OBGYN Flashcards
Primary amenorrhoea
- Constitutional delay.
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
- Congenital genitourinary malformation—broad range of anomalies,
see Fig. 10.2. - Gartner duct cyst.
- Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS)—Y chromosome
present but external genitalia are of female phenotype due to
complete insensitivity of cells to androgens. - Hyperprolactinaemia secondary to a pituitary tumour.
- Androgen-secreting ovarian or adrenal tumour.
- Pregnancy—always consider in a female who is over the expected
age of menarche and is not menstruating.
Secondary amenorrhoea
- Pregnancy.
- Premature ovarian failure.
- Prolonged oral contraceptive pill or implant.
- Significant weight loss or low body mass index.
- Cervical stenosis/adhesion.
- Iatrogenic—e.g. Asherman syndrome, surgery, chemotherapy or
radiotherapy. - PCOS.
- Androgen-secreting ovarian or adrenal tumour.
- Other endocrine disorders—e.g. hypothyroidism, pituitary
disease, etc
Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB)
Definition: vaginal bleeding >12 months following menopause.
1. Endometrial/vaginal atrophy.
2. Endometrial cancer, hyperplasia or polyp.
3. Cervical cancer or polyp.
4. Oestrogen-secreting ovarian lesion—e.g. Brenner tumour,
granulosa cell tumour.
5. Endometritis.
6. Anticoagulants
Acute pelvic pain
- Complicated ovarian cyst—haemorrhage, rupture or torsion. If
haemorrhagic rupture, accompanied by high density ascites
(>20 HU). - Adnexal torsion—enlarged ovary with central oedema, peripherally
placed follicles and a twisted pedicle. - Acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)—e.g. pyosalpinx,
tuboovarian abscess. - Complicated fibroid—e.g. degeneration, torsion (if pedunculated).
- Ectopic pregnancy—particularly tubal location or ruptured ectopic.
- Ovarian hyperstimulation—enlarged multicystic ovaries in a woman
undergoing IVF. - Nongynaecological causes—e.g. appendicitis, diverticulitis, Crohn’s
disease, cystitis and urolithiasis. - Acute exacerbation of chronic pelvic pain
Chronic pelvic pain
Definition: cyclical or noncyclical pain in the lower abdomen or
pelvis of >6 months duration that limits activities of daily living;
may be continuous or intermittent
- Adhesions—due to previous pelvic inflammation, surgery or trauma. May be associated with peritoneal inclusion cysts (pelvic fluid collections entrapped by adhesions).
- Endometriosis and adenomyosis—pre/perimenopausal women.
- Chronic PID—e.g. hydrosalpinx.
- Fibroids.
- Pelvic congestion syndrome—dilated veins in uterus, broad
ligament and ovarian plexus. - Nongynaecological causes—e.g. musculoskeletal, neurological
Raised Ca-125 (normal <35 U/mL)
Ca-125 is a nonspecific marker that increases in response to
peritoneal irritation
- Ovarian malignancy—invasive or borderline; note invasive
mucinous tumours are less likely to elevate Ca-125. - Other primary malignancies with peritoneal dissemination—e.g.
fallopian tube, breast, GI tract and pancreas. - Pregnancy.
- Endometriosis.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease.
- Peritoneal inclusion cyst.
- Nongynaecological—e.g. congestive cardiac failure, cirrhosis,
pancreatitis, abdominopelvic tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and
peritoneal dialysis patients
Abnormal uterine cavity
. Fibroid—submucosal fibroids create a well-defined smooth
rounded filling defect. Large intramural fibroids distort the normal
contour of the uterine cavity.
2. Endometrial polyp—well-defined filling defect indistinguishable
from a submucosal fibroid.
3. Congenital Müllerian duct anomalies—see Section 10.2.
4. Synechiae—intrauterine adhesions, most commonly caused by
dilation and curettage procedures. Other causes include previous
pregnancy, IUD, radiotherapy or infection (TB, schistosomiasis).
Present as linear, angular or stellate filling defects. TB can cause
marked distortion of the endometrial cavity. Multiple synechiae +
infertility = Asherman syndrome.
5. Adenomyosis—may see endometrial irregularity with tiny
6. Previous surgery—a caesarean-section scar may be visible as a
transverse linear filling defect in the lower uterus. Previous
myomectomy can cause focal irregularity or a diverticulum.
7. Unsuspected pregnancy—very rare. The gestational sac creates a
filling defect.
8. Air bubbles—can mimic a polyp. Mobile, nondependent location.
Tubal abnormality
- Dilated fallopian tube—i.e. hydrosalpinx or haematosalpinx. Due
to distal tubal obstruction in the ampullary portion. No contrast
spillage into the peritoneal cavity.
(a) PID—most common cause. Results in hydrosalpinx in the
chronic setting (HSG contraindicated in acute infection).
(b) Endometriosis*.
(c) Tubal malignancy—primary or secondary. - Failure to opacify the whole fallopian tube.
(a) Tubal occlusion—most commonly due to PID; this can
occlude any part of one or both tubes, or cause loculation of
spilled contrast around the ampulla. Other causes include
endometriosis, TB and fallopian tube malignancy.
(b) Tubal spasm—tube does not fill beyond the cornual portion.
Indistinguishable from cornual tubal occlusion. Spasmolytic
agents may help.
(c) Previous surgery—tubal ligation results in an abrupt cut-off in
the isthmic portion of the fallopian tubes ± mild bulbous
dilatation proximally. Hysteroscopically inserted occlusion
devices result in total tubal occlusion with a radiopaque linear
microinsert visible within the tubes. - Tubal irregularity.
(a) Salpingitis isthmica nodosa (SIN)—idiopathic. Multiple tiny
tubal diverticula arising from the isthmic portion. Can affect
one or both tubes.
(b) Tuberculosis*—usually bilateral. In the acute phase, causes
tubal diverticula that tend to be larger and less uniform than
in SIN. In the chronic phase, typically causes multiple short
tubal constrictions giving a beaded appearance, ±
isthmico-ampullary junction obstruction ± peritubal adhesions
resulting in a fixed distorted ‘corkscrew’ tube. Diffuse
pipe-stem narrowing can be seen in advanced cases.
(c) Tubal polyp—rare, located in the cornual portion. Smooth,
rounded <1 cm filling defect. May be bilateral.
Diffusely thickened endometrium
- Normal secretory phase—homogeneously echogenic on US and
T2 hyperintense on MRI. - Early pregnancy—gestation sac can be seen after 5 weeks; if not
visible consider ectopic. - Endometrial hyperplasia—usually homogeneously echogenic ±
cystic change, but can be focal or irregular, mimicking malignancy.
Due to increased or unopposed oestrogen, e.g. obesity, PCOS,
drugs (e.g. Tamoxifen; can cause hyperplasia, polyps, cystic
change or, rarely, endometrial cancer), or hormone-secreting
ovarian tumour (e.g. fibrothecoma or granulosa cell tumour). - Endometrial carcinoma—usually heterogeneous and irregular, but
can mimic (or coexist with) hyperplasia. - Endometritis—typically in the postpartum period + clinical signs
of sepsis; occasionally due to PID. Intrauterine fluid or gas may also
be seen. - Intrauterine fluid—can mimic endometrial thickening on CT (both
hypoattenuating), but not on US (anechoic). Usually related to
menstruation or pregnancy in premenopausal women (or infection
if clinically septic). In postmenopausal women, usually due to
benign cervical stenosis or an obstructing cervical or endometrial
tumour/polyp (requires biopsy)
Focal endometrial mass
- Endometrial carcinoma—typically in postmenopausal women
with a history of bleeding. Usually heterogeneous and irregular. 308 Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis
On MRI, T2 hypointense relative to normal endometrium,
hyperintense relative to junctional zone of myometrium. Enhances
less than normal myometrium. Myometrial invasion, if present, is
diagnostic. - Endometrial polyp—benign, well-defined, homogeneously
hyperechoic ± cystic change ± vascular stalk. On MRI, slightly T2
hypointense relative to endometrium. - Submucosal fibroid—well-defined, usually hypoechoic on US and
T2 hypointense on MRI. - Focal endometrial hyperplasia—mimics a sessile polyp or early
cancer on imaging. - Lesions related to pregnancy.
(a) Pregnancy or missed miscarriage—visible gestation sac.
(b) Retained products of conception (RPOC)—heterogeneously
echogenic, usually contain Doppler flow; enhance on MRI.
(c) Intrauterine blood clot—in the postpartum period.
Heterogeneous, no internal Doppler flow or enhancement.
(d) Gestational trophoblastic disease—see Section 10.16. - Endometrial stromal tumours—rare. Benign forms are nonspecific
on imaging, mimicking endometrial polyps. Malignant forms are
usually larger than endometrial carcinomas with more avid
enhancement, and tend to greatly distend the uterine cavity;
high-grade forms are very invasive and aggressive ± metastases.
(a) Mixed Müllerian tumours—contain both epithelial and
stromal components; can be benign (adenofibroma),
low-grade malignant (adenosarcoma) or high-grade
(carcinosarcoma). Adenosarcoma is typically solid-cystic and
confined to the uterus, carcinosarcoma is heterogeneous
(haemorrhage and necrosis) + restricted diffusion ±
extrauterine invasion and metastases. Both may protrude into
the endocervical canal.
(b) Pure stromal tumours—can be benign (stromal nodule),
low-grade malignant (endometrial stromal sarcoma) or
high-grade (undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma). Low-grade
sarcoma is heterogeneously T2 hyperintense ± nodular
myometrial invasion with characteristic T2 hypointense bands
of preserved myometrium. High-grade sarcoma shows more
diffuse myometrial invasion. Vascular invasion is common in
both malignant forms. - Metastasis to the endometrium—rare, most commonly from
breast or stomach.
Abnormality involving both endometrium and myometrium
- Adenomyosis—thickening of the junctional zone with irregularity
of the endometrial–myometrial interface. May mimic endometrial
thickening on US. - Submucosal fibroid.
- Invasive endometrial malignancy.
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
Diffuse myometrial abnormality
- Adenomyosis—best seen on MRI. Thickening of the T2
hypointense junctional zone (>12 mm is diagnostic; <8 mm is
normal) that may be diffuse, asymmetrical (often posterior) or
focal (adenomyoma). T2 hyperintense subendometrial cysts and
linear striations are often visible ± myometrial foci of T1
hyperintensity (haemorrhage). - Leiomyomatosis—numerous ill-defined T2 hypointense fibroids
diffusely replacing the myometrium ± areas of degeneration. - Postpartum appearance—after delivery the uterus reduces in size
slowly over several weeks. In the first 30 hours the myometrium is
heterogeneous with multiple dilated vessels. The junctional zone is
usually not visible in the first 6 weeks (or longer after caesarean
section). - Oral contraceptives—can result in diffuse T2 hyperintensity
throughout the myometrium ± endometrial atrophy. - Infiltrative malignancy—rare, mainly lymphoma and leukaemia.
Diffuse enlargement and infiltration of the uterus by a
homogeneous mildly T2 hyperintense tumour + restricted
diffusion. The endometrium is usually spared, but adjacent organs
may be involved ± pelvic lymphadenopathy. Aggressive sarcomas
can also diffusely replace the uterus but are heterogeneous on
Focal myometrial mass
- Fibroid (leiomyoma)—very common, particularly in Afro-Caribbeans. Typically hypoechoic on US and T1/T2 hypointense on MRI with homogeneous enhancement and no restricted diffusion. Well-defined, rounded + pseudocapsule. May be intramural, subserosal or submucosal (± pedunculated). Many different variants and forms of degeneration, giving a variety of appearances. Regress after the menopause.
(a) Degeneration—more common in larger fibroids due to outgrowth of blood supply. Calcification is common after hyaline degeneration and suggests chronicity.
(i) Hyaline—most common. Heterogeneous T2 hypointensity and enhancement within the fibroid on MRI, may be difficult to see.
(ii) Cystic—internal well-defined cystic spaces (T2
hyperintense, T1 hypointense, no enhancement).
(iii) Myxoid—similar in appearance to cystic degeneration but usually appears more complex + internal enhancement.
(iv) Red—haemorrhagic infarction, usually occurs in pregnancy. Heterogeneous T2 signal with no enhancement and areas of T1 hyperintensity (haemorrhage or thrombosed veins).
(v) Infection (pyomyoma)—usually postpartum or after
instrumentation. Clinical features of sepsis. Fluid and gas
within a degenerated fibroid + restricted diffusion +
surrounding fat stranding.
(b) Variants.
(i) Lipoleiomyoma—well-defined, contains a mixture of
smooth muscle and fat. May be almost completely fatty.
Markedly hyperechoic on US. CT and T1/fatsat MRI are
diagnostic. If exophytic, may mimic ovarian teratoma.
May rarely transform to liposarcoma.
(ii) Cellular leiomyoma—often larger and more T2
hyperintense than a normal leiomyoma due to minimal
collagen. Can show restricted diffusion, mimicking
leiomyosarcoma, but usually less heterogeneous and
typically well-defined.
(iii) Angioleiomyoma—rare. Usually large with prominent
intratumoural vessels ± internal haemorrhage.
(iv) Very rare variants—atypical leiomyoma (mimics
cystic degeneration), myxoid leiomyoma (mimics
myxoid degeneration), smooth muscle tumour of
uncertain malignant potential (STUMP; mimics cellular
(c) Extrauterine manifestations.
(i) Parasitic leiomyoma—due to torsion and detachment of
a pedunculated subserosal leiomyoma, which then
attaches onto another site in the peritoneal cavity,
usually in the pelvis, e.g. broad ligament. More
commonly occurs post myomectomy or hysterectomy
due to peritoneal implantation of small leiomyoma
(ii) Disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis—multiple
benign peritoneal leiomyomas, T1/T2 hypointense on
MRI with homogeneous enhancement. Rare, occurs in
premenopausal women; mimics peritoneal metastases but
without ascites and no solid organ involvement apart
from uterus and ovaries. No increased uptake on PET.
(iii) Benign metastasizing leiomyoma—usually seen post
hysterectomy performed for fibroids. Typically manifests
as multiple discrete lung nodules histologically identical
to benign uterine fibroids. Cavitation ± pneumothorax
can occur. Less commonly involves retroperitoneum or
lymph nodes.
(iv) Intravenous leiomyomatosis—benign uterine fibroids
can rarely invade adjacent pelvic veins, and may even
extend into the IVC ± right heart. The vascular invasion
makes it hard to differentiate from endometrial stromal
sarcoma. - Adenomyoma—focal form of adenomyosis; best seen on MRI.
Ill-defined T2 hypointense mass ± small cystic spaces ± foci of T1
hyperintensity. Usually continuous with junctional zone but can be
subserosal or submucosal and pedunculated. May rarely appear
predominantly cystic with internal haemorrhage, mimicking a
fibroid with red degeneration. - Other myometrial tumours.
(a) Leiomyosarcoma—usually solitary, large and heterogeneous
with areas of haemorrhage and necrosis. Mimics a
degenerating fibroid, but features suggesting malignancy
include irregular or invasive margins, restricted diffusion and
rapid growth, particularly in a postmenopausal woman.
(b) Metastases—rare, usually from breast or stomach. Direct
invasion from an adjacent tumour (e.g. cervix, colon, bladder)
is more common.
(c) Lymphoma*/leukaemia—usually diffuse; can rarely be focal.
(d) Other rare tumours—e.g. melanoma (may be T1
hyperintense), haemangioma (may contain phleboliths),
perivascular epithelioid cell tumour (PEComa), inflammatory
pseudotumour, nerve sheath tumour, neuroendocrine tumour,
plasmacytoma, solitary fibrous tumour. - External invasive endometriosis—typically in the pouch of
Douglas. - Caesarean section haematoma—in the postpartum period,
located at the incision site in the lower anterior wall. In the chronic
setting there is focal myometrial thinning or a defect. - Arteriovenous malformation—usually in young women, often
related to previous pregnancy or surgery. US/MRI shows focal
ill-defined myometrial thickening with multiple dilated tortuous
vessels (high flow and low resistance on Doppler, avid early filling
on postcontrast MRI). - Transient physiological myometrial contraction (mimic)—focal
area of T2 hypointense myometrial thickening inseparable from the
junctional zone; mimics focal adenomyosis but does not contain
cystic spaces and often disappears on subsequent sequences.
Cystic cervical lesion
- Nabothian cyst—mucous retention cyst related to chronic
cervicitis. Typically unilocular but can be multiple and clustered.
Anechoic on US and T2 bright on MRI; mucin content shows
variable T1 signal and may create low-level echoes on US. Typically
superficial with preservation of the underlying T2 hypointense
cervical stroma, but can occasionally extend into the stroma. No
vascularity or enhancement (cf. adenoma malignum). - Cervical endometriosis—can be cystic (T1/T2 hyperintense) or
solid (T2 hypointense) in appearance. Other sites of involvement
are usually also present. - Postbiopsy haematoma—T1 hyperintense.
- Adenoma malignum—mucinous adenocarcinoma of the cervix.
Presents as a multilocular cystic mass arising from epithelial glands
and invading the underlying cervical stroma, with enhancing septa
+ solid components. Peritoneal metastases are common. Associated
with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. - Ectopic pregnancy—gestation sac in the endocervical canal,
usually with a closed internal os. Can mimic a miscarriage in
progress, but in the latter there is no fetal heartbeat and the
internal os is usually open. Repeat US should be considered
Solid cervical lesion
- Primary cervical carcinoma—most are squamous; less commonly
adenocarcinoma or other rarer variants. Arises from epithelium of
ectocervix (younger women) or endocervix (older women).
Typically homogeneously T2 hyperintense on MRI + restricted
diffusion + enhancement; invades and disrupts the underlying T2
hypointense cervical stroma. Can invade the uterus (± obstruction),
vagina, parametrium or other adjacent structures. - Cervical polyp—well-defined polypoid mass within and expanding
the endocervical canal without stromal invasion. Echogenic on US,
T2 hypointense on MRI with avid enhancement ± small cystic
spaces. Usually pedunculated with a vascular stalk on US; may
prolapse into the vagina. Usually benign but may contain foci of
noninvasive cancer. - Cervical fibroid—usually within the cervical stroma but can rarely
be pedunculated and endocervical. Identical imaging features to
uterine fibroids. - Endocervical hyperplasia—diffuse T2 hyperintense thickening of
cervical epithelium ± cystic change. Can mimic adenoma malignum,
but does not show stromal invasion and is usually hypovascular. - Prolapsed endometrial mass—e.g. polyp (benign or malignant),
fibroid, mixed Müllerian tumour. Distends cervical canal. - Primary endometrial or vaginal tumour invading the cervix—
bladder and rectal tumours may also invade the cervix. - Other rare cervical tumours—nearly all rare uterine tumours can
also arise from the cervix, e.g. lymphoma (homogeneous and
diffusely infiltrative, spares cervical epithelium), melanoma (often
T1 hyperintense), sarcoma (often large, heterogeneous T2
hyperintensity and enhancement), metastasis (e.g. from breast,
stomach), NET (± paraneoplastic syndrome), etc. - Iatrogenic lesions—e.g. postbiopsy inflammation