OBGYN Flashcards
Rx for pelvic organ prolapse (uterus, bladder, rectum) if poor surgical candidate?
50s female with sparse pubic hair, fissures in vestibule, and multiple areas of petechiae in vagina. Labial volume is decreased. Dx?
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (atrophic vaginitis). Vaginal epithelium has decreased elasticity and loss of keratinization.
Confirmation test for atrophic vaginitis?
Elevated vaginal pH≥5 confirms the hypoestrogenic state.
40s female presents with severe NV and an enlarged uterus with bilaterally enlarged ovaries. US reveals uterus is filled with multiple small cysts but no embryo. Ovaries are 10cm with multilocular cystic appearance. Pregnancy test positive. Dx?
Complete hydatidiform mole leading to theca lutein cysts. The enlarged ovaries are stimulated to produce cystic changes due to hyperstimulation by elevated ßhCG from the mole. They should resolve with suction D&C of the mole.
40s female presents with fever, right lower quadrant abd. pain, and a complex multiloculated adnexal mass with thick walls and internal debris on US. She is sexually active with 1 partner and uses condoms. Dx?
Tubo-ovarian abscess. This is a complication of PID due to chlamydia and gonorrhea. A multiloculated mass in the adnexa with debris is classic.
Pregnant female with clear discharge from her vagina on standing and negative nitrazine test. Dx?
Stress urinary incontinence.
Sx in uterine prolapse.
Pressure in pelvis
Urinary retention/incontinence/obstrxn
7yo girl with precocious puberty is found to have a pelvic mass. US shows right ovarian mass. Dx?
Granulosa cell tumor.
20s female presents with shrinking breasts and scant, irregular menstruation for a year. She has not had a period now for 1 year. She has facial hair and a deep voice. US shows an ovarian tumor. PE reveals enlarged clitoris. Dx?
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor. These tumors produce androgens and lead to masculinization and period irregularity that leads to amenorrhea.
Granulosa cell tumors secrete?
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors secrete?
13yo presents with abd. pain and amenorrhea. She has never had a period. Consider what dx?
Imperforate hymen.
Sarcoma botryoides Sx?
Vaginal bleeding in infancy with polypoid or grape-like mass protruding from vagina.
Copper IUD for emergency contraception MOA and timeframe?
Inflammatory response in uterus. Up to 120 hours from sex.
Ulipristal pill for emergency contraception MOA and timeframe?
Antiprogestin delays ovulation; 0-120 hours from sex
Levonorgestrel pill (plan B) for emergency contraception MOA and timeframe?
Progestin delays ovulation. 0-72 hrs from sex.
SS of acute cervicitis?
Postcoital bleeding Thick, mucopurulent discharge Dysuria Dyspareunia Pruritis Friable cervix
MCC of acute cervicitis?
Gold std for acute cervicitis testing?
NAAT (nucleic acid amplification test) which has high sensitivity and specificity for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Light microscopy reveals no organisms.
Adolescents frequently have anovulatory cycles with irregular, heavy menstrual bleeding Why?
Immature hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Unopposed estrogen stimulation due to lack of progesterone prodxn from absence of the corpus luteum development leads to proliferation of the endometrium and instability.
How to manage menometrorhaggia in a healthy adolescent?
Progesterone or OCs with progesterone.
After a sxn D&C for a molar pregnancy, what is prescribed until ß-hCG is undetectable?
Contraception (ß-hCG must be undetectable for 6 months).
When is an operative vaginal delivery indicated?
Protracted 2nd stage of labor
Second-stage fetal HR tracing abnormalities
Poor maternal pushing
Valsalva contraindicated