Obesity Causes and Consequences Flashcards
Which children are at a higher risk of obesity? (2)
. Small for date infants (controlled by in utero environment)
. Children who are overweight under the age of 5 years old, with at least one or both parents being overweight
. Also, overweight teenagers are more likely to develop into obese adults
Which factors put some females at a higher risk of obesity? (3)
Pregnancy, oral contraceptive, menopause
What is the general pattern for weight gain in males?
. Usually progressive increase in weight until 60s, weight stabilises between 55 and 64 years and then slowly declines
. Bit of weight gain in mid-years due to reduced activity and increased calorie intake
Give 3 lifestyle factors that can contribute to weight gain.
Sleep deprivation, smoking cessation (nicotine withdrawal leads to increased hunger), drugs (e.g. antidepressants, beta-blockers etc.)
Give 4 illnesses that induce weight gain.
Hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, hypothalamic obesity (extreme insatiable appetite)
Give 4 monogenic causes of obesity.
Melanocortin-4-receptor defect, POMC gene defect, leptin defect, leptin receptor defect
What is a MC4R defect?
Melanocortin-4-receptor defect- associated with early onset obesity and taller than average height
What is a POMC defect?
Adrenal crisis in infancy leads to hyperphagia (insatiable appetite and excess eating) and thus obesity
What is leptin? What is the effect of a leptin gene defect?
Leptin is a hormone produced by adipocytes to inhibit hunger and give a sense of satiety. It signals to the brain the extent of fat in storage. Leptin defect associated with hyperphagia due to still feeling hungry and thus can lead to obesity.
What is a leptin receptor defect?
Leptin not detected so brain doesn’t receive signal or being full, leads to hyperphagia and obesity
What are ob/ob mice?
Mice with leptin defiency
What are db/db mice?
Mice with leptin receptor defect
What is the range for a normal BMI? What is the range for being obese?
Normal is 18.5-24.9
Obese is 30-39.9
Give three ways of assessing if someone is obese.
BMI, waist measurement, waist to hip ratio
What is visceral fat?
Deep fat in the abdominal cavity packed around organs