- Ischaemic heart disease—and other cardiomyopathies.
- Pericardial effusion—globular (supine radiograph) or flask-shaped
heart (erect radiograph), crisp cardiac outline (as the effusion
masks ventricular wall motion). - Multivalve disease—particularly regurgitation.
- Congenital heart disease—ASD is the most common to present
in adults. Eisenmenger’s syndrome may develop in longstanding
untreated ASD, resulting in chronic pulmonary hypertension, shunt
reversal and gross cardiomegaly
Volume loading
1. Tricuspid regurgitation.
2. ASD or AVSD.
3. Chronic atrial fibrillation (AF).
4. Anomalous pulmonary venous return—partial type if presents in
5. Ebstein’s anomaly—congenitally abnormal tricuspid valve, which
is displaced into the RV, resulting in a large RA and a small RV ±
6110 Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis
tricuspid regurgitation. Usually presents in childhood. May be
associated with other congenital heart defects, particularly ASD.
Pressure loading
1. Tricuspid stenosis.
2. Constrictive pericarditis or restrictive cardiomyopathy—both
usually cause biatrial enlargement with small/normal ventricles. In
constrictive pericarditis there is usually pericardial calcification/
thickening >3 mm and often a diastolic septal ‘bounce’ on MRI. In
restrictive cardiomyopathy these features are absent and there may
be myocardial thickening/LGE on MRI depending on the cause
(e.g. amyloidosis, HCM, systemic sclerosis).
3. Tricuspid valve obstruction—by tumour or thrombus
Volume loading
1. Tricuspid or pulmonary regurgitation.
2. ASD, VSD or AVSD.
3. Anomalous pulmonary venous return—partial type if presents in
4. Cardiomyopathy—ARVC (fibrofatty replacement of the RV
myocardium + dilatation + hypokinesis ± small RV aneurysms ±
LGE, usually presents in young adults) or Uhl’s anomaly (absence
of the RV myocardium resulting in a paper-thin RV wall but no
intramural fat, usually presents in infancy).
Pressure loading (which may lead to increased
RV volume)
1. Pulmonary hypertension—see Section 6.21.
2. Pulmonary stenosis—including Tetralogy of Fallot.
3. Acute PE—right heart strain.
Volume loading
1. Mitral regurgitation.
2. Chronic atrial fibrillation.
3. VSD or PDA.
Pressure loading
1. Left ventricular failure.
2. Mitral stenosis.
3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—via LV diastolic dysfunction,
outflow obstruction and mitral regurgitation.
4. Constrictive pericarditis or restrictive cardiomyopathy—both
usually cause biatrial enlargement (see Section 6.2).
5. Mitral valve obstruction due to tumour—e.g. myxoma
Myocardial disease
1. Ischaemic heart disease—evidence of significant coronary artery
disease on CT. Old myocardial infarcts are seen on MRI as focal
areas of subendocardial/transmural LGE ± wall thinning/
calcification/fat deposition conforming to a vascular territory.
2. Cardiomyopathy
(a) DCM—dilated LV + systolic dysfunction without evidence of
IHD/valve disease. Linear midwall/subepicardial LGE is
common and a poor prognostic indicator. Many different
causes, though idiopathic is most common and often shows
LGE in the septum. Some causes have suggestive features
on MRI:
(i) Haemochromatosis—diffusely reduced T2/T2 signal
throughout the myocardium (as well as the liver).
(ii) Sarcoidosis—patchy areas of myocardial thinning and
midwall/subepicardial LGE ± aneurysms. Lung and nodal
involvement is usually also present.
(iii) Chagas disease—focal myocardial thinning typically
involving the apex and inferolateral wall with midwall/
subepicardial LGE ± apical aneurysm.
(b) ARVC—can be biventricular; LV-dominant forms also exist.
Diagnosis is based on task force criteria; MRI cannot make the
diagnosis alone. Intramural fat may be present.
3. LV aneurysm/pseudoaneurysm—focal thin-walled saccular
dilatation ± mural thrombus ± calcification. True aneurysms usually
develop weeks to months after myocardial infarction (MI) and
typically arise from the apex/anterolateral wall, with a broad neck
and a low risk of rupture. Pseudoaneurysms usually represent a
contained LV rupture (developing soon after a transmural MI) and
typically arise from the basal inferolateral wall, with a narrow neck
and a high risk of rupture. Cardiac surgery/trauma are less
common causes. If visible on CXR (due to calcification), true
aneurysms are best seen on the frontal view, whereas
pseudoaneurysms are best seen on the lateral view (arising from
the posterior margin of the cardiac shadow). A congenital LV
diverticulum may mimic an aneurysm on MRI, but is usually found
in younger patients and often demonstrates contractility.
Volume loading
1. Aortic or mitral regurgitation.
2. PDA—the pulmonary arteries and ascending aorta are also usually
3. VSD—this shunts blood directly into the right ventricular outflow
tract (RVOT) leading to LV dilatation even in large defects.
4. Athlete’s heart—depending on the type of athletic activity, can
lead to increased LV/RV volumes and/or LV hypertrophy (which Cardiovascular system 113
rarely exceeds 15 mm in thickness). Mild LA dilatation may also be
seen. Cardiac function is normal.
5. High-output cardiac failure—e.g. due to severe anaemia (e.g.
sickle cell), hyperthyroidism, systemic arteriovenous shunting.
Pressure loading (usually causes diffuse concentric
hypertrophy but may increase LV volume)
1. Hypertension.
2. Aortic stenosis
Valves (if visible on CXR, suggests clinically
significant stenosis)
- Aortic valve calcification—bicuspid aortic valve (especially in
patients <65 years), degenerative aortic sclerosis (usually >65
years), previous rheumatic fever. A calcified ring with a central bar
(calcified commissure) suggests a bicuspid valve. Rarer causes
include previous infective endocarditis, end-stage renal failure,
Paget’s disease and ochronosis. - Mitral calcification—degenerative annular calcification (involves
valve annulus only; curvilinear/J-shaped), previous rheumatic fever
(involves valve leaflets; amorphous/nodular). - Pulmonary valve calcification—rare; pulmonary stenosis, chronic
pulmonary hypertension, rheumatic fever. - Tricuspid valve calcification—rare; rheumatic fever, previous
infective endocarditis, ASD. Degenerative annular calcification can
also occur (curvilinear, C-shaped). - Homograft calcification
Intracardiac (intraluminal)
- Calcified thrombus—e.g. in the LV (post MI) or LA appendage.
Often thick and laminated. - Papillary muscle calcification—associated with coronary artery
disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, mitral valve disease and disorders
of calcium metabolism. - Calcified tumour—mostly myxomas, although rare intracardiac
tumours such as haemangiomas, paragangliomas and primary
cardiac osteosarcomas can also calcify.114 Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis - Postinfective calcification—valve vegetations, tuberculomas and
hydatid cysts may all calcify
- Postinfarction—usually involves LV. Myocardial thinning ± fat also
present on CT/MR. - Previous rheumatic fever—usually involves the posterior LA wall.
Curvilinear, may be extensive (‘porcelain atrium’—ring shape on
frontal CXR, C shape on lateral view). - Calcified tumour—cardiac fibromas often contain dystrophic
calcification. Some metastases can also calcify. - Metastatic calcification—due to chronic renal failure/
hypercalcaemia/oxalosis. Usually diffuse throughout myocardium. - Severe sepsis/myocarditis—can rarely cause diffuse myocardial
calcification in the acute setting, which may slowly resolve after
Pericardium 6
- Previous pericarditis—idiopathic, uraemic, viral, TB, pyogenic infection. Calcification related to previous TB is usually thick, irregular and located along the atrioventricular groove.
- Following radiotherapy.
- Previous trauma—e.g. haemopericardium, cardiac surgery.
- Chronic renal failure/hypercalcaemia.
- Asbestos-related pleural plaques—overlying the pericardium.
- Calcified pericardial mass—e.g. pericardial cyst or teratoma
Coronary arteries
- Atheroma—Agatston score obtained by an unenhanced low-dose
CT assesses the extent of coronary artery calcification (not
soft-tissue plaques). It allows for a risk stratification for major
adverse cardiac events. - Chronic renal failure—often heavy diffuse calcification that is
partly related to advanced atheroma
LV generalized (concentric) myocardial wall thickening ≥12 mm (measured at end-diastole)
- Hypertension—LV wall usually <15 mm. Typically no LGE.
- Aortic stenosis—LV wall usually <15 mm. Typically no LGE.
- Athlete’s heart—LV wall usually <15 mm. No LGE. Normal cardiac
function. - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (concentric subtype)—LV wall
usually >15 mm. Patchy midwall areas of LGE, particularly at the
anterior and posterior insertion points of the RV. - Myocardial infiltration
(a) Amyloid—usually in older patients. Concentric myocardial
hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction and restrictive filling. Global
subendocardial LGE is pathognomonic. Difficult to achieve
myocardial nulling on the TI scout. Often involves both
ventricles and atria; thickening of the RA free wall >6 mm is
suggestive. Pericardial and pleural effusions are common.
(b) Fabry disease—younger patients, M>F (X-linked). Concentric
LV hypertrophy with focal LGE typically in the basal
inferolateral midwall.
(c) Danon disease—younger patients, X-linked, rare. Marked
concentric LV thickening (up to 60 mm) ± RV thickening.
Subendocardial LGE not conforming to a vascular territory
RV generalized myocardial wall thickening
- Pulmonary hypertension.
- RV outflow tract obstruction—e.g. tumour, myocardial infiltration
or congenital bands. - Pulmonary valve stenosis
Focal myocardial thickening
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—many subtypes depending on
region of LV myocardium involved. Thickness usually >15 mm. LGE
is usually present in a patchy midwall distribution, often involving
the thickest segments.116 Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis
(a) Classical (asymmetric)—most common (70% of patients).
Hypertrophy involves the basal anteroseptal and anterior
segments, which can obstruct the LV outflow tract and cause
systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve.
(b) Apical (Yamaguchi syndrome)—more common in East Asian
patients. ‘Ace of spades’ appearance of LV due to apical
thickening ± thin-walled apical aneurysm with LGE
(‘burned-out apex’). RV apex may also be involved.
(c) Midventricular—thickened mid-third of LV myocardium ±
apical aneurysm, resulting in a dumbbell configuration. Rare.
(d) Mass-like—focal myocardial thickening, which may mimic a
neoplasm, but can be differentiated based on T1/T2 signal
(isointense to normal myocardium), contractility on myocardial
tagging sequences and the typical LGE pattern.
(e) Noncontiguous—separate focal areas of LV wall thickening ±
patchy LGE. - Sarcoidosis* (acute phase)—focal nodular areas of myocardial
thickening, most commonly in the basal septum and LV free wall,
demonstrating increased T2 signal and midwall/transmural LGE,
representing active granulomatous inflammation. - Eosinophilic myocarditis/endomyocardial fibrosis—both
conditions have similar and characteristic features on MRI:
obliteration of the RV and/or LV apex with subendocardial LGE and
overlying mural thrombus. Differentiation between the two is
based on the presence of eosinophilia (absent in endomyocardial
fibrosis). The appearances may mimic apical HCM, but the apical
obliteration is due to fibrosis rather than true hypertrophy. - Friedreich ataxia—young patients. Focal thickening of LV septum
and posterior wall. Diagnosis usually known due to earlier onset of
neurological abnormalities
Myocardial thinning
- Generalized—in LV dilatation due to IHD or DCM. The presence/
absence of coronary artery disease and pattern of LGE helps
differentiate the two—subendocardial in IHD, midwall (or no LGE)
in DCM. - Focal
(a) Previous infarction—most common cause. May be associated
with focal fat deposition, calcification and aneurysm/
pseudoaneurysm formation. Subendocardial or transmural LGE
on MRI. Conforms to coronary artery territory.
(b) LV noncompaction—congenital arrest of the normal
compaction process of LV trabeculae resulting in characteristic
focal myocardial thinning and hypertrabeculation, most
commonly involving the midapical myocardium ±
subendocardial/trabecular LGE ± small mural thrombi. The Cardiovascular system 117
ratio of noncompacted to compacted myocardium is usually
>2:1 at end systole on short-axis views.
(c) Sarcoidosis* (chronic/fibrotic phase)—typically involves the
basal septum and LV free wall with focal thinning and patchy
subepicardial/midwall LGE ± aneurysms.
(d) Myocardial crypt—narrow U/V-shaped clefts within the LV
myocardium most commonly found in the inferobasal region,
without evidence of noncompaction. Usually a normal variant
but can also be associated with HCM mutations.
(e) Takotsubo cardiomyopathy—transient LV dysfunction caused
by severe emotional/physical stress, most common in
postmenopausal women, although it can also rarely be due to
an underlying phaeochromocytoma. Typically causes
hypokinesis of the midapical LV with apical ballooning and
thinning in systole ± myocardial oedema, but characteristically
no LGE. An ‘inverted’ pattern of hypokinesis involving the
basal/midventricular myocardium has also been described.
(f) Burned-out HCM—e.g. at the LV apex in the apical/
midventricular subtypes.
(g) Chagas disease* (chronic)—protozoan infection (Trypanosoma
cruzi) endemic in areas of Central/South America. Causes focal
thinning, akinesis and fibrosis of the LV myocardium typically
involving the apex and inferolateral wall with midwall/
subepicardial LGE. Apical aneurysms are common.
Fatty lesions of the myocardium
- Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum—normal
variant associated with increasing age, obesity and steroid use.
Typically dumbbell-shaped and spares the fossa ovalis. Often
demonstrates increased uptake on PET due to brown fat content. - Fatty replacement of an old myocardial infarct—usually linear
and subendocardial in the LV, with evidence of coronary artery
disease ± myocardial calcification/thinning. - Lipoma—well-defined purely fatty mass, usually endocardial
(protruding into lumen) or epicardial (protruding into pericardial
space). - Fatty infiltration of the RV free wall—typically seen in ARVC, but
may also be seen incidentally in older patients (usually in the
RVOT). In ARVC there is also RV enlargement + hypokinesis ± LGE
± small aneurysms. The LV is affected less frequently. - Tuberous sclerosis*—unencapsulated fatty deposits (often
multiple), typically midmyocardial in the septum/LV. Cardiac
angiomyolipomas have also been reported. - Teratoma—rare, usually intrapericardial, typically presents in
infancy. Soft-tissue, fluid and calcified components also present.118 Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis - Liposarcoma—very rare. Often large, infiltrative + soft-tissue
component ± metastases