to 7wks GA
Methotrexate + Misopristol
Medical abortion in 2nd trimester
Mifepristone + Misoprostol
Induction abortion
> 16wks (usually >18wks)
Fetal demise induced by KCl or Digoxin
Misoprostol +/- Mifepristone for expulsion
Pre-existing HTN
BP > 140/90 BEFORE 20wks GA and persisting >7wks postpartum
Gestational HTN
Systolic >/= 140 OR diastolic >/= 90 in prev normotensive pt found >/= 20wks GA
Antihypertensives to avoid in pregnancy
ACEi, ARBs, Prazosin, Diuretics, Atenolol
Antenatal steroids for lung maturity considered in < ___ wks
Postpartum blood pressure
Increases by 3-4d PP, settles on its own
if not back to normal by 12wks PP = chronic HTN
Goals for diabetes in pregnancy
Fasting glucose =5.3
Random glucose =7.8
2h post-prandial =6.7
Induce labour by… in pregnant diabetes patients
38 wks
Screening options for GDM
1 step Fasting 75gOGTT
2 step: Non-fasting 50g OGTT –> Fasting 75g OGTT
1 step 75g OGTT results
GDM if >/=1 of:
Fasting: 5.1
1h PG: 10.1
2h PG: 8.5
2 step 50g/75g OGTT results
Non-fasting 50g 1h PG: >/= 11.1 --> GDM if 7.8-11 --> proceed to step 2 Fasting 75g: GDM if >/= 1 of FPG >/= 5.3 1h PG >/= 10.6 2h PG >/= 9
Kleihauer Betke Test
Tests amount of maternal-fetal hemorrhage
Used to help dose rhogam
L/S Ratio
Lecithin-Sphingomyelin ratio
Passes freely into amniotic fluid in last 3mo of pregnancy
Lecithin rises in amniotic fluid but sphingomyelin stays same –> L/S ratio increases = babies lungs are ready
Apt test
NaOH mixes with blood
Pink = fetal blood
Yellow = Maternal blood
To test for vasa previa
> 500cc in vaginal delivery
1000cc in CS
Within 24h after delivery
If >24h-12wks - delayed/late/secondary PPH
4Ts of postpartum hemorrhage
Drugs of choice for PPH management
Oxytocin 20-40U in 1L, wide open
Ergot 250mg mcg IM or IV q2-4h
hemabate 250mcgIM q15min to max of 8 doses
Ergot C/I
HIV meds or HTN hx
Hemabate C/I
Uterus vascular supply
Uterine artery
Utero-ovarian artery (from ovarian artery)
Factor V Leiden
Factor V mutation that affects its interaction with Protein C (natural anticoagulant)
Prothrombin gene mutation
Prothrombin = thrombin precursor – cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin
Hemoglobin level that you start to worry about pathologic anemia
TSH targets
1st trimester: <2.5
2nd/3rd trimester: <3.0
Most common cause of hypothyroidism
Chronic AI thyroiditis
Most common cause of hyperthyroidism
Graves’ dz
Gestational hyperthyroidism
Physiologic thyroid stimulation from hCG levels in early pregnancy
Generally no tx required
Possible tx: Propranolol - antithyroid activity
Graves’ tx
Propylthiouracil during preconception and 1st trimester
Methimazole after 1st trimester
Imaging test to tell you fallopian tubes open
Endometriosis staging
I = minimal II = mild III = moderate IV = severe
Most common type of cyst found in women age 20-40yo
Dermoid cyst/teratoma
Outpatient empiric abx tx for PID
Cefoxitin or Ceftriaxone IM x 1 + 14d doxy + metronidazole
3rd gen cephalosporin –> Gonorrhea
Doxy –> chlamydia
Metronidazole –> anaerobes
Inpatient abx tx for PID
Cefoxitin 2g IV q6h x 24h
Doxycycline 100mg PO q12h
Metronidazole 500mg IV q12h
Period prior to menopause and first year after
12 consecutive months of amenorrhea with no other pathologic or physiologic cause
<1000 oocytes
High FSH due to low Estrogen
Premature ovarian insufficiency
Menopause occurring 2SDs below mean (typically <40s)
Amenorrhea for >4mo preceded by duration of disordered menses
FSH >30mIU/mL x2 at least 1 mo apart
- Inability to conceive within 20mo of
- Unprotected regular coitus
- Lack of contraception with risk for pregnancy
- OR 12mo of donor inseminations
Principle steroid of post-menopausal ovary
Potency of estrogens
17-B estradiol > estrone > estriol
3 symptoms that vaginal estrogens are used for
Recurrent UTIs
Vaginal atrophy
Urge symptoms
C/I to estrogens
Unexplained vaginal bleeding Active VTE Stroke hx E-dependent cancer Coronary heart disease Acute liver dysfunction
Normal vaginal discharge findings
pH 4-4.5
Wet mount - epithelial cell, lactobacilli
Amine/KOH test - negative
Pruritus, tenderness, dyspareunia
Erythema, thick “cottage cheese-like” discharge
pH 4-4.5
Wet mount - pseudohyphae
Amine/KOH test - negative/pseudohyphae
Tx - fluconazole, boric acid (only if symptomatic)
If complicated/recurrent:
- Fluconazole 3 doses then weekly for 6 months
- Topical azoles for 14d
- Boric acid 300mg for 14d then 5d per month
Bacterial vaginosis
Malodourous thin grey discharge Adherent discharge pH > 4.5 Wet mount - clue cells, PMN Amine/KOH - Positive Tx: Asymptomatic - treat only if pregnant, prior to IUD insertion or gene procedure Symptomatic - flagyl PO, flagyl gel, clindamycin cream
Trichomoniasis vaginalis
Malodourous, white/yellow discharge
Strawberry cervix
pH > 5-6
Wet mount - Motile, flagellated protozoan
Amine/KOH test - negative
Tx - Metronidazole 500mg PO BID x 7d or Metronidazole 2g PO x 1
Cytolytic vaginosis
pH 3.5-4.5 (acidic) Wet mount- no WBCs, false clue cells Amine/KOH - negative Tx - Sodium bicarb douching or sitz baths (1 tbsp in 2 cups warm water, 3x/wk) Improves within 3 wks
Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis
Pain and diffuse discharge Vaginal inflammation pH > 4.5 Profuse WBCs Tx: 2% clindamycin cream qhs for 14d or 25mg HC suppository ohs for 14d (may require tx for 4-6wks)
Lichen sclerosis
Childhood to elderly affected
Hypopigmentation, ivory white papules/plaques, thin skin, hour-glass figure affected (excludes vagina), can cause anatomical change (ie. loss of labia/clitoral anatomy)
Tx - bx to R/O cancer, barrier cream, clobetasol propionate 0.05% ointment
Lichen simplex chronics
Primary - chronic scratching
Secondary - incomplete tx of eczema, dermatitis, atopic dermatitis
Thickened, leathery and increased skin markings
Tx - remove irritants (most common = overwashing/medicating), restore barrier, topical steroids ointment (triamcinolone, clobetasol)
Lichen planus
Can cause loss of labia/normal clitoral anatomy
Very painful/burning/sig dyspareunia
Tx - high potency topical corticosteroid (ie. clobetasol), tacrolimus as 2nd line
Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD)
Allodynia of introitus and modest amount of pelvic muscle hypertonicity
Burning, ripping, tearing pain
Type of chronic pain syndrome (often comorbid with other pains ie. TMJ, IBS)
Extreme form of pelvic muscle hypertonicity plus further reflexive peri-vaginal muscle tightening
NOT burning ripping, tearing pain
Rotterdam Criteria
Androgen excess (hirsutism and/or high serum free T levels) Ovulatory dysfunction (mid-luteal phase serum progesterone) PCOS
Infrequent menstrual cycles (>/=35d cycles)
Clomiphene citrate
Blocks E receptors at pituitary and hypothalamus –> blocks negative feedback –> increased FSH and LH secretion –> multiple follicular growth –> multiple ovulation
Take days 3-7 of cycle
Aromatase inhibitor
Take days 3-7 of cycle
Suppresses ovarian estradiol secretion –> reduces E negative feedback at pituitary and hypothalamus –> increased FSH –> multiple ovarian follicle stimulation
Primary amenorrhea
No menses by 14yo and absence of sex characteristics OR no menses by 16yo with presence of sex characteristics
Secondary amenorrhea
Previous hx of menstruation AND no menses for 3 cycles or 6months
Polyp treatment
Premenopausal and symptomatic --> remove Premenopausal and asymptomative, remove if have risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia/CA OR IF : - polyp >1.5cm in diameter - multiple polyps - infertility - prolapsed through cervix Postmenopausal --> remove ALL polyps
Types of uterine fibroids
Conservative approach for uterine fibroids appropriate if:
Symptoms absent/minimal
Fibroids <6-8cm in size
Not submucosal (more likely to be symptomatic)
GnRH agonists
Used short term (6mo) pre-hysterectomy/myomectomy to reduce fibroid size and reduce bleeding
Ulipristal acetate
Partial progesterone receptor agonist
Tranexamic acid
Anti-fibrinolytic which helps with heavy menstrual bleeding
Ovarian tumour marker
CA 125
Protein expressed on membrane of normal ovarian tissue and ovarian carcinomas
<35 U/mL is normal
U/S criteria for spontaneous miscarriage/nonviable pregnancy
Intrauterine pregnancy
Mean sac diameter >25mm with no yolk sac or embryo
CRL >/= 7mm with no cardiac activity
Absence of embryo with heartbeat >/=2wks after scan that showed gestational sac w/o yolk sac
Absence of embryo with heartbeat >/= 11d after scan that showed gestational sac w/ yolk sac
Typically repeat U/S in 1-2 wks for F/U and official dx
Ovarian torsion treatment
Repro aged women: Lap ovarian detorsion +/- ovarian cystectomy (preferred 6-8wks later) +/- oophoropexy (teens with long suspensory ligaments)
Older women: Salpingo-oophorectomy
Endometriosis treatment
1st line - OCP & NSAID
2nd line - Progestin
3rd line - GnRH agonist (Lupron)
3rd line - Aromatase inhibitor (Letrazole)
Best imaging for PID
Abdo CT not helpful
Potential complications of PID
Recurrence Ectopic pregnancy Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome Infertility CPP Reiter's Syndrome TOA Hydrosalpinx (fallopian tube filled/blocked with sterile fluid) Chronic salpingitis
Tubo-ovarian abscess tx
If hemo unstable –> surgical intervention
If hemorrhage stable, <9cm abscess, adequate response, pre-menopause –> abx (cefoxitin and doxy)
Partner traceback for STI goes back…
Chlamydia follow-up
Test of cure not needed, but can be done in 4wks
Rescreen should be done in 6mo
Monozygotic twins that divide at day 3
Dichorionic diamniotic
Monozygotic twins that divide at days 4-7
Monochorionic diamniotic
Monozygotic twins that divide at days 8-13
Monochorionic monoamniotic
Hormone involved in gestational diabetes
Human placental lactogen (HPL)
Pulmonary TB xray finding
Hilar adenopathy
I:E ratio
Normally 1:1 or 1:2
In obstructive disorders, expiration is PROLONGED and ratio is decreased
Levonorgestral IUD MOA
Thickens cervical mucous (primary)
Endometrial thinning
Copper IUD MOA
Biochemical and morphological changes to endometrium
Affect sperm motility
Affects tubal transit
Toxic to sperm
Depo Provera (Progestin) MOA
Inhibits secretion of FSH and LH from pituitary
Increases thickness of cervical mucus
Thins endometrium
Combined OCPs MOA
Suppression of pituitary release of LH and FSH (inhibits ovulation)
Increased cervical mucous
1st trimester screening tests
Dating ultrasound
Chorionic villus sampling
1st trimester combined screen (NT U/S and hCG/PAPP-A blood test)
NIPT (starts at 10 wks)
Chorionic villus sampling
Chromosomal abnormalities
No NTD data
2nd trimester screening tests
Detailed U/S
Quad screening tests
hCG, Inhibin A, AFP, Estriol
Do if mom comes for screening for first time in 2nd trimester
Chromosomal abnormalities (more accurate than CVS) AND NTD data
Tests for cell-free fetal DNA circulating in maternal serum
Less invasive
Not covered by MSP yet
If positive, F/U with CVS or amniocentesis
Blood tests taken at 10-13wks and 15-20 wks Tests for chromosomal anomaly and NTD 1st blood test hCG, PAPP-A 2nd blood test is quad Offered to all pregnant women
SIPS + Nuchal Translucency
Contraindications for labour induction
Prior CS Uterine rupture Any incision into uterus Placenta or vasa previa Active genital herpes Cord prolapse Invasive cervical CA Already having regular uterine activity (>/= 2 contractions/10min)
Contraindications for mechanical/foley induction
Low lying placenta (relative C/I)
GBS is NOT a C/I
Opioid use in labour
Latent stages –> IM morphine
Active labour –> IV Fentanyl
Assessment for PPROM
- Sterile speculum exam - nitrizine, ferning, cervical/vaginal swabs for C&S, GS, chlamydia, vaginal/rectal swab for GBS (if not already done)
DO NOT DO VE b/c of increased risk of infection
Assessment for preterm labour
Sterile speculum exam - fetal fibronectin, vag/cervical swab for C+S, GS, chlaydia, vaginal-rectal swab for GBS, nitrazine and ferning if suspect PPROM If no PPROM --> do VE CBC Urinalysis U/S
Functional cyst
Failure of follicle to rupture during ovulation
Corpus luteal cyst
Failure of corpus luteum involution
Theca lutein cyst
Hyperstimulation of luteinized follicles from high hCG
Types of ovarian cyst histology
Clear cell
Ovarian neoplasm that classically produces severe irritation from chemical peritonitis
Mature cystic teratoma
Contraindications to progesterone contraception
Pregnancy Current PID Progesterone receptor +ve breast CA (current or hx) Uterine abnornality AUB not yet investigated Known endometrial CA Pelvic TB Severe liver dz Postpartum >48h and <4wks
Depo Provera S/Es
Weight gain Amenorrhea, irregular bleeding Acne Delayed return to fertility Decreased BMD
Combined OCP C/I
<4wks postpartum if breastfeeding <21d postpartum if not breastfeeding Smoker >35 Vascular dz HTN Migraine with aura Hx of stroke Known thrombophilia Current breast CA Acute DVT Liver dz, SLE with APLAs
Combined OCP reduces risk of certain types of cancer
Endometrial, ovarian and colorectal cancer
Plan B
Levonorgestrel high dose
Up to 5d after unprotected intercourse
Not for women BMI >25
Only works if taken before LH surge
Ulipristal Acetate
Selective progesterone receptor modulator Up to 5d after unprotected intercourse Works better for women BMI >25 Can interrupt ovulation Rx only
Most effective emergency contraception
Copper IUD - within 7d
Best if BMI > 30
4 signs associated with likely miscarriage
- Embryonic bradycardia (FH <100bpm after 6wks)
- Small gestational sac size
- Enlarged or abnormal yolk sac (>5mm)
- Subchorionic hemorrhage
Uterine findings for ectopics
- Thickened endometrial interface
- Fluid or blood in endometrial cavity
- Pseudosac
- Decidual cysts
- Peritoneal findings 40-80% of ectopic pregnancies will have free fluid in pelvis
Typical protocol for miscarriage management
Pre-medicate: Tylenol, NSAIDs, gravol
Misoprostol 800mcg PV, one repeat dose if no effect at 24h
F/U at 48h
Home pregnancy test at 3 wks, call if +ve
2% have excessive bleeding and need emerg D&C
Urge incontinence
1 or more of
Freq >8 voids/24h
Nocturia >1x/night
DIAPPERS mnemonic
Delirium Infection or inflammation Atrophy Pharmaceuticals (ie. diuretic) Psychological Excessive UO Restricted mobility Stool impaction
Medication commonly used for urinary incontinence
Anticholinergics (mirabegron, oxybutynin, tolterodine)
3 ligaments that attach sacrum to rest of pelvis
4 muscles that border pelvic cavity
Levator ani
Obturator internus
3 muscles that make up urogenital triangle
Superficial transverse perineal
3 components of levator ani
Ovarian CA type more common in <20yo
Germ cell
Ovarian CA type more common in >20yo
Epithelial tumours
3 clinical features of molar pregnancy
hCG >100 000
Symptoms suggestive of molar – hyperemesis, hyperthyroid, abnormal bleeding, pelvic pressure/pain, uterine size greater than GA
TVUS features of complete/partial mole
TVUS features of complete mole
Absence of embyro/fetus, amniotic fluid
Central heterogenous mass with many anechoic spaces (snowstorm pattern)
Ovarian theca lutein cysts
TVUS features of partial mole
Fetus may be identified, viable but growth restricted
Amniotic fluid present but volume low
Placental abnormal
THeca lutein cysts absent
___% of molar pregnancies will become GTN
At lifelong risk
Molar pregnancy management
Uterine evacuation
Weekly bhcg until negative x 2
Partial mole can then stop monitoring
Complete mole continue monthly x 6mo
Risk factors for developing GTN after molar pregnancy
Complete mole with signs of trophoblastic proliferation (uterine size > GA, serum hCG levels > 100 000)
Ovarian theca lutein cysts >6cm in diameter
Age >35-40yo
GTN includes
Placental site trophoblastic tumour
Epithelioid trophoblastic tumour
Invasive mole
GTN diagnosis
hCG level plateaus across 4 measurements over 3 wks
hCG level increases >10% across 3 readings over 2 wk duration
Persistence of detectable serum hCG for >6mo after molar evaucuation
Low risk GTN management
Low risk –> MTX;
If resistant to MTX –> actinomycin D mono agent chemotherapy
If resistant to both –> hysterectomy
High risk GTN management
Etoposide, MTX and actinomycin D multi agent chemo
May require surgery
GTN remission status
hCG undetectable for 3 consecutive weeks
Prostaglandin E1 analog
Antiprogesterone agent
First visible sign on U/S of pregnancy
Gestational sac
Visible at 4 wks GA via TVUS
Structure that confirms pregnancy is intrauterine
Yolk sac
Distinguishes from pseudo gestational sac or anembryonic pregame
Seen at 5 wks
# yolk sacs = # pregnancies
Anatomic landmark that helps distinguish head from tail in embryo at 7-8 wks
4-5wk GA on U/S
Gestational sac visible
FHR or embryo occasionally visible
7-8 wks GA on U/S
Embryo and cardiac activity always visible Head, body and extremities identifiable Midgut herniation at wk 7 Rhombencephalon visible CRL measurable
9-12 wk GA on U/S
Human features more distinct
Nuchal translucency after 11 wks
Babe completely formed by 12 wks
Protective factors against ovarian CA
Pregnancy breast feeding
Prophylactic salpingectomy
Hysterectomy (without removal of ovaries)
Most common form of ovarian cancer
High grade serous epithelial cancer
3 sets of cells that give rise to ovarian CA
Ovarian epithelium
Germ cells
Ovarian stroma
Ovarian CA tumour marker
CA 19-9
Upper GI
Mucinous ovarian CA
CA 15-3
Breast CA
Colon CA
Bloodwork to order for germ cell tumour workup
Risk of Malignancy Score
U/S features:
- Multilocular cyst
- Presence of solid areas
- Bilaterality of lesions
- Presence of ascites
- Presence of intra-abdominal metastasis
1 = no or one abnormality
4 = 2 or more abnormalities
Premenopausal: +1
Postmenopausal +4
Abnormality score x pre or post-menopausal score x CA125 level
Ovarian CA Staging
I = Limited to ovaries Ia = 1 ovary Ib = 2 ovaries Ic = Rupture II = Ovaries and pelvic extension III = Mets to peritoneum/retroperitoneum/superficial liver mets IV = distant mets beyond peritoneal cavity
Early decels associated with
Head squeeze
Variable decels associated with
Cord compression
Late decels associated with
Uteroplacental insufficiency
Normal variations in contractions
No more than q2min (max 5/10min)
<90s duration
Coupling or tripling
Moderate-strong intensity on palpation (>25mHg but <75-80mmHg above baseline per contraction via IUPC)
Soft resting tone btwn contractions for at least 30s
Intrauterine resuscitation
Change maternal position D/C oxytocin O2 by mask Hydrate Vaginal exam to confirm dilatation and descent Keep mom calm
Workup for abnormalities in fetal movement counts
If NST normal –> resume daily fetal movement counts. If risk factor add AFI and umbilical artery doppler study as part of ongoing fetal surveillance.
If NST atypical –> Repeat NST later or next day, CST, AFI and umbilical artery doppler
If NST abnormal: Sonographic assessment (growth, AFI, UA doppler), BPP, CST, consider delivery
Normal NST
Strong negative predictive value of stillborn in 7d after
Umbilical artery doppler done at
3rd trimester
Absent end diastolic flow management
<32wks: Increase FHS. Consider steroids.
>/=32 wks: Delivery may be indicated. Consider steroids first.
Reverse end diastolic flow management
Delivery indicated, regardless of GA
If steroids required, increase FHS until delivery
Symphysis fundal height
12 weeks = symphysis
16 weeks = mid way to umbilicus
20 weeks = umbilicus
SFH +/- 3cm from GA
Folic acid for low risk woman
0.4-1mg daily from 8-12wks pre-conception until 10-12wks post-conception
Folic acid for high risk woman
5mg daily from 8-12wks pre-conception until 10-12wks post-conception
Then multivitamin with 0.4-1mg of folic acid until 4-6wks after birth
Ideal fetal positioning
Occiput anterior
Pre-eclampsia prophylaxis
Daily ASA 81mg
Primary issue associated with hypertension in pregnancy
Poor placentation
1st line meds for hypertension in pregnancy
Labetalol Nifedipine (long-acting CCB) Methyldopa
Induce delivery at ___ wks for uncomplicated pregnancies with only occasional BP elevations
Induce delivery ___ wks for pregnancies with frequent high BPs
37 wks
Postpartum BP
Peaks 3-5d postpartum
Almost always back to normal by 12 weeks
If >/=12wks PP –> chronic HTN
GTN HTN plus one or more of:
1) New proteinuria (>30mg/mmol or >/=0.3g/d
(2) one or more adverse conditions/severe complications
HELLP Syndrome
Elevated liver enzymes
Low platelets
MgSO4 for HELLP syndrome
Usually started at labour onset and continued 12-24h post-delivery
Gestational HTN with seizures
>/=1 generalized convulsion and/or coma in setting of pre-eclampsia
Eclampsia management
Aggressive management once diastolic pressure >/= 106 or systolic >/= 160
Hydralazine or Labetalol IV
MgSO4 to prevent recurrence
Deliver (irrespective of GA)
Fetal monitoring in eclampsia
NST, AFI or BPP weekly starting at 32wks GA
Velamentous cord insertion
Umbilical cord inserts into fetal membranes then travels within membranes to placenta –> exposed vessels vulnerable to rupture in early labour
If vessels near cervix = vasa previa
HPV strains associated with genital warts
6 and 11
HPV strains associated with cervical CA
16 and 18
Pap smear results that you can follow with cytology in 6mo
ASCUS (If <30 or no HPV DNA testing available)
HELLP Syndrome management
Deliver baby! Regardless of GA week. May be able to prolong slightly for steroids if <34wks and otherwise stable, do not prolong for >48h
MgSO4 antidote
Calcium glutinate
Risk of seizure from pre-eclampsia highest during…
24h postpartum
Continue MgSO4 for 12-24h after delivery
Pre-eclampsia management
If stable, may admit and follow +/- decide to deliver if 34-36wks If severe, stabilize and deliver Manage BP (Labetalol, Nifedipine) MgSO4
Insulin resistance in pregnancy
Frequency of HbA1c testing in pregnancy
2g OGTT at 6wk PP
Extra antepartum surveillance in GDM
2nd trimester onwards: Fetal echo, repeat urinalysis each semester, NST weekly, U/S biweekly (then weekly after 32wks)
Placenta previa C/S vs SVD
> 2cm from os –> SVD
1-2cm –> gray zone
<1cm –> C/S
Any degree of overlap after 35 wks –> C/S
Placenta previa clinical presentation
Painless bleeding at 30wk GA
Uterus soft and non-tender
FHR usually normal
Placenta previa management
<37 wks and hemo stable –> expectant management
>37wks and/or hemo unstable –> C/S
Most common cause of DIC in pregnancy
Placental abruption
Placental abruption clinical presentation
Acute painful vaginal bleeding usually at ~20wks GA
Shock out of proportion to apparent blood loss
+/- fetal distress
Dx of placental abruption
U/S not sensitive
Vasa previa definition, dx and tx
Fetal vessels pass over cervical os (a/w cord insertion, accessory lobes)
Painless vaginal bleeding and fetal distress
- Apt test
- Wright stain - nucleated RBCs (fetal)
Tx: emergency C/S
Water under the bridge
Ureter travels UNDER uterine artery
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
Arterial blood from donor twins passes through placenta into vein of recipient twin
Monochorionic monoamniotic management
NSTs twice a day, starting at 26 wks
Weekly U/S
C-section at 32weeks if stable
Dichorionic sonographic findings
2 separate placental sites
Inter-twin membrane is thick (4 layers)
Lambda or twin peak sign – chorionic villic visible going up in between amnions
Dichorionic diamniotic management
Lowest risk
Recommend routine scans q4wks
Usually deliver by 38wks
Monochorionic diamniotic management
Recommend routine scans q2wks starting at 16wks
Deliver by 36-37wks
Twin monitoring
Up to 28 wks –> q2wks
28-36wks –> weekly
Normal prenatal screening visits
Up to 28wks –> q4wks
28-36wks –> q2wks
>36wks –> weekly
hCG secreted by…
Progesterone produced by…
Corpus luteum until 10wks
Then placenta
Respiratory changes in pregnancy
Increase TV, minute ventilation, inspiratory capacity
Decreased residual volume, expiratory reserve volume, functional residual capacity
No change in in vital capacity, RR, FEV1
Hypothyroid meds changes in pregnancy
Increase meds due to increased TBG and decreased GI absorption (double dose on Sat and Sun)
When to refer women for infertility
<35yo: 12mo of trying
35-39: 6-12mo of trying
>40: Within 3mo of trying
Unless irregular menses, hx of PID, endometriosis, poor semen analysis, abnormal fertility test = refer right away
Most common causes of infertility in couples
Tubal and pelvic pathology
Male problems
Infertility female work-up
Ovulatory function: Mid-luteal phase progesterone Ovulation kits detecting LH surge If abnormal, test ovulatory reserve: Day 3 FSH (normal if <10) PRL, TSH, PCOS work-up AMH (higher the better) Antral follicle count
Trichomonas Vaginalis management
Metronidazole 2g, even if asymptomatic
No sexual intercourse 7d after treatment
Re-screen 2wks-3mo after finishing tx
All sexual partners should be treated as well, don’t need to be screened as well
Factors that affect menopause age
Smoking –> hastens by 2 years
BMI –> delays menopause
Parity (lower parity goes into menopause earlier)
Chemo agent used in breast CA that ages ovaries by 10y
4 categories of patients who should receive transdermal E
At risk for VTE
Poor absorption
Spontaneous or estrogen-induced hypertriglyceridemia
Obese with metabolic syndrome
Consider also in: smokers, HTN, sexual dysfunction
Risks associated with hormone therapy from WHI trial
More strokes, VTE, less hip fracutre
More breast CA after >/=5yrs of use, risk back to baseline after stopping
E-only: More breast CA, less CRC
Amsel’s criteria for BV
Need 3/4 of: Characteristic of d/c (thick, white, malodours) pH >4.5 Wet mount - Clue cells, PMN Amine whiff test (+)
Pigmented lesion biopsy
Punch biopsy, completely excise
Blistering lesion biopsy
Suture, lift and cut technique
Ulcerated lesion biopsy
Incisional if large, excision if <1cm
Lichen sclerosus or lichen simplex chronicus or lichen planus that causes distortion of normal anatomy
Lichen sclerosus and lichen planus
Lichen planus can extend into the vagina, possibly even causing it to close up
Lichen simplex chronicus AKA
Squamous cell hyperplasia
Medications a/w loss of vaginal lubrication
Polycystic ovaries
> 12 astral follicles 2-9mm in one ovary
Test to R/O congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Often ordered to test metabolic dysfunction as source of ovulatory dysfunction
Most common cause of primary amenorrhea
Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism
AI diseases associate with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
SLE T1DM Addison's Thyroid Myasthenia graves
5 alpha reductase deficiency
Can’t convert T –> DHT
Androgen synthesis disorder
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Structural CNS (adenoma, prolactinoma, sheehan's) Endo (hypothyroid, hyperprolactinemia) Non-CNS (constitutional delay of puberty, functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, isolated GnRH deficiency)
If both thyroid and prolactin are off, which do you fix first?
Thyroid –> prolactin will flollow
Hypothyroid – TRH activates lactotrophs to secrete prolactin –> hyperprolactinemia
Velamentous cord insertion
Umbilical cord inserts into choriamniotic membranes then travels within membranes to placenta (btwn amnion and chorion)
Exposed vessels are not protected by Wharton’s jelly